Chokeberry properties and methods of use

Aronia Aronia (Aronia melanocarpa), or chokeberry. Its generic name comes from the Greek aros — use, help that says about the usefulness of plants. From two Greek words formed species definition: melanosозначает black, and karpos — fruit, and says about the color of the fruit.
Species and family of plants: it is a much branched shrub, he refers to the family Rosaceae (Rosaceae). Aronia has a high pomehopodavitelnoe ability. Annual shoots are red-brown, later becoming dark gray. Chokeberry is often grown as an ornamental, medicinal or fruit tree. Many gardeners and gardeners are thrown chokeberry on the site.Botanical karakteristieken (rhizome): Bush has a strong root system.
Leaves, crown: crown at a young age is compact and quite enjoyable but then it becomes a sprawling, in diameter reaches 1.5-2 meters. Leaves entire and simple, obovate or elliptical in shape, have short petioles, the length of 4-8 inches, a width of 3-5 inches. The leaf edges are serrated and have sharp transition in acute and short tip. Upper surface of leaves glossy, leathery, and has a dark green color. The lower has weak pubescence, this becoming whitish hue. In red purple bright colors the leaves turn after the second half of September.
The flowers and buds: small, bisexual, patilopastny, white, collected in dense inflorescence of the thyroid, which is equal to diameter of 5-6 centimeters.
Fruit: this berry is quite juicy and sour-sweet, has a tart astringent taste. Fruits rounded, rarely are choked-rounded, slightly pubescent, green when Mature glabrous, shiny, black, have a gray patina. Fruit weight ranges from 0.6 to 1.5 grams, diameter up to 12 millimeters. The fruits of Aronia (mountain ash) Aronia have a tight skin, this helps to ensure that they are well preserved in fresh. Ripe fruits do not fall off and hold firm on the branches.
Height: up to 2.5-3 meters.
Flowering time: flowering depends on weather conditions and can last from 12 to 16 days. Later flowering of chokeberry eliminates the possibility that her flowers will be damaged by spring frosts, it mainly provides its annual fruiting.
Ripening time: end of August and beginning of September.
Propagation: grafting, cuttings, dividing the Bush, cuttings, sowing of stratified seeds.
Distribution: in the Altai region there are large industrial tracts of black chokeberry. The birthplace of chokeberry believe the Eastern part of North America. It was from there in 1935, she went first to the Altai, and then in other regions has spread. Chokeberry likes the light, the cold transfers easily, as it grows well on podzolic and Chernozem soils.
What part of the plant used: medicinal raw materials Aronia berries are its fruit and leaves.

The chemical composition of plants: black chokeberry (Aronia chokeberry) useful properties are not deprived, it contains: vitamins A (beta carotene), B1, B2, B3 (aka PP), B6, C, E, K, micro and macro, pectin, tannins.
Picking and harvesting the fruits of chokeberry siraspur carried out in September and the first half of October. The fruits are collected by hand, cut with shears and put in boxes and baskets. In a cool place keep no more than 3 days. If the temperature does not exceed 5°C, they can be stored for 2 months. Fruit drying their spread in a thin layer, and if in a dryer, the temperature should not exceed 60°C.
Dried leaves and berries stored in paper bags or boxes, of course, only in dry storage and not more than 2 years.
If the goal is to save as much as possible fresh fruits of chokeberry, the fruits of the rafts are disrupted with the peduncles and leaves and placed in a cool place where the temperature should be not higher than 1°C, so they can be stored up to six months. The berries of chokeberry can be in different order to use, including to use them in cooking.
Pharmacological properties (effects of)the Fruits of Aronia exhibit anti-hypertensive effects.
The leaves immediately after flowering harvest. In the fruit contains a substance called sorbitol, it is used as a sugar substitute for those who are sick with diabetes. Chokeberry juice strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The leaves contain agents for improving liver function, which promote the formation of bile and its outflow.
Chokeberry is typical of a lot of medicinal properties. It normalizes blood pressure, lowers cholesterol in blood, strengthens blood vessels, improves their elasticity and suppleness.
Aronia, thanks to the substances contained in its composition, favors the vigorous expansion of blood vessels and capillaries. It was established experimentally that for the treatment of hypertension chokeberry is one of the best remedies due to its vasodilator and capillary-strengthening properties. It is used in the form of juice, 3 times a day and no more than 2 tbsp at a time. The Aronia can be taken in form of tea and tincture.
Chokeberry has a positive effect on the endocrine system and improves immunity. It is used as a vasodilator, haemostatic, antispasmodic, diuretic, choleretic, hematopoietic and appetizing tool.
Also, this plant improves the appetite, increases the acidity helps regulate digestion, stimulates the liver.
Use sabinerinnen Aronia fruit. They are used as a preventive and therapeutic target in such pathological conditions which are accompanied by fragility and permeability of capillaries: atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, glomerulonephritis (kidney disease), kapilliarotoxicos, hemorrhagic diathesis, radiation sickness, etc., As a subsidiary remedy recommend fruits chokeberry and derived drugs for rheumatism, bacterial endocarditis, measles, arachnoiditis, allergic conditions, scarlet fever, typhus fever.
The use of juice. In hemorrhages, which have different origins, hypertension (initial stage), anatsidnyh gastritis; externally applied for the treatment of burns. Considered an effective tool for the prevention of P-vitamin deficiency and atherosclerosis.
The consumption of chokeberry juice and decoction of the berries dilates blood vessels, as a result, their permeability increases, the function of blood aktiviziruyutsya, and it is very useful for bleeding and radiation sickness. In radiation sickness and rheumatism chokeberry juice is a good preventive and therapeutic agent.
Aronia chokeberry is recommended for use when the disease thyroid, diabetes, kidney disease as a diuretic, for scarlet fever, typhus fever, allergies.
The chokeberry juice lubricate the place burn. Useful combination of juice and fruit chokeberry Aronia and rose hips and black currants, with the addition of honey.
Recipes and method primeneniia fruit: take three times a day for 50-100 grams.
The juice of chokeberry accept 3 times a day for a 1-3 table. spoons, do it for half an hour before meals. Or eat daily 5-7 pieces of berries, diseases listed above.
Preparation of chokeberry juice: you can also use this recipe to make juice. Chop fresh fruit, and warm up the pulp. 1 kg of pulp ½ -3,4 cups of water and heat for 10 minutes at tдо 60°C. to Put under the press. Then pressed the raw material is placed in an enamel pan. Pour warm clean water (1:10), stirring to kneel on it for 3-4 hours, then again squeeze. Then the juice of the first and second extraction need to connect and filter. Heat to 80°C and pour into sterilized jars.
A decoction of the berries of chokeberry: pour a glass of water 1 table. spoon berries and for 1 minute to boil them. Then they need to leave for one hour. Decoction is taken three times a day 0.25-0.5 cups.
The broth chokeberry: this broth stimulates energy, gives strength and boosts the immune system. To prepare it you'll need 20 grams of dry fruits and 200 ml of boiling water, then simmer cook for 10 minutes, to insist 20 minutes. Squeeze to drain. Broth to drink half a Cup 3-4 times a day.
Compote of chokeberry (for preservation): the washed berries in a pot with boiling water 3 minutes (for sterilization). Then, banks need to fill these berries 1/3 and pour the boiling syrup. Cover with sterile lids and roll. Sugar is taken from the calculation — the half-glass 1-quart jar.
Tea from chokeberry: 1 liter of boiling water pour 6 tbsp of the leaves and infuse them for half an hour. This tool is recommended to be taken three times a day one glass. Such tea increases blood clotting and lowers blood pressure.
A decoction of the bark of Aronia: recruited 5 heaped tablespoons of powdered bark pour 0.5 liters of water and cook for 10 minutes. Cool and squeeze. Accepted as an anti-sclerotic remedy for atherosclerosis.
Jam from fruits of black chokeberry is prepared in this way: 2 pounds of ash to pour sugar syrup (hot). For the syrup, take 2 kg of sugar to a pint of water, stir until dissolved and then boil. Let the future jam stand 8 hours, and then will need to boil and again to withstand 8 hours. After which it will need to simmer until the berries on the bottom won't settle.
Also make wine from Aronia Aronia (mountain ash). This wine vysokomehanizirovannoe and different healing properties. Preparing it this way: washed berries should be crushed (in a mortar, a meat grinder or food processor), then dilute this mixture with clean water 1:1. The next stage is added sugar, you need to take ½ Cup to 1 liter.
Need to the sugar is dissolved, to do this properly to prevent, to put under water seal. Leave to ferment in a warm place. After 5-7 days the berries will emerge, and the wine will start to ferment, you now need to strain the wort through a colander, berries, squeeze and throw.
The wine is again placed under water seal, now until the end of fermentation. Then it will need carefully through Sengoku to drain into another container. The precipitate is thrown. Now it is possible for your taste, add sugar and put in a cool place. Wine from black chokeberry is almost ready, he is left to stand for a few months to become clean and clear.
Contraindications and side effectively Aronia (mountain ash) Aronia is contraindicated if there is a high acidity of gastric juice, in the presence of gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, high blood clotting. Also it is not recommended to take hypotensive ie under reduced pressure.
Source: lubim-zhizn.ru/lekarstvennye-rasteniya/chernoplodnaya-ryabina-aroniya-botanicheskaya-xarakteristika-i-primenenie.html
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