3 Tamarind morning strengthens the heart, liver and kidneys
Date contains 60-65% carbohydrate - the highest percentage in comparison with other fruits, also present copper, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, aluminum, cadmium, cobalt, sulfur, boron, protein, oil ; 23 different kinds of amino acids, which are absent in most other fruits.
Vitamins A, A1, C, B1, B2, B6, niacin, riboflamin and pantothenic acid, which promote the digestibility of carbohydrates regulate blood glucose and fatty acid content.
Pectin, dietary fiber which reduces the risk of certain cancers. Fluoride protects teeth from caries. Selenium, which reduces the risk of cancer, strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of heart disease.
Due to the fact that the dates are low-calorie and contain a wealth of nutrients, they are recommended to be used instead of sweets for everyone who adheres to a diet or just trying to maintain your weight is normal.
They are widely used to combat various cancers, tuberculosis, tumors, infectious and other diseases.
It is believed that dried dates positively affect the brain, increasing its capacity by 20% or more.
Since ancient times dates were known for their healing properties. It was believed that the fruits of palm trees give strength, endurance, increase the duration of life, enhance male sexual potency.
They strengthen the heart, liver and kidneys, promote development in the gut of useful bacteria, support acid balance of the body and nourish the blood, contribute to the development of root endings of the brain, strengthen the body's ability to withstand different infections, including viral.
Dates are also useful in anemia and hypertension, for breast and lung, soothe a cough and sputum contribute conclusion, it is extremely useful for brain activity. Dietary fiber contained in the dates, reduce the risk of cancer.
Due to the high potassium content Doctors recommend to use dates in cardiovascular diseases. With heart failure dates stimulate activity of the heart, are tonic and tonic, restore power after a long illness. Helps dates in paralysis of the facial nerve, with fatigue and physical fatigue, diabetes. Decoction of dates and rice helps dystrophy. Dates are particularly useful for women during pregnancy, childbirth and child feeding. They facilitate birth, contribute to the beginning of the development of female body milk
Fruits are very nutritious, well satisfy hunger and saturate the body with useful substances. Ten dates are able to meet the daily requirement of man in copper, magnesium, and sulfur, as well as they contain half of the required iron and fourth of the calcium. Even in Phoenicia about sixty percent sugar, which is much greater than the number of other fruits. What is most important - it is mainly fructose and glucose, which are completely safe for the body and make dates akin honey
. On its nutritional, dietary and medicinal properties dates are equal to grasses. They are useful adults, children, pregnant women. Fresh dates are added to many food - fruit salad, muffins, cookies, pies and cakes. From the dates work out of date honey, sugar, alcoholic palm juice from the core of a tree - palm flour
. Fresh dates are well preserved in the refrigerator. Palm sugar is much healthier for the body than cane or beet. If you put dried dates for a while in hot milk, they taste better, and with oil from the filling of nuts, almonds or thick cream increases protein content and protein needed for human organism.
Vitamins A, A1, C, B1, B2, B6, niacin, riboflamin and pantothenic acid, which promote the digestibility of carbohydrates regulate blood glucose and fatty acid content.
Pectin, dietary fiber which reduces the risk of certain cancers. Fluoride protects teeth from caries. Selenium, which reduces the risk of cancer, strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Due to the fact that the dates are low-calorie and contain a wealth of nutrients, they are recommended to be used instead of sweets for everyone who adheres to a diet or just trying to maintain your weight is normal.
They are widely used to combat various cancers, tuberculosis, tumors, infectious and other diseases.
It is believed that dried dates positively affect the brain, increasing its capacity by 20% or more.
Since ancient times dates were known for their healing properties. It was believed that the fruits of palm trees give strength, endurance, increase the duration of life, enhance male sexual potency.
They strengthen the heart, liver and kidneys, promote development in the gut of useful bacteria, support acid balance of the body and nourish the blood, contribute to the development of root endings of the brain, strengthen the body's ability to withstand different infections, including viral.
Dates are also useful in anemia and hypertension, for breast and lung, soothe a cough and sputum contribute conclusion, it is extremely useful for brain activity. Dietary fiber contained in the dates, reduce the risk of cancer.
Due to the high potassium content Doctors recommend to use dates in cardiovascular diseases. With heart failure dates stimulate activity of the heart, are tonic and tonic, restore power after a long illness. Helps dates in paralysis of the facial nerve, with fatigue and physical fatigue, diabetes. Decoction of dates and rice helps dystrophy. Dates are particularly useful for women during pregnancy, childbirth and child feeding. They facilitate birth, contribute to the beginning of the development of female body milk
Fruits are very nutritious, well satisfy hunger and saturate the body with useful substances. Ten dates are able to meet the daily requirement of man in copper, magnesium, and sulfur, as well as they contain half of the required iron and fourth of the calcium. Even in Phoenicia about sixty percent sugar, which is much greater than the number of other fruits. What is most important - it is mainly fructose and glucose, which are completely safe for the body and make dates akin honey
. On its nutritional, dietary and medicinal properties dates are equal to grasses. They are useful adults, children, pregnant women. Fresh dates are added to many food - fruit salad, muffins, cookies, pies and cakes. From the dates work out of date honey, sugar, alcoholic palm juice from the core of a tree - palm flour
. Fresh dates are well preserved in the refrigerator. Palm sugar is much healthier for the body than cane or beet. If you put dried dates for a while in hot milk, they taste better, and with oil from the filling of nuts, almonds or thick cream increases protein content and protein needed for human organism.