Women who do not respect themselves

I recently watched a rather silly movie with an equally silly title. I won’t even tell you, because I can remember more than one movie with such denouements. And I was very hooked by one not the most important, but very important storyline. The eternal story of a woman who does not value herself. Not at all, not at all.

Interesting, beautiful, wealthy woman with an interesting job. But by some strange coincidence, she is still alone, and the only relationship she allows herself is just humiliating intrigue with Alphonse, who do not put her in a penny. Sad picture.

I was just simmering with indignation and trying to understand why, why she was so treating herself. How can you disrespect yourself so much? How can you consider yourself so precious that the only thing you can truly afford is sex without commitment? At the same time, she also keeps these cute boys with money.

But, alas, there are such stories, there is a car and a small cart, and the reason is that this woman has so many self-values – not at all.

Of course, in life everything is not so obvious, even vague. And the result is one. There is a beautiful, smart girl around whom there is a conspiracy. And the friends cried: “Here she is good!” Where are men's eyes? What's wrong with her? To my great regret, this is just that. Lack of respect.

Here I could give a long psychological account of the importance of attachment and unconditional acceptance in a girl’s life, but what does it matter what was there in childhood, if it is bad already, and it is unclear what to do with it. How do you learn to respect yourself?

I remember a sad story I experienced three hundred years ago in my first marriage. Yes, it is sad, but I completely ceased to consider myself any value and clinged to my husband with a dead grip. I was swung from side to side: I was a cute kitten, or a zealous bully, who loudly and sometimes indecently swears and demands immediate satisfaction.

And that's not how it started. I felt like a queen, and he felt like a cute page that emphasized my beauty. But in fact, a page wife can only be a maid, not a queen.

I was humiliated where I had to do simple acts of love. I felt like I was just a priceless gift, and anyone would just be thrilled to be around me. Oh, how I doubted how I confused cause and effect!

I was scared to put conditions on because I was afraid of losing the relationship, as a result turning into a rag. I started taking revenge on that, and it got worse. Maybe that’s how the movie’s character behaved. He felt superior, giving men money, and thought that they should be grateful for it. But not like that!

A strong woman is not one who is able to humiliate, who can withstand a hopeless relationship or, in any uncomfortable situation, points to the door, and then experiences. A strong woman is one who talks about her feelings. Love, if there is love. Hate, if there is hatred. She knows she has love, but love is work. Including the process when she fascinates a man, but not with money, but with female wisdom and even cunning.

In fact, behind the businesswoman in the film was a little girl who confined herself where she needed to be open and opened up where she needed to be limited. She was afraid to show her affections, afraid to act sincerely, because she was completely convinced that love is what she deserves. But you can't earn love.

Love can only be given. And be prepared for not being taken. Do good and throw it in the water, and then be what happens. published

Credit: Lidia Sideleva

P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!

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Source: www.matrony.ru/pro-zhenshhin-kotoryie-sebya-ne-uvazhayut/


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