Spontaneous planning for those who hate time management
What to do when trying to accustom themselves to planning failed? What if life causes a feeling of monotony and boredom? Is there an antidote to the reluctance to perform the tasks?
The fact that people of a certain sort are not suitable system of time management based on goal setting, planning and prioritizing.
Absolutely real facts
Once, during a regular friendly conversation in the kitchen, leading psychologist and coach Oleg Matveev shared his secret with his mega-productivity. I was shocked!
But it surprised me not that. I was surprised by the approach to time management. I read books on time management, but have never met. What Oleg said is so simple and unusual that could not fail to arouse in me admiration.
By the way, do not know Oleg personally to see the results of his intense activity. He manages to conduct regular training sessions to record new podcasts to do an incredible amount of records in a blog, work with problems of people, to strengthen their knowledge in the English language, read books, put new video, watch movies in English, managing a variety of websites and chat on their forum.
Interesting fact: About eight years ago Oleg Matveev considered myself a very lazy person. Deep down he knew he was not realizing my potential at 100% and could cover a lot more... if you are not lazy!
“Time management is not for everyone”
In any book about time management runs the image of a successful and productive person. A disciplined professional who controls their time and reach their goals by the target date. He is punctual, keeps a diary and uses the software for planning.
But is this way to everyone without exception? Of course not! Despite the abundance of recommendations about how to become that person, more than half of the world's population is simply not able to realize this dream.
Those who are born to swim, books on time management are taught to run by land.
“Two kinds of people”
In psychology, socionics, physiognomy, the esoteric, astrology and numerology there are a great many types and subtypes of people. But they all fall into two large categories: the rational and the irrational.
The first type is people consistent, systematic, deliberate, organized and thoughtful. The second type is people are spontaneous, impulsive, flexible and improvising in unusual situations.
Almost all modern systems of time management are perfect just the rationals. But for the irrational, these methods are unnatural. When the irrationals are trying to accustom themselves to planning, he swims against the tide, and acting against their internal nature. It breaks itself.
Every irrationals, forcing myself to work on schedule, the following happens: he blows! That is, there comes a time when life becomes in the throat: there is no motivation, and feeling disgusted.
Perfect for irrational is to work for yourself or work in a casual creative atmosphere, where there are stringent requirements.
“Rational vs Irrational”
In books on socionics write that the irrational is people who do many different things and not bring them to the end. This is because the irrational no one spoke about the great potential that lie within them and how to use it.
It's not fair. After all, the world is full of information, like the rationals to reach their potential, but the recommendations on disclosure of potential irrational is very small. And recommendations known.
A curious fact:
The ratio of rational to irrational on the planet Earth approximately 49% to 51%.
You already know what type of? If not, then the following information will help you to decide.
Signs of rationals:
• I like to make a clear plan and consistently follow it to achieve your goal. Have one global goal and several subgoals;
• Performance and execution of tasks do not depend on the mood. Rationals are configured to work even if the emotional state is not conducive to this;
• In the Arsenal of rationals always several ways to achieve the goal. If you do not fit one, they try another;
• Calm attitude to monotonous work;
• The rationals comfortable when there is certainty and control over the situation;
• The rationals angered unforeseen circumstances, are forced to redo the whole plan. Protracted uncertainty lead to severe stress if long unable to bring the situation under control;
• Like order. They are comfortable when things are in their places;
• Learning new material, reading the book sequentially from beginning to end;
• In the morning planning what to eat for dinner. On Wednesday I plan what time you go shopping in the supermarket at the weekend.
The rationals can be compared with train drivers. They plan the route, time and duration of stops at intermediate stations. Arrive at the destination with accuracy to the minute and really don't like the unexpected delay of the train.
The great potential of the rationals
To become great professionals in one selected area. It is a potential guru in the business. They act thoughtfully and execute on time. They are appreciated for the quality of work done, punctuality and speed.
Successful rationals — the same way that passionately, but unsuccessfully, seek the irrational. To, since I don't know about their potential and how to realize it.
So, it is time to define the basic characteristics of the irrational and to know what their potential is.
Signs of irrational:
• Have a whole Arsenal of different purposes. Strive to Excel in various fields;
• When you fail to achieve one goal, the irrational switch to another. Unlike the rationals, that change is not a goal but a way of achieving it.
• The performance heavily depends on my mood. If the irrationals in a bad mood, he will avoid the planned work, putting it “for later”;
• Uniformity and monotony oppresses them. Love to do the work in the form of games. Often looking for new approaches to perform the same work;
• Spontaneous and unpredictable. In unforeseen circumstances, act quickly, flexibly and effectively. The lack of control over the situation doesn't bother them;
• Don't like to put things in order. They don't care, are things in their places or not. The term “creative mess” invented by irrational;
• Always tolerate failures, trying to apply the recommendations of recognized management systems;
• Motivation drops, if you have to study new material by reading the book in strict sequence. Often they want to get ahead of myself and go to the more interesting chapters;
• Irrational difficult to answer such questions as: “What do you want for dinner?” “How long you visiting?”, “How much time do you need to do this job?”;
• When you tell, often distracted by extraneous topics, then return to the main theme, then again distracted.
The irrational similar to car drivers, who at any moment may deviate from the intended path and go the other way. For example, if looming the tube, they quickly turn and go around her. If suddenly called a relative for an emergency, they turn around and go in the opposite direction.
To respond quickly to unforeseen situations the drivers of the trains is much harder than motorists. But they are more likely to reach their destination than drivers that is constantly changing direction.
The great potential of the irrational
The successful irrational uncommon. But if they get caught, deeply surprised others. People have time to learn multiple languages, to manage three businesses, to do two sports, time with family, attend new seminars, to travel, to communicate with new people, the day to visit different places, explore a few very different areas and so on.
That is, they are successful in very different fields and create the impression of people who manage to do a hundred things at once.
Oleh Matveyev — a vivid example of the irrationals, who once found the key to his spontaneous personality type. By the way, that period of life when he thought he was lazy refers to the period of ineffective attempts to apply the conventional rational approaches in achieving goals and success.
So, if you have decided that relate to the irrational, then, you will be happy and will inspire further information. Learning about spontaneous planning, irrational feel an internal lift, since it resonates with their inner nature.
But if you are rational, you should not delay the reading. Perhaps one day you will be able to provide invaluable assistance familiar irrationals, who, gritting his teeth, instills planning :)
“DISADVANTAGE # 1: Irrational not bring it started to end and grab another matter
As we remember, in his Arsenal, and the irrational are a fan of a wide variety of purposes. They both want to learn to play the guitar, create your website, write a book, perform on stage, act in films, to be a scientist to circumnavigate the globe, to design and so on.
A new occupation, like a breath of fresh air that fills their lives with meaning and makes a variety. At first things go well, but soon inevitably there comes the first difficulty. They overcome it and then are again faced with another obstacle.
And now, after some time, the occupation begins to pall. They understand that success is not as close as I wanted. Understand that achieving good results is based on the long and hard work, which no longer involves diversity. New territory is mastered, the interest dried up, and then you just have to plow.
The first error irrational:
They strive for the same goal, isolating themselves from other targets. For example, learning Adobe Photoshop, in parallel they want to develop a program to create music, but suppress this desire.
They think: “I can't afford to study several programs at the same time. First, I will master one and then move to another. Otherwise you'll get confused, and my training will be ineffective”
The solution to the problem. Any normal irrationals this decision will make jump for joy and anticipation of the incredible opportunities that have just opened. Here it is:
Cute irrational, but you just made for this, dammit! Ignore what others say! Score on a rule of reason that make you move sequentially: first one, then another. This rule is not for you.
You were created to multitask. So will they! Learn English, Spanish and French. At the same time make your website and write a new book. At the same time learn Photoshop, Cubase, 3D Max, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Sony Vegas, Affter Effects, Flash, Dreamweaver and program in ten languages at once!
The monotony and odnozadachnist kill you, understand! Right now think about and list three or four goals that you would like to achieve. Now tell yourself: “I can do all of those things!”. Presented? Well, how do you like it? :)
“FLAW number 2: the Monotony and monotonous work to kill motivation”
The irrational do not love monotony. That is why they tend to abandon promising projects, switching to something more interesting.
As you remember, the irrational nature to look for new approaches to work. They are driven by the desire for variety because variety keeps things interesting and is the source of their motivation. The thirst for the new in their blood.
Only one problem — in any job there comes the monotony. And here lies...
The second mistake is irrational:
In pursuit of the result they completely ignore the natural need of new experiences. Here is a similar point: “Yes, now I want to do something else. But I should not be wasted, if you want to succeed. I have to continue what we started!”
This setup comes out sideways. The irrational force yourself to move on when they feel that their interest waned. Instead fill yourself with new experiences, temporarily switching to another area, they continue to operate, killing motivation.
Solution: diversity! This decision followed the call to be multi-tasking and answers the question: “How can I achieve several goals at once?”
In order to avoid monotony and to bring the case to the end, spontaneously switch from one activity to another during the day many times.
A few hours play the guitar, then the hour you spend writing the book, in fifteen minutes, answer email for half an hour read a book about business, then go work for a customer, and then learn English.
Week at this pace and you will be pleasantly surprised with the results. Two weeks later you say, “And this?”. After a month you'll be stunned! And in six months people won't believe that such a thing is possible.
“FLAW # 3: Productivity in mood”
Irrational performance strongly depends on the mood. It is a fact. Make irrationals are inspired and work hard when he's not in the mood, and you put a monument in life!
This “shortcoming” completely invalidates any attempt to live according to the schedule. Today, the irrationals have planned that tomorrow at 14 o'clock he will make a presentation to management. But tomorrow, unexpectedly, he suddenly realizes that he has no desire to do this work.
That's why the big mistake of the irrational is a plan of things that need to be done tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and after after tomorrow.
It is impossible to plan for Tuesday cases A, B and C, and the environment G, E and J. Because you can't know whether on Tuesday, the desire to do A, B and C, and not, say only E and J. There are in advance impossible to predict. So just stop doing it. Once and for all!
Secret solution: if the irrationals not in the mood to do something, it automatically means that he has mood to do something else! But the irrationals do not know what he wants. So keep a list of various cases from different areas that I want to do and regularly review it.
“End of part”
Well, dear friends. In this first part of the article came to an end. In it we discussed the basics of spontaneous planning, laying a solid Foundation for the second part.
Honestly, I didn't expect that the text will turn out exactly the way it happened. In terms of the article it was a bit different. As planned, after describing the differences of the rational from the irrational, had to go of concrete practical steps. But my irrational nature took over and took my thoughts in an unexpected direction :)
By the way, the cream, had to be postponed to the second part. According to tradition, it will be practical. In it you will learn how to live without goals and like spend time working in spontaneous rhythm, staying in an endless stream of inspiring change, while not sprayed.
Finally, let's summarize to consolidate the material covered.
• Generally accepted system of time management are not fit for the irrational;
• The great potential of the irrational — to be successful in several different fields;
• The irrational is to allow yourself a unsystematic to move in several directions simultaneously. It is the Foundation of their success;
• Variety, so I want the irrational, the spontaneous switching is achieved for different activities during the day;
• Keep a list of the areas in which they want to achieve success, regularly look into it and choose the direction which right now is the soul;
That's about it.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vk.com/transerfing_official?w=wall-72062669_645
The fact that people of a certain sort are not suitable system of time management based on goal setting, planning and prioritizing.
Absolutely real facts
Once, during a regular friendly conversation in the kitchen, leading psychologist and coach Oleg Matveev shared his secret with his mega-productivity. I was shocked!
But it surprised me not that. I was surprised by the approach to time management. I read books on time management, but have never met. What Oleg said is so simple and unusual that could not fail to arouse in me admiration.

By the way, do not know Oleg personally to see the results of his intense activity. He manages to conduct regular training sessions to record new podcasts to do an incredible amount of records in a blog, work with problems of people, to strengthen their knowledge in the English language, read books, put new video, watch movies in English, managing a variety of websites and chat on their forum.
Interesting fact: About eight years ago Oleg Matveev considered myself a very lazy person. Deep down he knew he was not realizing my potential at 100% and could cover a lot more... if you are not lazy!
“Time management is not for everyone”
In any book about time management runs the image of a successful and productive person. A disciplined professional who controls their time and reach their goals by the target date. He is punctual, keeps a diary and uses the software for planning.
But is this way to everyone without exception? Of course not! Despite the abundance of recommendations about how to become that person, more than half of the world's population is simply not able to realize this dream.
Those who are born to swim, books on time management are taught to run by land.
“Two kinds of people”
In psychology, socionics, physiognomy, the esoteric, astrology and numerology there are a great many types and subtypes of people. But they all fall into two large categories: the rational and the irrational.
The first type is people consistent, systematic, deliberate, organized and thoughtful. The second type is people are spontaneous, impulsive, flexible and improvising in unusual situations.
Almost all modern systems of time management are perfect just the rationals. But for the irrational, these methods are unnatural. When the irrationals are trying to accustom themselves to planning, he swims against the tide, and acting against their internal nature. It breaks itself.
Every irrationals, forcing myself to work on schedule, the following happens: he blows! That is, there comes a time when life becomes in the throat: there is no motivation, and feeling disgusted.
Perfect for irrational is to work for yourself or work in a casual creative atmosphere, where there are stringent requirements.
“Rational vs Irrational”
In books on socionics write that the irrational is people who do many different things and not bring them to the end. This is because the irrational no one spoke about the great potential that lie within them and how to use it.
It's not fair. After all, the world is full of information, like the rationals to reach their potential, but the recommendations on disclosure of potential irrational is very small. And recommendations known.
A curious fact:
The ratio of rational to irrational on the planet Earth approximately 49% to 51%.
You already know what type of? If not, then the following information will help you to decide.
Signs of rationals:
• I like to make a clear plan and consistently follow it to achieve your goal. Have one global goal and several subgoals;
• Performance and execution of tasks do not depend on the mood. Rationals are configured to work even if the emotional state is not conducive to this;
• In the Arsenal of rationals always several ways to achieve the goal. If you do not fit one, they try another;
• Calm attitude to monotonous work;
• The rationals comfortable when there is certainty and control over the situation;
• The rationals angered unforeseen circumstances, are forced to redo the whole plan. Protracted uncertainty lead to severe stress if long unable to bring the situation under control;
• Like order. They are comfortable when things are in their places;
• Learning new material, reading the book sequentially from beginning to end;
• In the morning planning what to eat for dinner. On Wednesday I plan what time you go shopping in the supermarket at the weekend.
The rationals can be compared with train drivers. They plan the route, time and duration of stops at intermediate stations. Arrive at the destination with accuracy to the minute and really don't like the unexpected delay of the train.
The great potential of the rationals
To become great professionals in one selected area. It is a potential guru in the business. They act thoughtfully and execute on time. They are appreciated for the quality of work done, punctuality and speed.
Successful rationals — the same way that passionately, but unsuccessfully, seek the irrational. To, since I don't know about their potential and how to realize it.
So, it is time to define the basic characteristics of the irrational and to know what their potential is.
Signs of irrational:
• Have a whole Arsenal of different purposes. Strive to Excel in various fields;
• When you fail to achieve one goal, the irrational switch to another. Unlike the rationals, that change is not a goal but a way of achieving it.
• The performance heavily depends on my mood. If the irrationals in a bad mood, he will avoid the planned work, putting it “for later”;
• Uniformity and monotony oppresses them. Love to do the work in the form of games. Often looking for new approaches to perform the same work;
• Spontaneous and unpredictable. In unforeseen circumstances, act quickly, flexibly and effectively. The lack of control over the situation doesn't bother them;
• Don't like to put things in order. They don't care, are things in their places or not. The term “creative mess” invented by irrational;
• Always tolerate failures, trying to apply the recommendations of recognized management systems;
• Motivation drops, if you have to study new material by reading the book in strict sequence. Often they want to get ahead of myself and go to the more interesting chapters;
• Irrational difficult to answer such questions as: “What do you want for dinner?” “How long you visiting?”, “How much time do you need to do this job?”;
• When you tell, often distracted by extraneous topics, then return to the main theme, then again distracted.
The irrational similar to car drivers, who at any moment may deviate from the intended path and go the other way. For example, if looming the tube, they quickly turn and go around her. If suddenly called a relative for an emergency, they turn around and go in the opposite direction.
To respond quickly to unforeseen situations the drivers of the trains is much harder than motorists. But they are more likely to reach their destination than drivers that is constantly changing direction.
The great potential of the irrational
The successful irrational uncommon. But if they get caught, deeply surprised others. People have time to learn multiple languages, to manage three businesses, to do two sports, time with family, attend new seminars, to travel, to communicate with new people, the day to visit different places, explore a few very different areas and so on.
That is, they are successful in very different fields and create the impression of people who manage to do a hundred things at once.
Oleh Matveyev — a vivid example of the irrationals, who once found the key to his spontaneous personality type. By the way, that period of life when he thought he was lazy refers to the period of ineffective attempts to apply the conventional rational approaches in achieving goals and success.
So, if you have decided that relate to the irrational, then, you will be happy and will inspire further information. Learning about spontaneous planning, irrational feel an internal lift, since it resonates with their inner nature.
But if you are rational, you should not delay the reading. Perhaps one day you will be able to provide invaluable assistance familiar irrationals, who, gritting his teeth, instills planning :)
“DISADVANTAGE # 1: Irrational not bring it started to end and grab another matter
As we remember, in his Arsenal, and the irrational are a fan of a wide variety of purposes. They both want to learn to play the guitar, create your website, write a book, perform on stage, act in films, to be a scientist to circumnavigate the globe, to design and so on.
A new occupation, like a breath of fresh air that fills their lives with meaning and makes a variety. At first things go well, but soon inevitably there comes the first difficulty. They overcome it and then are again faced with another obstacle.
And now, after some time, the occupation begins to pall. They understand that success is not as close as I wanted. Understand that achieving good results is based on the long and hard work, which no longer involves diversity. New territory is mastered, the interest dried up, and then you just have to plow.
The first error irrational:
They strive for the same goal, isolating themselves from other targets. For example, learning Adobe Photoshop, in parallel they want to develop a program to create music, but suppress this desire.
They think: “I can't afford to study several programs at the same time. First, I will master one and then move to another. Otherwise you'll get confused, and my training will be ineffective”
The solution to the problem. Any normal irrationals this decision will make jump for joy and anticipation of the incredible opportunities that have just opened. Here it is:
Cute irrational, but you just made for this, dammit! Ignore what others say! Score on a rule of reason that make you move sequentially: first one, then another. This rule is not for you.
You were created to multitask. So will they! Learn English, Spanish and French. At the same time make your website and write a new book. At the same time learn Photoshop, Cubase, 3D Max, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Sony Vegas, Affter Effects, Flash, Dreamweaver and program in ten languages at once!
The monotony and odnozadachnist kill you, understand! Right now think about and list three or four goals that you would like to achieve. Now tell yourself: “I can do all of those things!”. Presented? Well, how do you like it? :)
“FLAW number 2: the Monotony and monotonous work to kill motivation”
The irrational do not love monotony. That is why they tend to abandon promising projects, switching to something more interesting.
As you remember, the irrational nature to look for new approaches to work. They are driven by the desire for variety because variety keeps things interesting and is the source of their motivation. The thirst for the new in their blood.
Only one problem — in any job there comes the monotony. And here lies...
The second mistake is irrational:
In pursuit of the result they completely ignore the natural need of new experiences. Here is a similar point: “Yes, now I want to do something else. But I should not be wasted, if you want to succeed. I have to continue what we started!”
This setup comes out sideways. The irrational force yourself to move on when they feel that their interest waned. Instead fill yourself with new experiences, temporarily switching to another area, they continue to operate, killing motivation.
Solution: diversity! This decision followed the call to be multi-tasking and answers the question: “How can I achieve several goals at once?”
In order to avoid monotony and to bring the case to the end, spontaneously switch from one activity to another during the day many times.
A few hours play the guitar, then the hour you spend writing the book, in fifteen minutes, answer email for half an hour read a book about business, then go work for a customer, and then learn English.
Week at this pace and you will be pleasantly surprised with the results. Two weeks later you say, “And this?”. After a month you'll be stunned! And in six months people won't believe that such a thing is possible.
“FLAW # 3: Productivity in mood”
Irrational performance strongly depends on the mood. It is a fact. Make irrationals are inspired and work hard when he's not in the mood, and you put a monument in life!
This “shortcoming” completely invalidates any attempt to live according to the schedule. Today, the irrationals have planned that tomorrow at 14 o'clock he will make a presentation to management. But tomorrow, unexpectedly, he suddenly realizes that he has no desire to do this work.
That's why the big mistake of the irrational is a plan of things that need to be done tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and after after tomorrow.
It is impossible to plan for Tuesday cases A, B and C, and the environment G, E and J. Because you can't know whether on Tuesday, the desire to do A, B and C, and not, say only E and J. There are in advance impossible to predict. So just stop doing it. Once and for all!
Secret solution: if the irrationals not in the mood to do something, it automatically means that he has mood to do something else! But the irrationals do not know what he wants. So keep a list of various cases from different areas that I want to do and regularly review it.
“End of part”
Well, dear friends. In this first part of the article came to an end. In it we discussed the basics of spontaneous planning, laying a solid Foundation for the second part.
Honestly, I didn't expect that the text will turn out exactly the way it happened. In terms of the article it was a bit different. As planned, after describing the differences of the rational from the irrational, had to go of concrete practical steps. But my irrational nature took over and took my thoughts in an unexpected direction :)
By the way, the cream, had to be postponed to the second part. According to tradition, it will be practical. In it you will learn how to live without goals and like spend time working in spontaneous rhythm, staying in an endless stream of inspiring change, while not sprayed.
Finally, let's summarize to consolidate the material covered.
• Generally accepted system of time management are not fit for the irrational;
• The great potential of the irrational — to be successful in several different fields;
• The irrational is to allow yourself a unsystematic to move in several directions simultaneously. It is the Foundation of their success;
• Variety, so I want the irrational, the spontaneous switching is achieved for different activities during the day;
• Keep a list of the areas in which they want to achieve success, regularly look into it and choose the direction which right now is the soul;
That's about it.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vk.com/transerfing_official?w=wall-72062669_645
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