Rules of medical diet Table N10
Diet is one of the main conditions of treatment of many diseases.
In case of violation of the cardiovascular system of the patient to adhere to recommended medical diet "Table 10", which allows to reduce the amount of salt, fatty foods and at the same time, to enrich the body with all necessary useful substances.
Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
The diet involves the restriction of vegetable fiber, salt, products with a high content of bad cholesterol that contribute to flatulence, as well as irritating the digestive tract.
Allowed to include in the diet boiled and baked vegetables in a small amount you can use fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, greens and carrots. Fish are the only recommended low-fat varieties, boiled or baked in the oven. Meat is prepared in a similar way, it is recommended to give preference to veal, beef, chicken, rabbit and Turkey.
As for first courses, then the diet "Table 10" should eat soups, cooked in vegetable broth with potatoes and other vegetables or grains. Also allowed dairy and fruit soups.
In diet can include yesterday's wheat or rye bread, biscuits and cookies nesdobnoe, no more than 1 egg a day, cooked in any way, lactic acid drink, cheese, cream and whole milk if it does not cause bloating. Prohibited salty cheese.
In addition, the diet allows consumption of vegetable oil and butter, cereals and pastas, berries and soft fruits. Of sweets can sweets, honey and candy. From drinks it is recommended to drink weak tea, stewed fruit, broth hips, fruit and vegetable juices except grape.
Subject to medical diet "Table 10" is forbidden mushroom, meat and fish soups, fresh bread, muffin, puff pastry, pancakes, fatty meats and fish, meats and any pickles. Excludes legumes, radish, radish, sorrel and spinach in any form. You can not eat cakes, chocolate, fruits and vegetables with a high content of dietary fiber, canned. Of prohibited carbonated beverages, organic coffee and strong tea, cocoa.
Depending on diseases of the cardiovascular system or in the case of aggravation of the disease the patient can be assigned to a diet "Table 10A" or "Table 10S". They suggest more lenient and common menus, as well as complete elimination of salt from the diet. Products are usually consumed in ground form. To observe such diet can be from 1 to 3 weeks.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: domashniy.ru/
In case of violation of the cardiovascular system of the patient to adhere to recommended medical diet "Table 10", which allows to reduce the amount of salt, fatty foods and at the same time, to enrich the body with all necessary useful substances.

Photo: thinkstockphotos.com
The diet involves the restriction of vegetable fiber, salt, products with a high content of bad cholesterol that contribute to flatulence, as well as irritating the digestive tract.
Allowed to include in the diet boiled and baked vegetables in a small amount you can use fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, greens and carrots. Fish are the only recommended low-fat varieties, boiled or baked in the oven. Meat is prepared in a similar way, it is recommended to give preference to veal, beef, chicken, rabbit and Turkey.
As for first courses, then the diet "Table 10" should eat soups, cooked in vegetable broth with potatoes and other vegetables or grains. Also allowed dairy and fruit soups.
In diet can include yesterday's wheat or rye bread, biscuits and cookies nesdobnoe, no more than 1 egg a day, cooked in any way, lactic acid drink, cheese, cream and whole milk if it does not cause bloating. Prohibited salty cheese.
In addition, the diet allows consumption of vegetable oil and butter, cereals and pastas, berries and soft fruits. Of sweets can sweets, honey and candy. From drinks it is recommended to drink weak tea, stewed fruit, broth hips, fruit and vegetable juices except grape.
Subject to medical diet "Table 10" is forbidden mushroom, meat and fish soups, fresh bread, muffin, puff pastry, pancakes, fatty meats and fish, meats and any pickles. Excludes legumes, radish, radish, sorrel and spinach in any form. You can not eat cakes, chocolate, fruits and vegetables with a high content of dietary fiber, canned. Of prohibited carbonated beverages, organic coffee and strong tea, cocoa.
Depending on diseases of the cardiovascular system or in the case of aggravation of the disease the patient can be assigned to a diet "Table 10A" or "Table 10S". They suggest more lenient and common menus, as well as complete elimination of salt from the diet. Products are usually consumed in ground form. To observe such diet can be from 1 to 3 weeks.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: domashniy.ru/