A tip for those who have already made a mistake
If one of your benefactors-liberators reproached thee of ingratitude, immediately find out how much this service costs, paid off and never have with this guy.
This tip is for those who have already made a mistake: took a blessing and not calculated. By the way, the same is to make the children, whom the parents accuse of ingratitude, declaring to them that they lived for them.
An example from practice. Crying to me came a 6th year student of medical University. The mother strongly objected to her marriage with threats that will commit suicide, and accusations: "I lived for you I gave you my life." Well, the typical deliverer. After all, her daughter didn't ask for. One of my charges, a young man of 16 years to frequent reproaches his mother that he drank all her milk, said the following: "Mom, of course, I'm kind of physiological device can't give you back your milk, but I bought two buckets of cow's milk, which I return to you. The money I earned myself. Gradually give the rest of the milk that I'm drinking."
I myself have this scene not seen, but I think mom was a little taken aback. More she never reproach him. To this theme we still will return. And remember:
So, if some of the benefactors-liberators reproached thee of ingratitude, immediately find out how much this service costs, paid off and never have with this guy.
(I would like to see this quote Litvak was the rule for parents: never berate your child – You yourself brought up so. But if blame – expect trouble – it is inevitable: perhaps not immediately (because at this stage of life Your child will be able to depend on You), but after some time (when it becomes independent), the child will cease communication with You or will reduce it to a minimum).
Author: Michael Litvak
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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This tip is for those who have already made a mistake: took a blessing and not calculated. By the way, the same is to make the children, whom the parents accuse of ingratitude, declaring to them that they lived for them.

An example from practice. Crying to me came a 6th year student of medical University. The mother strongly objected to her marriage with threats that will commit suicide, and accusations: "I lived for you I gave you my life." Well, the typical deliverer. After all, her daughter didn't ask for. One of my charges, a young man of 16 years to frequent reproaches his mother that he drank all her milk, said the following: "Mom, of course, I'm kind of physiological device can't give you back your milk, but I bought two buckets of cow's milk, which I return to you. The money I earned myself. Gradually give the rest of the milk that I'm drinking."
I myself have this scene not seen, but I think mom was a little taken aback. More she never reproach him. To this theme we still will return. And remember:
So, if some of the benefactors-liberators reproached thee of ingratitude, immediately find out how much this service costs, paid off and never have with this guy.
(I would like to see this quote Litvak was the rule for parents: never berate your child – You yourself brought up so. But if blame – expect trouble – it is inevitable: perhaps not immediately (because at this stage of life Your child will be able to depend on You), but after some time (when it becomes independent), the child will cease communication with You or will reduce it to a minimum).
Author: Michael Litvak
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=976652025763093&set=a.751407031620928.1073741826.100002549157155&type=3&theater