40-30-20-10: learn the main rule of time management
All tips on time management boil down to what you need to focus on the most important and hardly leave time for distractions. But the problem is that it is very difficult to hold this line — important-not important. Usually in your to-do list filled with tasks that are important but to different degrees. Need to learn how to rearrange them. Consultant George Bradt, author of Forbes, offers a rule that would allow a reasonable plan all your time.
So, the 40-30-20-10 rule:
— 40% of your time should be spent on the priority task;
— 30% for the second important task
— 20% on the third
— 10% on everything else
This implies that you: 1) focus on the three most important activities; 2) set priorities among them; 3) spend a little — but very little time on everything else.
The three most important things toa Million years ago I was appointed team leader of five people. In the first week, I asked each to articulate three priorities for the upcoming week. Each brought a list of 10-12 points. I tried to get them to delete from the list anything, but to no avail. But I managed to convince them to allocate the three most important things to do.
Next week, I asked each of them how he dealt with three of the most important points. Everyone made one or two most important things. No one managed to finish all three. And in each case, the people explained that they had to work on other items in the list.
But I was not interested. I was interested in only one thing: how each coped with three of the most priority points.
In a few weeks they began to bring lists of all of the three points — they realized that the rest I'm still not going to talk to them.
And then happened the amazing thing. Instead of planning the fifty cases (at all) every week, but to catch just a few, they began to perform a total of 15 significant problems in a week. The moral: focus brings results.
The three main points: in what order?The 40-30-20-10 rule tells you that the most important thing you should spend twice as much time than third in importance. All animals are equal but some more equal than others. The priority usually brings the most important result. It is not just worth first. But it is important that it is theoretically important turned into practically meaningful invest their time.
Everything elseIs elementary mathematics. If 90% of your time will be spent on the first three points, all the rest remains only 10%. And then there are two important points.
First, it's still 10%. It is unrealistic to devote all his time to the three main tasks. There will always be some not the most important people (e.g. your boss) who wants you spent your time on what is important to them. Where to go? Ideally, what is important to them, appears in your list of three priorities. But if not, take some time to respond to these requests. If you do not allocate a specific time for it, these are not the most important things are to eat off time from more important occupations. For example, sleep.
Secondly, it is only 10%. Think about it. If you work 10 hours a day is only one hour. So, in this hour, you will have to deal with tasks under the numbers 4-40, all sorts of administrative cases, and other distracting circumstances. You'll manage — if you manage them correctly delegate. Learn how to do this. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: ideanomics.ru/?p=4968
So, the 40-30-20-10 rule:
— 40% of your time should be spent on the priority task;
— 30% for the second important task
— 20% on the third
— 10% on everything else
This implies that you: 1) focus on the three most important activities; 2) set priorities among them; 3) spend a little — but very little time on everything else.

The three most important things toa Million years ago I was appointed team leader of five people. In the first week, I asked each to articulate three priorities for the upcoming week. Each brought a list of 10-12 points. I tried to get them to delete from the list anything, but to no avail. But I managed to convince them to allocate the three most important things to do.
Next week, I asked each of them how he dealt with three of the most important points. Everyone made one or two most important things. No one managed to finish all three. And in each case, the people explained that they had to work on other items in the list.
But I was not interested. I was interested in only one thing: how each coped with three of the most priority points.
In a few weeks they began to bring lists of all of the three points — they realized that the rest I'm still not going to talk to them.
And then happened the amazing thing. Instead of planning the fifty cases (at all) every week, but to catch just a few, they began to perform a total of 15 significant problems in a week. The moral: focus brings results.
The three main points: in what order?The 40-30-20-10 rule tells you that the most important thing you should spend twice as much time than third in importance. All animals are equal but some more equal than others. The priority usually brings the most important result. It is not just worth first. But it is important that it is theoretically important turned into practically meaningful invest their time.
Everything elseIs elementary mathematics. If 90% of your time will be spent on the first three points, all the rest remains only 10%. And then there are two important points.
First, it's still 10%. It is unrealistic to devote all his time to the three main tasks. There will always be some not the most important people (e.g. your boss) who wants you spent your time on what is important to them. Where to go? Ideally, what is important to them, appears in your list of three priorities. But if not, take some time to respond to these requests. If you do not allocate a specific time for it, these are not the most important things are to eat off time from more important occupations. For example, sleep.
Secondly, it is only 10%. Think about it. If you work 10 hours a day is only one hour. So, in this hour, you will have to deal with tasks under the numbers 4-40, all sorts of administrative cases, and other distracting circumstances. You'll manage — if you manage them correctly delegate. Learn how to do this. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: ideanomics.ru/?p=4968
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