Rowan-a very useful berry
The fruits of mountain ash is approximately 80% water. In its composition the ash contains proteins, carbohydrates, food fibres, free organic acids. Ash contains a range of vitamins and minerals that are needed by the body, namely provitamin a, vitamin PP, vitamin B1, B2 and C. the berries contain a lot of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and other macro and micronutrients. It contains vitamins P, K, E, carotene, glucose and fructose, organic acids, tannins. Provitamin A in Mature berries of the mountain ash more than in carrots, and vitamin C than in lemons. All this, as well as R-vitaminopodobnye tannins makes Rowan a very valuable medicinal product.
To improve the skin folk medicine recommends instead of the usual black tea to drink vitamin drink. Per Cup of boiling water, take 1 teaspoon of your favorite tea (to save your favorite taste and flavor) and one teaspoon collection from 1 part of dried berries of mountain ash and 2 parts of nettle leaves.
From stones in the liver and the ducts need to eat for 1.5 months forest, but not garden mountain ash. C eat anything: bread, tea, sugar, honey, etc., eating throughout the day 2 glasses of fresh ash.
People care recommends masks from Rowan for rejuvenation, cleanse the skin, smooth wrinkles and give the skin a pleasant pink hue. To do this, pound a handful of ash, add a teaspoon of honey and if the mass of a dry, slightly warm water. Apply on face, neck, chest for half an hour. First, then wash with boiled water at room temperature, then cool mineral water without gas or infusion of peppermint. Already the first 5-6 masks give a visible result, and 15-20 contribute to persistent conservation effect of rejuvenation.
Rowan is considered a strong antiseptic, in its fruits contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, which is an excellent preservative and prevents spoilage of canned foods. Fresh fish long spoiled, if it is to wrap rjabinovyj leaves.
Source: /users/155

To improve the skin folk medicine recommends instead of the usual black tea to drink vitamin drink. Per Cup of boiling water, take 1 teaspoon of your favorite tea (to save your favorite taste and flavor) and one teaspoon collection from 1 part of dried berries of mountain ash and 2 parts of nettle leaves.

From stones in the liver and the ducts need to eat for 1.5 months forest, but not garden mountain ash. C eat anything: bread, tea, sugar, honey, etc., eating throughout the day 2 glasses of fresh ash.

People care recommends masks from Rowan for rejuvenation, cleanse the skin, smooth wrinkles and give the skin a pleasant pink hue. To do this, pound a handful of ash, add a teaspoon of honey and if the mass of a dry, slightly warm water. Apply on face, neck, chest for half an hour. First, then wash with boiled water at room temperature, then cool mineral water without gas or infusion of peppermint. Already the first 5-6 masks give a visible result, and 15-20 contribute to persistent conservation effect of rejuvenation.

Rowan is considered a strong antiseptic, in its fruits contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, which is an excellent preservative and prevents spoilage of canned foods. Fresh fish long spoiled, if it is to wrap rjabinovyj leaves.
Source: /users/155