Slackers is dedicated to: time management for the irrational
— Do you have plans for 5, 10 years? Where do you see yourself using that time?
— Nafig go with his plan. It is I the joy of life the spoils.
This text is devoted to slobs...
Those whose lives are changing constantly. Those who can't work a monotonically and incrementally. For those who have continuous work involving all hands in the head, then the rest of the world.
The creation of the methodology and research brought a simple thing: there is a lot to do and little time. It has been tried classic techniques of time management, but the result is the same: a lot of energy invested in technology themselves, and, after a certain period (several weeks or a few months) — when the weakened motivation, or just let go — all of these technologies necessarily are screwed. But the plan still as it is necessary, not only of themselves...
Many years ago a serious and sustained the boys agreed to consider themselves ideal and vital measure. And unlike all — to consider painful and malicious deviation from this perfect rule. Stereotypes and traditional views on education clearly indicate that every child needs to develop his discipline, preferably to an extreme degree. But the changeability in mood and actions — the result of irresponsible attitude towards their duties teachers and parents.
Photo by Sami Mannerheimo
Here is a list of the most common stereotypes:
Stereotypes about irrational
Carelessness is treated
Irrationality is innate, and slightly decreases in old age
Dolt can't finish the job
Learning to live with its peculiarities, the irrationals are perfectly completes the case. Maybe later deadline...
Don't come on time
If the time — every day at the same time, Yes.
Rip time
If you are unable to work — Yes. The ability to - more than any other.
Sloppiness is bad
Cat — that's fine. You just don't know how to cook them.
Unreliable people
Not more than the others, which was loaded with unreasonable expectations.
The irrational is more required, because they more than others suffer from problems with his character.
The irrational is often stereotyped diagnosed with ADHD
Curing irrationality is pointless. At the moment, science is not known neither medical nor educational means of the transformation of irrationals to rational. Moreover, it is not currently known to cause differences in dalnosti.
I responsibly declare:
Slobs are not to blame for his carelessness! And their parents are not to blame!
It is not treated, it is not corrected!
Sloppiness — the pejorative name-deep innate properties of the mind — irrationality.
An innate tendency towards stability or variability — most significant of all the innate properties of the person.
For the first time this property has described one well-known Carl Jung in his cult book “Psychological types”.
Up to this point, we come across a methods on time management, only the traditional type. The essence of which is to teach people to be rational.
This traditional approach contains a profound mistake.
The essence of the error is that the rational these tips and revelations are not needed. They intuitively feel and act in accordance with these recommendations before reading.
And irrational almost all of these tips are harmful. Because it is practically not feasible, or while trying to follow them, have an exceptionally negative impact on business.
I don't think you specifically need to give examples of rational and irrational. I am sure that in the life of any reader fully as bright slackers and steadily pedantic rationals.
I turn to the theory of it.
Jung first identified the rationality/irrationality as an independent property of the psyche, and described inherent to these types of signs and features. But even before young, we can find traces of this property in the temperaments of Hippocrates.
Choleric and Melancholic — the irrational. Sanguinic and Phlegmatic — rational.
Socionic authors identified several basic forms of rationality/irrationality.
1. Change mood
2. Switching speed
3. Performance
4. The response to rare and frequent events
5. The size of thoughts
Rationals have a pretty stable mood. It is not changing rapidly and, as a rule, under the influence of external causes. The irrational reverse. The mood changes suddenly and dramatically. And so that prearranged plans become completely irrelevant and difficult. In fact, the irrationals have two States: a flurry of activity and a drowning fish.
The irrational very quickly switch from one case to another. Can work in continuous shift. The rationals it is necessary to focus on the new lesson. Smoothly enter into the process. Preferably, in advance to schedule. The process sometimes takes long minutes, sometimes hours, sometimes a few days.
I have a master of finishing works. Talks about the easiest thing to happen at least in three stages. The first meeting never ends with agreements. It is possible to identify the need. At the second meeting is proof of the results first. And only on the third — harmonization of parts and a decision about the beginning of works.
This, of course, an extreme case, but it is in the tradition of the rationals.
The efficiency of rationals is very smooth and long. They slowly dispersed and then work many hours almost without interruption and decrease in intensity. The irrational very quickly light up, emit a lot of energy and quickly tire and lose interest. If rational active period usually lasts for weeks with breaks for sleep and a weekend, then the irrationals such period is rarely more than an hour or two.
A researcher from Vilnius Kalinauskas proposed the hypothesis that the irrational react to a single event, and rationals — only repeated often enough. To me, this idea seems to have the right to exist. Although I have not yet found unequivocal evidence.
Kalinauskas, single event attracts the attention of irrationals and with high probability leads to action. Rationals can long enough not to betray the values of the individual signals, and their only regular appearance is accepted as sufficient for decision-making fact.
The last symptom of short unrelated thoughts-expressions of the irrational and long related to the structure of rationals.
This distinction is very annoying communication. Lose the irrational thought process rational. Rationals try to find a connection between the separate independent statements of the irrational.
The case of the irrational and the rational is exposed to different risks. Risks of rationals associated, for the most part, to the unwillingness of the reactions to sudden and rapid dramatic changes in the situation. But in detail we are not going to stop, because this text — the other heroes.
1. Based on rare events
The selection of goals and planning based on rare events, should consider the high probability that the conditions to implement the plan can't be added to the date of the deadline. And possibly never. In fact, the irrationals is always a venture capitalist, ideas which work one time out of 20.
2. The risks of improvisation
The irrational very often rely on improvisation. They have a strong place. However, any improvisation is fraught with a high probability of individual errors and a total failure.
3. Risks of rapid assessment
The rating rapid events is not only the problem of low frequency, but also the negative psychological side. Psychologically, the irrational tend to overestimate the importance of the event. It is very likely that in a few days will be more modest.
4. Risks reschedule
Persistent irrational reschedule make quite a large probability of error of administration. In slozhnosochlenennogo project with a large number of collaborating parties, permanent transfers of events and checkpoints provoke the appearance of improper agreements and subsequent disruption of work.
Strengths and weaknesses of the irrational as employees
The prevailing stereotypes about the correct uniform and rasplanirovke labor interfere with the objective to evaluate the irrationals as an employee.
Rational employers are seeing the first signs of sloppiness, put the stamp “Not fit” and begin to think about finding a new employee, and employers are irrational on this subject is not reflective, because avoiding to step on anybody's toes own irrationality.
It took me 15 years of meditation on the RTS index, to the irrational trauma has resolved. After that I was able to see the true face of irrationals as an employee.
That's what I got:
The problem of irrational
1. Not in the mood to work
Rather, it comes and goes. Need mood or catch, or create.
2. It is difficult to finish the job
For the initial irrational entuzazizme and quick start have to pay suffering in the end of the project.
3. The aversion to long-term, rationally structured classroom type training and routine work
Yes, this irrational not love. If You want irrationals to punish them or to remanipulate — feel free to ask for discipline.
4. The problem with the implementation of large and endless projects
Often lengthy projects contain a lot of rational elements in the irrational is not easy. From irrationals requires a lot of experience in the irrational methods of solving such problems.
5. Suddenly coming into focus.
Here the main point is that it is impossible to revive for quite a while. Not before dinner or Tuesday.
6. The initial overestimation of the significance and subsequent disappointment.
First wish irrationals to get involved in the situation. Very often irrational to do so. The next day it is seen in a different light and begins the tedious process consequently ago.
7. The difficulty in running large projects and Affairs.
Mainly because of ignorance of its nature and attempts to apply the classical rational approaches. (With normal planning everything turns out fine)
Pros irrational
1. Strong improvisation
I do not know why, the irrational make a great improvisation. Whether from the fact that the brain explodes with new ideas and associations from each new fact. Whether from the fact that the irrational constant fall in a situation when the changed mood makes to urgently come up with a new plan. And this is the result of the exercise of the functions of the brain responsible for improvisation. And maybe from that, and another together...
2. The ability to do lots of things at once
The irrationals at all for this strain is not necessary. Brains do all the time switch and control spread. In principle, this ability to rapidly switch can be put in a separate paragraph.
3. The ability to quickly switch and adapt
Sometimes it's important to respond quickly, irrational.
4. Ingenuity
The process of the invention is a property of the psyche to go beyond the standard and stereotypical routes. The irrational to it at times more prone than rationals.
5. A lot of energy in a short time
When the irrational work, they do it very quickly. In the active state, the intensity is very high. Sorry, long...
There is one feature: since the processes have irrational go hand in hand, often there are periods of “calm” when the irrationals shows no results. Then it all gives way to a dramatic shot ended a few processes in a short time.
Rational and irrational activities
Project work
Business operating schedule
The search for a new
Control existing
Rush jobs and all of a sudden
Monotone and monotonous
Stable quality
Change and transformation
Traditions and rituals
Usually in any profession there are niches and rational experts and irrational. But there is a certain imbalance.
Irrational profession
Rational profession
Firefighters and rescue workers
Finance and accounting
Logistics and trade
Infrastructure. Water pipes, etc.
Safety and security
Development in IT
Operation in IT
Medicine. Especially emergency.
Statistics and accounting
Real estate
Real estate management
Proper time management
Now, when we are more or less considered theory, you can move on to practical issues of time management, goals and efforts for the irrational. Let's start with the list of classic mistakes that make the irrational in trying to plan and do things, ignoring their innate nature.
Typical error of the irrational
The mistakes of the irrational
Correct decision
Planning for maximum performance
Plan subject to the peaks and valleys of health
Attempts to set the mood
Follow the mood. It displays in an effective way.
Do not notice the late peak performance
Watch for loss of interest and efficiency. Switch.
The rejection of the other activities in attempts to force myself to make selected.
Attempts to concentrate all the same will not lead to success. Refusing to switch to something less important, You don't move the main and lose time too.
Planning a uniform and consistent action
Sufficient temporary space for tasks on the mood.
Planning hard bindings work by a certain time
Minimizing hard bindings.
Attempts to be rational
To understand his irrational nature and to adjust her format of life.
To assume rational objectives
To delegate all rational.
Revision tips traditional time management
Irrational time-management is quite different from the traditional in many recommendations related to planning tactics. But in the field of setting targets for both techniques are the same - it is useful to highlight the most important and focus on it.
For clarity, we brought in a small plate: traditional tips and irrational comments.
Receptions TM
Alternatives TM irrational
The plan for the day to leave 40 % of time free, i.e. 60 % of the time to take on the planned work, 20 — contingency, 20 % for spontaneously occurring
The plan for the day to leave 80% of the time free, that is, pre-planned business should not occupy more than 20% of the time.
You need to fix constantly the spent time. This should indicate as the needs for which it was spent. As a result, the Manager, having full idea about the amount of time he can make a plan for the future
You need to control your mood and time to move on to other things.
To compose a good plan with a clear indication of the used time you need to distribute your tasks on long-, medium - and short-term
It is important that before the deadline You have time to do a sufficient number of successful approaches to the task.
The basic principles of the plan: the regularity, consistency, consistency
The basic principle is to plan on the assumption that there will be peaks and dips in performance.
To ensure the reality of planning should plan for such a volume of tasks with which the Manager can really cope
Do not rely on uniform performance.
Streamlining tasks
Time to switch between tasks
Decision-making on priorities and preporucena
To make authoring anything that requires a hard time binding.
Control of done
Control mood
The tasks are divided into urgent/not urgent important/unimportant
Irrational way of life.
Irrational techniques of time management
1. Write everything down and create many great reminders
Fast switching and frequent rescheduling leads to a regular loss of some amount of data. And since there is no rigid structure plans, lost not always possible to calculate logic timing. Fortunately, now there are many tools that integrate reminders into your computer, phone and Internet into a single nominalnog environment.
2. To capture ideas and plans
To fix ideas is especially important. A lot of them and they are forgotten. And, at the same time, ideas — market advantage and an important asset irrationals.
3. Make a list of things never like
Such a list makes you aware of the risk and to show to it due attention.
4. Unpleasant things to do when not in the mood
Nice doing pretty well, when you are in the mood. But unpleasant mood never rises, and then falls off rapidly. If unpleasant things are not possible for anyone to throw, then the most practical way to do them — when in the mood...
5. Watch out for mood swings
This is very important. The change of mood and loss of interest needs to be tracked. And once this has occurred, you must change the occupation. Otherwise, all that will be done after the loss of interest will be made bad. Will have to redo it and time will go wasted.
6. Flexible schedule
Flexible scheduling is not only a rejection of rigid planning. It is also a lot of work to build a lifestyle that will allow a schedule to implement. You must build the forms of interaction with the rationals among the partners, to find an infrastructure suitable for the irrational way of life.
7. Flexible to-do list
Since the irrational all the time replay the plans, it is important to have the opportunity with this rescheduling to optimize the filling time related Affairs. And for that matter needs to get to the list of already pre-prepared. Prepared so that they can be implemented at any convenient time.
8. Frequent adjustments to the plans
Since the irrational constantly make new decisions, throw some things and cling to others, written plans quickly become obsolete. By the end of the week a piece of paper with the plan for a couple of years almost completely meaningless. It is important to find time every day to long plans are reflected today's news.
9. A list of ultimate goals
If the rational end goals in a natural way is the basis for the to-do list today, then the irrationals ultimate goal often live their own lives. It is important that these objectives are not forgotten in the hustle and bustle and rescheduling has retained its influence on the current plan.
10. To put not only time, but also reminiscent of a lot of time
The long run of cases of the irrational occurs in many approaches. On each successful iteration can be somewhat unfortunate. When not in the mood and it does not matter... it is Important to have a sufficient number of successful attempts.
11. To minimize the tight binding at the time
Of all the possible options when planning you should choose the ones that will give the maximum freedom of maneuver in time.
12. A separate list of things always do not like
It's important to separate those things that should wait for those mood where mood did not appear. For them different rules. Pleasant — mood. Unpleasant — at any time when in the mood.
13. The long planning of projects taking into account peaks and valleys of health.
For a productive evaluation of the allocated time for the project and the correct installation of the deadline, you must have an idea about the duration of peak performance, peak performance shop, and in the active phase. It is possible to measure the duration of phases and to collect statistics on actual time spent on different projects. For the irrational is not so simple, as for the rationals, which is enough to sum elapsed hours.
14. To reinforce memorization. "Thinking through the hand"
A certain degree of forgetfulness may be offset by any standard ways to improve memorization. Permanent records on pen and paper is one of the easiest ways...
15. To draw diagrams to improve memorization
Visualization using diagrams — is also a good way to increase the quality of remembering. Also this is a good way to quickly change the information. Mindmaps and their ilk.
16. Clearly defined stages and connectivity in large projects
Problems with the planning and implementation of large projects can be partially solved through better planning. It is important to remember that it must be irrational planning.
17.To use the excitement of the finale for the most complete and high-quality completion of the case
The term to finish the job and leave the project causes a rush of energy and emotion. This positive energy can be put to come up with and implement a beautiful completion of the project.
18. To take a break after the first peak of enthusiasm for a more sober assessment of the case before making decisions
This is a very simple way of making difficult decisions even in fairy tales described. So, sin not to use. In General, the authors plan to test other people's wisdom with modern approaches to scientific experiment. This season we plan to check the saying about the high labor costs in fishing. Blind participants of the experiments will be divided into groups blind organizers, and to assess the results it is planned to involve experts with limited vision. To enroll in groups in the application of the club.
19.To prepare for the game on the rational field.
Very useful to pre-identify partners and business, which will have to adapt to rational forms of behavior. Forewarned is forearmed!
Tips rationals
I hope reading this text rationals have learned in these descriptions of some friends and their behavior became a little more clear.
I would venture to give you some practical advice on interaction with the irrational.
1. Yes, they are from birth and they do not change.
2. Try to understand the shortcomings of the irrational.
3. Especially for delays and change of plans...
4. Give them the opportunity to work on my strange schedule.
5.Try to reduce the number of hard time with irrational.
6. Delegate them irrational things and activities. May they be your hands in an irrational world.
Planning mood
If you are familiar with socionics and know how were typed, then you affordable technology for enabling irrational. For each type there is a unique solution with very high probability translate irrationals from passive to active state.
Here is a list of keys:
The story of the people
New people. Napoleon immediately tries to focus their attention.
Sad appearance
New interesting people
A theoretical proposition or definition
New unsolved problem
New goal
You need to understand some things. Or an item that needs to be repaired. Or interesting technically arranged.
Authors: Alexey Vitruk, Mr Pestryakov
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.tomyself.ru/39-personalfind/theory/176-tmi
— Nafig go with his plan. It is I the joy of life the spoils.
This text is devoted to slobs...
Those whose lives are changing constantly. Those who can't work a monotonically and incrementally. For those who have continuous work involving all hands in the head, then the rest of the world.
The creation of the methodology and research brought a simple thing: there is a lot to do and little time. It has been tried classic techniques of time management, but the result is the same: a lot of energy invested in technology themselves, and, after a certain period (several weeks or a few months) — when the weakened motivation, or just let go — all of these technologies necessarily are screwed. But the plan still as it is necessary, not only of themselves...
Many years ago a serious and sustained the boys agreed to consider themselves ideal and vital measure. And unlike all — to consider painful and malicious deviation from this perfect rule. Stereotypes and traditional views on education clearly indicate that every child needs to develop his discipline, preferably to an extreme degree. But the changeability in mood and actions — the result of irresponsible attitude towards their duties teachers and parents.

Photo by Sami Mannerheimo
Here is a list of the most common stereotypes:
Stereotypes about irrational
Carelessness is treated
Irrationality is innate, and slightly decreases in old age
Dolt can't finish the job
Learning to live with its peculiarities, the irrationals are perfectly completes the case. Maybe later deadline...
Don't come on time
If the time — every day at the same time, Yes.
Rip time
If you are unable to work — Yes. The ability to - more than any other.
Sloppiness is bad
Cat — that's fine. You just don't know how to cook them.
Unreliable people
Not more than the others, which was loaded with unreasonable expectations.
The irrational is more required, because they more than others suffer from problems with his character.
The irrational is often stereotyped diagnosed with ADHD
Curing irrationality is pointless. At the moment, science is not known neither medical nor educational means of the transformation of irrationals to rational. Moreover, it is not currently known to cause differences in dalnosti.
I responsibly declare:
Slobs are not to blame for his carelessness! And their parents are not to blame!
It is not treated, it is not corrected!
Sloppiness — the pejorative name-deep innate properties of the mind — irrationality.
An innate tendency towards stability or variability — most significant of all the innate properties of the person.
For the first time this property has described one well-known Carl Jung in his cult book “Psychological types”.
Up to this point, we come across a methods on time management, only the traditional type. The essence of which is to teach people to be rational.
This traditional approach contains a profound mistake.
The essence of the error is that the rational these tips and revelations are not needed. They intuitively feel and act in accordance with these recommendations before reading.
And irrational almost all of these tips are harmful. Because it is practically not feasible, or while trying to follow them, have an exceptionally negative impact on business.
I don't think you specifically need to give examples of rational and irrational. I am sure that in the life of any reader fully as bright slackers and steadily pedantic rationals.
I turn to the theory of it.
Jung first identified the rationality/irrationality as an independent property of the psyche, and described inherent to these types of signs and features. But even before young, we can find traces of this property in the temperaments of Hippocrates.
Choleric and Melancholic — the irrational. Sanguinic and Phlegmatic — rational.
Socionic authors identified several basic forms of rationality/irrationality.
1. Change mood
2. Switching speed
3. Performance
4. The response to rare and frequent events
5. The size of thoughts
Rationals have a pretty stable mood. It is not changing rapidly and, as a rule, under the influence of external causes. The irrational reverse. The mood changes suddenly and dramatically. And so that prearranged plans become completely irrelevant and difficult. In fact, the irrationals have two States: a flurry of activity and a drowning fish.
The irrational very quickly switch from one case to another. Can work in continuous shift. The rationals it is necessary to focus on the new lesson. Smoothly enter into the process. Preferably, in advance to schedule. The process sometimes takes long minutes, sometimes hours, sometimes a few days.
I have a master of finishing works. Talks about the easiest thing to happen at least in three stages. The first meeting never ends with agreements. It is possible to identify the need. At the second meeting is proof of the results first. And only on the third — harmonization of parts and a decision about the beginning of works.
This, of course, an extreme case, but it is in the tradition of the rationals.
The efficiency of rationals is very smooth and long. They slowly dispersed and then work many hours almost without interruption and decrease in intensity. The irrational very quickly light up, emit a lot of energy and quickly tire and lose interest. If rational active period usually lasts for weeks with breaks for sleep and a weekend, then the irrationals such period is rarely more than an hour or two.
A researcher from Vilnius Kalinauskas proposed the hypothesis that the irrational react to a single event, and rationals — only repeated often enough. To me, this idea seems to have the right to exist. Although I have not yet found unequivocal evidence.
Kalinauskas, single event attracts the attention of irrationals and with high probability leads to action. Rationals can long enough not to betray the values of the individual signals, and their only regular appearance is accepted as sufficient for decision-making fact.
The last symptom of short unrelated thoughts-expressions of the irrational and long related to the structure of rationals.
This distinction is very annoying communication. Lose the irrational thought process rational. Rationals try to find a connection between the separate independent statements of the irrational.
The case of the irrational and the rational is exposed to different risks. Risks of rationals associated, for the most part, to the unwillingness of the reactions to sudden and rapid dramatic changes in the situation. But in detail we are not going to stop, because this text — the other heroes.
1. Based on rare events
The selection of goals and planning based on rare events, should consider the high probability that the conditions to implement the plan can't be added to the date of the deadline. And possibly never. In fact, the irrationals is always a venture capitalist, ideas which work one time out of 20.
2. The risks of improvisation
The irrational very often rely on improvisation. They have a strong place. However, any improvisation is fraught with a high probability of individual errors and a total failure.
3. Risks of rapid assessment
The rating rapid events is not only the problem of low frequency, but also the negative psychological side. Psychologically, the irrational tend to overestimate the importance of the event. It is very likely that in a few days will be more modest.
4. Risks reschedule
Persistent irrational reschedule make quite a large probability of error of administration. In slozhnosochlenennogo project with a large number of collaborating parties, permanent transfers of events and checkpoints provoke the appearance of improper agreements and subsequent disruption of work.
Strengths and weaknesses of the irrational as employees
The prevailing stereotypes about the correct uniform and rasplanirovke labor interfere with the objective to evaluate the irrationals as an employee.
Rational employers are seeing the first signs of sloppiness, put the stamp “Not fit” and begin to think about finding a new employee, and employers are irrational on this subject is not reflective, because avoiding to step on anybody's toes own irrationality.
It took me 15 years of meditation on the RTS index, to the irrational trauma has resolved. After that I was able to see the true face of irrationals as an employee.
That's what I got:
The problem of irrational
1. Not in the mood to work
Rather, it comes and goes. Need mood or catch, or create.
2. It is difficult to finish the job
For the initial irrational entuzazizme and quick start have to pay suffering in the end of the project.
3. The aversion to long-term, rationally structured classroom type training and routine work
Yes, this irrational not love. If You want irrationals to punish them or to remanipulate — feel free to ask for discipline.
4. The problem with the implementation of large and endless projects
Often lengthy projects contain a lot of rational elements in the irrational is not easy. From irrationals requires a lot of experience in the irrational methods of solving such problems.
5. Suddenly coming into focus.
Here the main point is that it is impossible to revive for quite a while. Not before dinner or Tuesday.
6. The initial overestimation of the significance and subsequent disappointment.
First wish irrationals to get involved in the situation. Very often irrational to do so. The next day it is seen in a different light and begins the tedious process consequently ago.
7. The difficulty in running large projects and Affairs.
Mainly because of ignorance of its nature and attempts to apply the classical rational approaches. (With normal planning everything turns out fine)
Pros irrational
1. Strong improvisation
I do not know why, the irrational make a great improvisation. Whether from the fact that the brain explodes with new ideas and associations from each new fact. Whether from the fact that the irrational constant fall in a situation when the changed mood makes to urgently come up with a new plan. And this is the result of the exercise of the functions of the brain responsible for improvisation. And maybe from that, and another together...
2. The ability to do lots of things at once
The irrationals at all for this strain is not necessary. Brains do all the time switch and control spread. In principle, this ability to rapidly switch can be put in a separate paragraph.
3. The ability to quickly switch and adapt
Sometimes it's important to respond quickly, irrational.
4. Ingenuity
The process of the invention is a property of the psyche to go beyond the standard and stereotypical routes. The irrational to it at times more prone than rationals.
5. A lot of energy in a short time
When the irrational work, they do it very quickly. In the active state, the intensity is very high. Sorry, long...
There is one feature: since the processes have irrational go hand in hand, often there are periods of “calm” when the irrationals shows no results. Then it all gives way to a dramatic shot ended a few processes in a short time.
Rational and irrational activities
Project work
Business operating schedule
The search for a new
Control existing
Rush jobs and all of a sudden
Monotone and monotonous
Stable quality
Change and transformation
Traditions and rituals
Usually in any profession there are niches and rational experts and irrational. But there is a certain imbalance.
Irrational profession
Rational profession
Firefighters and rescue workers
Finance and accounting
Logistics and trade
Infrastructure. Water pipes, etc.
Safety and security
Development in IT
Operation in IT
Medicine. Especially emergency.
Statistics and accounting
Real estate
Real estate management
Proper time management
Now, when we are more or less considered theory, you can move on to practical issues of time management, goals and efforts for the irrational. Let's start with the list of classic mistakes that make the irrational in trying to plan and do things, ignoring their innate nature.
Typical error of the irrational
The mistakes of the irrational
Correct decision
Planning for maximum performance
Plan subject to the peaks and valleys of health
Attempts to set the mood
Follow the mood. It displays in an effective way.
Do not notice the late peak performance
Watch for loss of interest and efficiency. Switch.
The rejection of the other activities in attempts to force myself to make selected.
Attempts to concentrate all the same will not lead to success. Refusing to switch to something less important, You don't move the main and lose time too.
Planning a uniform and consistent action
Sufficient temporary space for tasks on the mood.
Planning hard bindings work by a certain time
Minimizing hard bindings.
Attempts to be rational
To understand his irrational nature and to adjust her format of life.
To assume rational objectives
To delegate all rational.
Revision tips traditional time management
Irrational time-management is quite different from the traditional in many recommendations related to planning tactics. But in the field of setting targets for both techniques are the same - it is useful to highlight the most important and focus on it.
For clarity, we brought in a small plate: traditional tips and irrational comments.
Receptions TM
Alternatives TM irrational
The plan for the day to leave 40 % of time free, i.e. 60 % of the time to take on the planned work, 20 — contingency, 20 % for spontaneously occurring
The plan for the day to leave 80% of the time free, that is, pre-planned business should not occupy more than 20% of the time.
You need to fix constantly the spent time. This should indicate as the needs for which it was spent. As a result, the Manager, having full idea about the amount of time he can make a plan for the future
You need to control your mood and time to move on to other things.
To compose a good plan with a clear indication of the used time you need to distribute your tasks on long-, medium - and short-term
It is important that before the deadline You have time to do a sufficient number of successful approaches to the task.
The basic principles of the plan: the regularity, consistency, consistency
The basic principle is to plan on the assumption that there will be peaks and dips in performance.
To ensure the reality of planning should plan for such a volume of tasks with which the Manager can really cope
Do not rely on uniform performance.
Streamlining tasks
Time to switch between tasks
Decision-making on priorities and preporucena
To make authoring anything that requires a hard time binding.
Control of done
Control mood
The tasks are divided into urgent/not urgent important/unimportant
Irrational way of life.
- The concept of irrational time-management and lifestyle consists of the following basic theses:
- Respect their irrationality and don't try to be rational
- Highlight the most important and meaningful goals
- Carefully plan in an irrational way (or, at least, don't plan rigidly)
- Watch the mood and time to change classes
- Do unpleasant in a phase of apathy
- Take to outsource all rational
- It is rational that you have to do yourself, do it carefully. Respect the feelings and plans of rational partners
Irrational techniques of time management
1. Write everything down and create many great reminders
Fast switching and frequent rescheduling leads to a regular loss of some amount of data. And since there is no rigid structure plans, lost not always possible to calculate logic timing. Fortunately, now there are many tools that integrate reminders into your computer, phone and Internet into a single nominalnog environment.
2. To capture ideas and plans
To fix ideas is especially important. A lot of them and they are forgotten. And, at the same time, ideas — market advantage and an important asset irrationals.
3. Make a list of things never like
Such a list makes you aware of the risk and to show to it due attention.
4. Unpleasant things to do when not in the mood
Nice doing pretty well, when you are in the mood. But unpleasant mood never rises, and then falls off rapidly. If unpleasant things are not possible for anyone to throw, then the most practical way to do them — when in the mood...
5. Watch out for mood swings
This is very important. The change of mood and loss of interest needs to be tracked. And once this has occurred, you must change the occupation. Otherwise, all that will be done after the loss of interest will be made bad. Will have to redo it and time will go wasted.
6. Flexible schedule
Flexible scheduling is not only a rejection of rigid planning. It is also a lot of work to build a lifestyle that will allow a schedule to implement. You must build the forms of interaction with the rationals among the partners, to find an infrastructure suitable for the irrational way of life.
7. Flexible to-do list
Since the irrational all the time replay the plans, it is important to have the opportunity with this rescheduling to optimize the filling time related Affairs. And for that matter needs to get to the list of already pre-prepared. Prepared so that they can be implemented at any convenient time.
8. Frequent adjustments to the plans
Since the irrational constantly make new decisions, throw some things and cling to others, written plans quickly become obsolete. By the end of the week a piece of paper with the plan for a couple of years almost completely meaningless. It is important to find time every day to long plans are reflected today's news.
9. A list of ultimate goals
If the rational end goals in a natural way is the basis for the to-do list today, then the irrationals ultimate goal often live their own lives. It is important that these objectives are not forgotten in the hustle and bustle and rescheduling has retained its influence on the current plan.
10. To put not only time, but also reminiscent of a lot of time
The long run of cases of the irrational occurs in many approaches. On each successful iteration can be somewhat unfortunate. When not in the mood and it does not matter... it is Important to have a sufficient number of successful attempts.
11. To minimize the tight binding at the time
Of all the possible options when planning you should choose the ones that will give the maximum freedom of maneuver in time.
12. A separate list of things always do not like
It's important to separate those things that should wait for those mood where mood did not appear. For them different rules. Pleasant — mood. Unpleasant — at any time when in the mood.
13. The long planning of projects taking into account peaks and valleys of health.
For a productive evaluation of the allocated time for the project and the correct installation of the deadline, you must have an idea about the duration of peak performance, peak performance shop, and in the active phase. It is possible to measure the duration of phases and to collect statistics on actual time spent on different projects. For the irrational is not so simple, as for the rationals, which is enough to sum elapsed hours.
14. To reinforce memorization. "Thinking through the hand"
A certain degree of forgetfulness may be offset by any standard ways to improve memorization. Permanent records on pen and paper is one of the easiest ways...
15. To draw diagrams to improve memorization
Visualization using diagrams — is also a good way to increase the quality of remembering. Also this is a good way to quickly change the information. Mindmaps and their ilk.
16. Clearly defined stages and connectivity in large projects
Problems with the planning and implementation of large projects can be partially solved through better planning. It is important to remember that it must be irrational planning.
17.To use the excitement of the finale for the most complete and high-quality completion of the case
The term to finish the job and leave the project causes a rush of energy and emotion. This positive energy can be put to come up with and implement a beautiful completion of the project.
18. To take a break after the first peak of enthusiasm for a more sober assessment of the case before making decisions
This is a very simple way of making difficult decisions even in fairy tales described. So, sin not to use. In General, the authors plan to test other people's wisdom with modern approaches to scientific experiment. This season we plan to check the saying about the high labor costs in fishing. Blind participants of the experiments will be divided into groups blind organizers, and to assess the results it is planned to involve experts with limited vision. To enroll in groups in the application of the club.
19.To prepare for the game on the rational field.
Very useful to pre-identify partners and business, which will have to adapt to rational forms of behavior. Forewarned is forearmed!
Tips rationals
I hope reading this text rationals have learned in these descriptions of some friends and their behavior became a little more clear.
I would venture to give you some practical advice on interaction with the irrational.
1. Yes, they are from birth and they do not change.
2. Try to understand the shortcomings of the irrational.
3. Especially for delays and change of plans...
4. Give them the opportunity to work on my strange schedule.
5.Try to reduce the number of hard time with irrational.
6. Delegate them irrational things and activities. May they be your hands in an irrational world.
Planning mood
If you are familiar with socionics and know how were typed, then you affordable technology for enabling irrational. For each type there is a unique solution with very high probability translate irrationals from passive to active state.
Here is a list of keys:
The story of the people
New people. Napoleon immediately tries to focus their attention.
Sad appearance
New interesting people
A theoretical proposition or definition
New unsolved problem
New goal
You need to understand some things. Or an item that needs to be repaired. Or interesting technically arranged.
Authors: Alexey Vitruk, Mr Pestryakov
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.tomyself.ru/39-personalfind/theory/176-tmi