Hu-Chong-gang: unique anti-aging exercises Chinese empresses
The origin of these techniques is shrouded in legends. Here is one of these legends. In China there was a monastery which was famous for the fact that the monks lived there up to 120 years, remaining cheerful and energetic, mind and body.
Anyone who begins to practice these exercises, from the very first minutes of training begins to feel like it is increasing vital forces, as has in his body a refreshing source of energy.
The Chinese had formulated 4 basic principles that work for all kinds of Chinese medicine, including for Hu-CHEON-gang. These principles include:
1. All movements should be slow. You are only in the beginning. Feel free to move like a snail or turtle.
2. The breathing should be natural. Watch your breath. But it is not necessary to “command ” their own breath. Breathe smoothly and quietly.
3. The exercises should be done without any stress. Imagine that you are a puppet: allow yourself to move slowly, very slowly.
4. Throughout the exercise, focus on something one. and most importantly - do not strain! Focusing on specific points of the body accelerates the impact of exercises. For example, focusing on the palm aktiviziruyutsya all meridians passing through the points of the palm.
To perform these exercises do not need much space - you can execute them next to your Desk, the problem of space arises.
Of course, it would be great to perform anti-aging exercises in nature, but the possibility is not always.
The Chinese recommend the exercise of the Hu-Chong-gang early in the morning or in the evening before bedtime. At the same time before bed is the most comfortable.
Select suitable clothes for training. Clothing should be spacious, not constraining movements. Tight belt, for example, may interfere with some movements. Not suitable for the high-heeled shoes: Slippers Chinese prefer easy thin sole, so as not to disturb the contact with the energy of the earth.
It is best to perform the exercises in the order that I lead. A set of exercises is executed once a day.
Exercise 1. Open the shoulders
Why you need this exercise? It opens the shoulders, turns them down, freeing the meridians that run over the shoulders, from the possible blocks.
Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart. Relaxed hands hang along the body. Breathe calmly, deeply. Feel like expanding your rib cage. And smile, imagining that you are young and full of energy.
Hands put on legs slightly squat, upper body slightly leaning forward. Slowly move the hands on the kneecaps.
Now slightly lift the hips. Head and shoulders down, hands off kneecaps and freely svecite down. Exhale.
Now start slowly to rise. Get up to the starting position.
Repeat this exercise 8 times.
Exercise 2. “Return of spring”
This exercise is considered the most important rejuvenating exercise of Hu-CHEON-gang. Vibrating spring movement has a positive effect on metabolism, improve skin color. The face is cleansed, gets rid of pimples, fades skin peeling.
Attention! There are contraindications. This exercise is not recommended for pregnant women. Prohibited this exercise and those who recently underwent a serious operation on the abdomen (less than 6 months ago), as well as heavy menstrual bleeding.
Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart. Hands hang freely along the body.
Take a deep breath and on the exhale, gently squat down, keeping the upper body in a straight position. Try to consciously relax all the muscles of the body, and then make a springy movement of the knees so that the vibrations spread throughout the body. In any case, do not try to command your breathing, it will tune to the rhythm of the vibrations.
All you have to do order 164 of vibrating movements.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.prodolgoletie.ru/hu-chon-gang-omolazhivayushhie-uprazhneniya-kitayskih-imperatrits-pravila-vyipolneniya-uprazhneniy
Anyone who begins to practice these exercises, from the very first minutes of training begins to feel like it is increasing vital forces, as has in his body a refreshing source of energy.

The Chinese had formulated 4 basic principles that work for all kinds of Chinese medicine, including for Hu-CHEON-gang. These principles include:
1. All movements should be slow. You are only in the beginning. Feel free to move like a snail or turtle.
2. The breathing should be natural. Watch your breath. But it is not necessary to “command ” their own breath. Breathe smoothly and quietly.
3. The exercises should be done without any stress. Imagine that you are a puppet: allow yourself to move slowly, very slowly.
4. Throughout the exercise, focus on something one. and most importantly - do not strain! Focusing on specific points of the body accelerates the impact of exercises. For example, focusing on the palm aktiviziruyutsya all meridians passing through the points of the palm.
To perform these exercises do not need much space - you can execute them next to your Desk, the problem of space arises.
Of course, it would be great to perform anti-aging exercises in nature, but the possibility is not always.
The Chinese recommend the exercise of the Hu-Chong-gang early in the morning or in the evening before bedtime. At the same time before bed is the most comfortable.
Select suitable clothes for training. Clothing should be spacious, not constraining movements. Tight belt, for example, may interfere with some movements. Not suitable for the high-heeled shoes: Slippers Chinese prefer easy thin sole, so as not to disturb the contact with the energy of the earth.
It is best to perform the exercises in the order that I lead. A set of exercises is executed once a day.
Exercise 1. Open the shoulders
Why you need this exercise? It opens the shoulders, turns them down, freeing the meridians that run over the shoulders, from the possible blocks.
Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart. Relaxed hands hang along the body. Breathe calmly, deeply. Feel like expanding your rib cage. And smile, imagining that you are young and full of energy.
Hands put on legs slightly squat, upper body slightly leaning forward. Slowly move the hands on the kneecaps.
Now slightly lift the hips. Head and shoulders down, hands off kneecaps and freely svecite down. Exhale.
Now start slowly to rise. Get up to the starting position.
Repeat this exercise 8 times.
Exercise 2. “Return of spring”
This exercise is considered the most important rejuvenating exercise of Hu-CHEON-gang. Vibrating spring movement has a positive effect on metabolism, improve skin color. The face is cleansed, gets rid of pimples, fades skin peeling.
Attention! There are contraindications. This exercise is not recommended for pregnant women. Prohibited this exercise and those who recently underwent a serious operation on the abdomen (less than 6 months ago), as well as heavy menstrual bleeding.
Stand straight with feet shoulder width apart. Hands hang freely along the body.
Take a deep breath and on the exhale, gently squat down, keeping the upper body in a straight position. Try to consciously relax all the muscles of the body, and then make a springy movement of the knees so that the vibrations spread throughout the body. In any case, do not try to command your breathing, it will tune to the rhythm of the vibrations.
All you have to do order 164 of vibrating movements.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.prodolgoletie.ru/hu-chon-gang-omolazhivayushhie-uprazhneniya-kitayskih-imperatrits-pravila-vyipolneniya-uprazhneniy
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