How to become a charming person
Charm is not born — it can be learned, says Olivia Fox Cabine, author of Charisma. How to influence, persuade and inspire”. Here are the skills that can increase your charisma.
1. Copy the movements of others
In the study, Columbia University psychologist Adam Galinsky and his colleagues asked part of the group to copy the behavior of the partner; the rest behaved as usual. Result: 10 out of 15 negotiations in which a person copied the behavior of an opponent ended successfully. In another case, only 2 out of 16 resulted. Psychologists have found: When two people are left alone, they begin to copy each other’s poses as a sign of trust and security. Did your interlocutor cross his legs? You too. Take a sip of water? The interviewee did the same. To succeed in negotiations, copy the behavior of the opponent.
2. Make people talk about their own lives.
According to a Harvard University study, Self-talk stimulates the same areas of the brain as sex or tasty food. When people talk about their own experiences, the level of trust between them increases, social ties and mutual interest in well-being are formed.
3. Use your soul-dwelling words.
University of California psychology professor Dean Keith Simonton argues that the most successful speakers use specific rather than abstract terms. He says: The phrase “I feel your pain” creates associations, but the phrase “I understand your point of view” does not. “The most charismatic presidents have created an emotional connection with people by addressing hearts rather than minds.”
4. Express your feelings.
Claremont McKenna College psychologist Ronald Riggio states: Charismatic leaders express their emotions spontaneously and sincerely. This allows them to influence the moods and feelings of others. In science, this process is called emotional contamination. If you are very excited about something, others will pick up your excitement.
5. Talking about your potential is more exciting than success.
A recently published joint study by Stanford and Harvard University shows that successes and achievements are of little interest to people, they are much more concerned with perceived leadership abilities. The authors write: “[Potential-related] uncertainty seems more interesting than the facts already known.”
6. Walk at the same speed as others – you will be considered friendly.
A study of gait speed conducted by the University of Illinois found that guys at the sight of attractive girls slowed down or accelerated the step to equal their speed. Not a bad way to show the location.
7. Remember that you have a dog.
In an experiment at the University of Michigan, women were asked to read male questionnaires. Men who have a dog are more attractive.. The researchers concluded that A pet indicates a person’s caring attitude and readiness for long-term commitments..
8. Smile more.
In two experiments, Swiss researchers examined the link between attractiveness and smile. Their conclusions are predictable: The wider the smile, the more attractive the person seems.published
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
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Source: insider.pro/en/article/69499/
1. Copy the movements of others

In the study, Columbia University psychologist Adam Galinsky and his colleagues asked part of the group to copy the behavior of the partner; the rest behaved as usual. Result: 10 out of 15 negotiations in which a person copied the behavior of an opponent ended successfully. In another case, only 2 out of 16 resulted. Psychologists have found: When two people are left alone, they begin to copy each other’s poses as a sign of trust and security. Did your interlocutor cross his legs? You too. Take a sip of water? The interviewee did the same. To succeed in negotiations, copy the behavior of the opponent.
2. Make people talk about their own lives.
According to a Harvard University study, Self-talk stimulates the same areas of the brain as sex or tasty food. When people talk about their own experiences, the level of trust between them increases, social ties and mutual interest in well-being are formed.
3. Use your soul-dwelling words.

University of California psychology professor Dean Keith Simonton argues that the most successful speakers use specific rather than abstract terms. He says: The phrase “I feel your pain” creates associations, but the phrase “I understand your point of view” does not. “The most charismatic presidents have created an emotional connection with people by addressing hearts rather than minds.”
4. Express your feelings.
Claremont McKenna College psychologist Ronald Riggio states: Charismatic leaders express their emotions spontaneously and sincerely. This allows them to influence the moods and feelings of others. In science, this process is called emotional contamination. If you are very excited about something, others will pick up your excitement.
5. Talking about your potential is more exciting than success.

A recently published joint study by Stanford and Harvard University shows that successes and achievements are of little interest to people, they are much more concerned with perceived leadership abilities. The authors write: “[Potential-related] uncertainty seems more interesting than the facts already known.”
6. Walk at the same speed as others – you will be considered friendly.
A study of gait speed conducted by the University of Illinois found that guys at the sight of attractive girls slowed down or accelerated the step to equal their speed. Not a bad way to show the location.
7. Remember that you have a dog.

In an experiment at the University of Michigan, women were asked to read male questionnaires. Men who have a dog are more attractive.. The researchers concluded that A pet indicates a person’s caring attitude and readiness for long-term commitments..
8. Smile more.
In two experiments, Swiss researchers examined the link between attractiveness and smile. Their conclusions are predictable: The wider the smile, the more attractive the person seems.published
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
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Source: insider.pro/en/article/69499/