Dates – the fruit, carrying the grace
Dates is the edible fruit of the date palm, they most often available as dried fruit. Dates are one of the oldest types of fruit known to mankind. Dates are very useful to humans thanks to its unique nutritional properties. Since ancient times, people used dates not only in food, but also as an effective therapeutic agent. In addition, they have a delicate and sweet taste. Dates are rich in glucose and fructose, and not sucrose, which makes them similar to honey. In them there are great numbers of salt and minerals as well as iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, aluminium, cadmium, cobalt, sulfur, boron, magraner.
In the dates there are so many amino acids, how much there is in any other kind of fruit. Add to this another and a wide range of vitamins P, C, B1, B2, B6, beta-carotene, Niacin, Riboflavin, as well as Pantothenic acid and you will get a natural source of nutrients. The calorie content of dates is only 23%, while cholesterol — 0%. Dates are a nutritious product with high energy value. They contain everything necessary for human nutrients. It is believed that eating only dates and water, people can live for several years. History:the Homeland of dates is considered to be the land of the middle West, located in the valley of the Euphrates and the Nile, where they are cultivated here for over 4000 years. As already mentioned, dates are one of the first appeared in the human diet thanks to its nutritional properties. So, for example, dates have been a staple of the Middle East for several thousand years. It is believed that the date palm originated from the Persian Gulf and was cultivated 6000 BC, Now date palms grown on plantations. Its culture goes back thousands of years. According to conservative estimates by scientists, the date palm was cultivated already for 3.5 thousand years BC on the territory of modern Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia. The vegetation on the Earth Today many date palm plantations. At the moment Saudi Arabia is a leader in the production and supply of dates to the world market. The cultivation of dates engaged in Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, UAE, Yemen. The most high-calorie dried fruit is, of course, dates. In fibrous and sweet pulp of the fruit contains up to 80% sugars. They have a lot of vitamin B5, which increases efficiency and has a beneficial effect on brain activity. Valuable property is a rare combination of vitamins C and P, the reinforcing effect each other. Colouring can vary from almost black to light yellow. Sometimes there are dates gray-blue color.Date palm is a tall tree with fern leaves brownish — red color. At the moment there are more than 300 types of dates. In the fruits of various date palm contain different levels of nutrients. Use. Considering such a unique fruit, like dates, it is difficult to single out any one main feature. For example, the Arabs say that the fruit of the date palm has so many benefits and how many days a year.Figs is a treat, and healthy food and natural remedy that is used by people for several millennia. Eating dates helps as to maintain the overall tone of the organism, and largely prevents the occurrence of many diseases. Some facts: Dates contain 60-65% of carbs. No other fruit will you find such a high carbohydrate content. Fresh dates contain fluorine, which protects the human teeth from caries, selenium, strengthens the immune system and reduce the risk of heart disease. In dates contains 23 types of amino acids. Dates are very rich in vitamins (A, A1, C, B1, B2, B6, Niacin, Riboflavin), and Pantothenic acid, which promote absorption of carbohydrates, regulate the level of blood glucose and fatty acids. In the dates present 15 salts and minerals (copper, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, aluminium, cadmium, cobalt, sulfur, boron, etc.), the amount of minerals in dried dates varies from 0.1% to 91% depending on the type of minerals. The availability in the dates of pectin and pishevyh fibers (6,4–11,5%) reduce the risk of cancer.It is known that the date-broth (50 g of fruit in 1 liter of water) is an indispensable tool for colds, flu and infectious diseases the lungs. Help this decoction for relieving physical fatigue and angina. Even bones figs have healing properties. So, a decoction of the seeds take in the presence of stones in the kidneys and bladder. Powder from the crushed seeds of the tamarind is used in chronic diarrhea, as well as for the speedy drying of purulent wounds and ulcers. In a number of modern scientific studies revealed that the dates have a beneficial impact on pregnancy. The fact that the dates was discovered stimulants that can strengthen the muscles of the uterus in the last months of pregnancy. Thus, the birth takes place easier, and the time of postpartum hemorrhage is reduced. Moreover, thanks to its extreme richness in vitamins, dates enrich the breast milk, and thus enhance the health of the baby. Nutritionists recommend eating dates as an excellent remedy for prenatal and postpartum depression. Dates are as diet food. Dates are ideal for those who are on a diet or set a goal to maintain your weight. Even there is a concept "date diet". Dates are low-calorie, however, have a high energy value. It is recommended to use instead of sweets.The fact that dates are a natural product so it contains natural sugar — fructose and glucose, not artificially produced sucrose. Sweet dates are more useful than candy sweets. Besides, the dates do not contain a single gram of cholesterol. Too good – too bad! However, even such a unique and useful fruit, like dates, there are some limitations about which you should know.Figs are contraindicated for people with a diagnosis of "diabetes" in connection with high sugar content. To refrain from eating dates should be for obesity.Fresh dates contain high amount of fiber, so they should not be consumed in the presence of gastric diseases in the acute stage. It is also not recommended to abuse this product of people for whom it is not part of the daily diet. In the case of eating unreasonably large number of dates can be a violation of the liver and spleen, increase blood pressure, you experience tooth pain and even tooth decay, increased risk of disease of the biliary tract. Application in Addition to use of this fruit as a separate meal, dates are often used for making sweet and nutritious toppings for cakes, biscuits and many other Goodies. Dates are often used in salads, pilafs, stuffing for stuffed chicken and lamb stew. Dates are also processed into paste, cubes, spreads, syrup or "honey", powder (date sugar), vinegar. Dates even learned how to prepare a carbonated juice, which is used during the holidays of Ramadan.The young leaves of the date palm have also been used. They are prepared in a special way and served as a vegetable.In North Africa, Ghana and the Ivory coast date palms are incised and harvested sweet SAP for making palm sugar, molasses. The Arabs to this day make a paste of dates that can be stored for a year. In ancient Babylon, dates from cooked vinegar. Roasted and milled seeds of dates replace coffee. How to choose correctly When buying dates in the first place is to pay attention to their appearance. Healthy dates must be fresh and dry. They should not be excessively wrinkled or dry, but wrinkles the skin needs to be present. Naturally, the dates on the skins which clearly crystallized sugar or mold, are not subject to eat. Dates should be stored in a refrigerator or container with the lid tightly closed. published by P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: ru.faktxeber.com/News_h438382.html

In the dates there are so many amino acids, how much there is in any other kind of fruit. Add to this another and a wide range of vitamins P, C, B1, B2, B6, beta-carotene, Niacin, Riboflavin, as well as Pantothenic acid and you will get a natural source of nutrients. The calorie content of dates is only 23%, while cholesterol — 0%. Dates are a nutritious product with high energy value. They contain everything necessary for human nutrients. It is believed that eating only dates and water, people can live for several years. History:the Homeland of dates is considered to be the land of the middle West, located in the valley of the Euphrates and the Nile, where they are cultivated here for over 4000 years. As already mentioned, dates are one of the first appeared in the human diet thanks to its nutritional properties. So, for example, dates have been a staple of the Middle East for several thousand years. It is believed that the date palm originated from the Persian Gulf and was cultivated 6000 BC, Now date palms grown on plantations. Its culture goes back thousands of years. According to conservative estimates by scientists, the date palm was cultivated already for 3.5 thousand years BC on the territory of modern Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia. The vegetation on the Earth Today many date palm plantations. At the moment Saudi Arabia is a leader in the production and supply of dates to the world market. The cultivation of dates engaged in Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, UAE, Yemen. The most high-calorie dried fruit is, of course, dates. In fibrous and sweet pulp of the fruit contains up to 80% sugars. They have a lot of vitamin B5, which increases efficiency and has a beneficial effect on brain activity. Valuable property is a rare combination of vitamins C and P, the reinforcing effect each other. Colouring can vary from almost black to light yellow. Sometimes there are dates gray-blue color.Date palm is a tall tree with fern leaves brownish — red color. At the moment there are more than 300 types of dates. In the fruits of various date palm contain different levels of nutrients. Use. Considering such a unique fruit, like dates, it is difficult to single out any one main feature. For example, the Arabs say that the fruit of the date palm has so many benefits and how many days a year.Figs is a treat, and healthy food and natural remedy that is used by people for several millennia. Eating dates helps as to maintain the overall tone of the organism, and largely prevents the occurrence of many diseases. Some facts: Dates contain 60-65% of carbs. No other fruit will you find such a high carbohydrate content. Fresh dates contain fluorine, which protects the human teeth from caries, selenium, strengthens the immune system and reduce the risk of heart disease. In dates contains 23 types of amino acids. Dates are very rich in vitamins (A, A1, C, B1, B2, B6, Niacin, Riboflavin), and Pantothenic acid, which promote absorption of carbohydrates, regulate the level of blood glucose and fatty acids. In the dates present 15 salts and minerals (copper, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, aluminium, cadmium, cobalt, sulfur, boron, etc.), the amount of minerals in dried dates varies from 0.1% to 91% depending on the type of minerals. The availability in the dates of pectin and pishevyh fibers (6,4–11,5%) reduce the risk of cancer.It is known that the date-broth (50 g of fruit in 1 liter of water) is an indispensable tool for colds, flu and infectious diseases the lungs. Help this decoction for relieving physical fatigue and angina. Even bones figs have healing properties. So, a decoction of the seeds take in the presence of stones in the kidneys and bladder. Powder from the crushed seeds of the tamarind is used in chronic diarrhea, as well as for the speedy drying of purulent wounds and ulcers. In a number of modern scientific studies revealed that the dates have a beneficial impact on pregnancy. The fact that the dates was discovered stimulants that can strengthen the muscles of the uterus in the last months of pregnancy. Thus, the birth takes place easier, and the time of postpartum hemorrhage is reduced. Moreover, thanks to its extreme richness in vitamins, dates enrich the breast milk, and thus enhance the health of the baby. Nutritionists recommend eating dates as an excellent remedy for prenatal and postpartum depression. Dates are as diet food. Dates are ideal for those who are on a diet or set a goal to maintain your weight. Even there is a concept "date diet". Dates are low-calorie, however, have a high energy value. It is recommended to use instead of sweets.The fact that dates are a natural product so it contains natural sugar — fructose and glucose, not artificially produced sucrose. Sweet dates are more useful than candy sweets. Besides, the dates do not contain a single gram of cholesterol. Too good – too bad! However, even such a unique and useful fruit, like dates, there are some limitations about which you should know.Figs are contraindicated for people with a diagnosis of "diabetes" in connection with high sugar content. To refrain from eating dates should be for obesity.Fresh dates contain high amount of fiber, so they should not be consumed in the presence of gastric diseases in the acute stage. It is also not recommended to abuse this product of people for whom it is not part of the daily diet. In the case of eating unreasonably large number of dates can be a violation of the liver and spleen, increase blood pressure, you experience tooth pain and even tooth decay, increased risk of disease of the biliary tract. Application in Addition to use of this fruit as a separate meal, dates are often used for making sweet and nutritious toppings for cakes, biscuits and many other Goodies. Dates are often used in salads, pilafs, stuffing for stuffed chicken and lamb stew. Dates are also processed into paste, cubes, spreads, syrup or "honey", powder (date sugar), vinegar. Dates even learned how to prepare a carbonated juice, which is used during the holidays of Ramadan.The young leaves of the date palm have also been used. They are prepared in a special way and served as a vegetable.In North Africa, Ghana and the Ivory coast date palms are incised and harvested sweet SAP for making palm sugar, molasses. The Arabs to this day make a paste of dates that can be stored for a year. In ancient Babylon, dates from cooked vinegar. Roasted and milled seeds of dates replace coffee. How to choose correctly When buying dates in the first place is to pay attention to their appearance. Healthy dates must be fresh and dry. They should not be excessively wrinkled or dry, but wrinkles the skin needs to be present. Naturally, the dates on the skins which clearly crystallized sugar or mold, are not subject to eat. Dates should be stored in a refrigerator or container with the lid tightly closed. published by P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: ru.faktxeber.com/News_h438382.html