Divorce: a new life, or missed opportunities?
You have made the decision to divorce. Stop and think what can You lose? Only if the habitual way of life and peace of mind?
Usually the decision to divorce is made on emotions. At this point, we are driven by one desire – to stop a situation that brings the pain. It seems to us that the partner, relationship with him is the source of the pain, and once he's removed, as we will be okay. Yes, at first maybe more, but then it will be better than now. Is it really so?
Many of You have met people who have become after the divorce, more healthy, successful, happy? I am in my more than 20 years of practice as a psychologist, psychotherapist, sex therapist – haven't seen it. After all, divorce is not simply the termination of relations. Is the collapse of the family. Because it inevitably starts a chain reaction of losses.
Men are afraid to lose the opportunity to communicate with the child. And for good reason. How would a woman strive to ensure contact of the child with the father, quality and quantity of this communication will never be the same as in the days when the family was complete. In any case, no matter how parents may protect children from anxiety – children always suffer when parents breakup. Often this injury is for life and its consequences affect the health, ability to find themselves in society and build their relationship.
Now all the more common situation is when a child leaves her father. Typically, these scenarios are the most dramatic, especially when it comes to young children. Wounded in his pride fathers sue mothers of children and do not allow communication. For a child this development is a real tragedy, because parents, his dear mom and dad, be between fierce enemies, and the child is in the midst of this field of mutual hatred.
Property, money
As a result of the divorce, divided the property, business, General savings. Regardless of in what proportions is this section, in any case, none of the spouses does not win. After all, when the family was complete, everyone owned everything, and now the whole disintegrates.
Instead of the desired "liberation" people get severe psychological trauma. This affects their health, there was evidence of severe stress. Hormonal disorders, poor sleep, higher incidence of viral infections is still the easiest of the degree of damage. Very often, a divorce triggers the formation of chronic diseases.
Success in work and business
The person begins to feel worse, it's harder for him to concentrate, decreases efficiency. Intuition works worse – and he's making bad decisions. In the end – often just lost interest – and this is only a mechanistic explanation for why always after divorce, people become more successful in your career and business. There is another, deeper reason. Person leaves the creative energy, which is a necessary condition of success. Before it seemed that "free" life will Shine with new colors and all the cases will go to the mountain. But no, the new projects do not add up, we need people who are not invested the money burned...
My clients often talk about the mystical, fatal bad luck that accompanies virtually all cases, whether business or social activities. Literally everything goes wrong. Everything is falling apart.
The biggest loss
So, when you divorce You can not secure a harmonious communication with children and inflict serious injury. Your property, money, business, too, "sawn" in the context of divorce. You lose health. You leave good luck in business. But most importantly, what You lose is the ability to solve the problem between You and Your partner. You lose the ability to establish a harmonious relationship in Your family. No matter how You studied the problem, worked on themselves or understand how it WAS necessary to build family relationships AFTER DIVORCE – You just don't have the ability to apply this knowledge. You out of the game, You are removed from the field! You have nothing to change in this situation, it is for You ended in defeat. That is, You lose the opportunity of a positive experience, an opportunity for spiritual growth, because in the family man reveals all his spiritual and personal potential. Family is the most powerful spiritual practice.
What to do?
If You are on the verge of making this devastating decision, it's best to stop. Do not take irreversible action. All problems have solutions, and this is not necessarily a breakup and divorce. Whatever is insoluble may seem Your situation is, it has its reason, which can and need to work. If you cannot understand yourself, You will be a qualified specialist. Perhaps the problem is rooted deep in Your subconscious.
Modern techniques allow us to penetrate the deepest levels of Your Even if Your partner refuses to work on the situation sees no point, does not believe in), you will only need Your commitment and active participation. Pursuing deep work on yourself, You will soon see how like magic will begin to change Your attitude, the atmosphere, the energy between You. As a result of this work has already saved hundreds of couples. People not only avoid divorce and all related losses, they were able to bring their family to the next, before they knew the level of harmony, unconditional love and happiness. It really works in almost any situation and will definitely help You. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: /users/8996
Usually the decision to divorce is made on emotions. At this point, we are driven by one desire – to stop a situation that brings the pain. It seems to us that the partner, relationship with him is the source of the pain, and once he's removed, as we will be okay. Yes, at first maybe more, but then it will be better than now. Is it really so?
Many of You have met people who have become after the divorce, more healthy, successful, happy? I am in my more than 20 years of practice as a psychologist, psychotherapist, sex therapist – haven't seen it. After all, divorce is not simply the termination of relations. Is the collapse of the family. Because it inevitably starts a chain reaction of losses.

Men are afraid to lose the opportunity to communicate with the child. And for good reason. How would a woman strive to ensure contact of the child with the father, quality and quantity of this communication will never be the same as in the days when the family was complete. In any case, no matter how parents may protect children from anxiety – children always suffer when parents breakup. Often this injury is for life and its consequences affect the health, ability to find themselves in society and build their relationship.
Now all the more common situation is when a child leaves her father. Typically, these scenarios are the most dramatic, especially when it comes to young children. Wounded in his pride fathers sue mothers of children and do not allow communication. For a child this development is a real tragedy, because parents, his dear mom and dad, be between fierce enemies, and the child is in the midst of this field of mutual hatred.
Property, money
As a result of the divorce, divided the property, business, General savings. Regardless of in what proportions is this section, in any case, none of the spouses does not win. After all, when the family was complete, everyone owned everything, and now the whole disintegrates.
Instead of the desired "liberation" people get severe psychological trauma. This affects their health, there was evidence of severe stress. Hormonal disorders, poor sleep, higher incidence of viral infections is still the easiest of the degree of damage. Very often, a divorce triggers the formation of chronic diseases.
Success in work and business
The person begins to feel worse, it's harder for him to concentrate, decreases efficiency. Intuition works worse – and he's making bad decisions. In the end – often just lost interest – and this is only a mechanistic explanation for why always after divorce, people become more successful in your career and business. There is another, deeper reason. Person leaves the creative energy, which is a necessary condition of success. Before it seemed that "free" life will Shine with new colors and all the cases will go to the mountain. But no, the new projects do not add up, we need people who are not invested the money burned...
My clients often talk about the mystical, fatal bad luck that accompanies virtually all cases, whether business or social activities. Literally everything goes wrong. Everything is falling apart.
The biggest loss
So, when you divorce You can not secure a harmonious communication with children and inflict serious injury. Your property, money, business, too, "sawn" in the context of divorce. You lose health. You leave good luck in business. But most importantly, what You lose is the ability to solve the problem between You and Your partner. You lose the ability to establish a harmonious relationship in Your family. No matter how You studied the problem, worked on themselves or understand how it WAS necessary to build family relationships AFTER DIVORCE – You just don't have the ability to apply this knowledge. You out of the game, You are removed from the field! You have nothing to change in this situation, it is for You ended in defeat. That is, You lose the opportunity of a positive experience, an opportunity for spiritual growth, because in the family man reveals all his spiritual and personal potential. Family is the most powerful spiritual practice.
What to do?
If You are on the verge of making this devastating decision, it's best to stop. Do not take irreversible action. All problems have solutions, and this is not necessarily a breakup and divorce. Whatever is insoluble may seem Your situation is, it has its reason, which can and need to work. If you cannot understand yourself, You will be a qualified specialist. Perhaps the problem is rooted deep in Your subconscious.
Modern techniques allow us to penetrate the deepest levels of Your Even if Your partner refuses to work on the situation sees no point, does not believe in), you will only need Your commitment and active participation. Pursuing deep work on yourself, You will soon see how like magic will begin to change Your attitude, the atmosphere, the energy between You. As a result of this work has already saved hundreds of couples. People not only avoid divorce and all related losses, they were able to bring their family to the next, before they knew the level of harmony, unconditional love and happiness. It really works in almost any situation and will definitely help You. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: /users/8996
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