35 psychological secrets that will make you charming and communicative person
We all want to please others. Even if we claim the opposite, in my heart is always lurking desire to impress, catch yourself admiring glances and swim in the attention of friends and acquaintances. It rightly considered that in life it is seeking more charming and sociable people who know how to please others that opens up new opportunities and prospects.
When we please someone, then my heart immediately becomes easy, retreats shyness and complexes, and we just enjoy the joy of communication. Conversely, if we feel the negative, the strain and the stress test, and the mood drops to zero.
< Anyone can learn how to be charming and sociable. This is a lot of work on themselves, but in order worth. The most important thing - not to lose his own identity, trying to please others. People feel the falsity, and the yoke of the saint or easily turn into universal ridicule. Those who choose this one, seems to be the easy way, forgetting that the charm - it is love, and love for others must begin with small. With self-love.
Vybratpravilno.ru Website publish a compilation of useful psychological advice, written by Mikhail Solovyov, the author of a blog about the active lifestyle. Let's start with the main:
to please people, you have to love yourself! Only when we feel attractive and accept ourselves as we are, we respect our dreams, desires, ideas, character traits, we attract to themselves others. Ideal people do not have, and may not be all you like, but those who come under your personal charm, will treat you honestly and with respect.
< Self-love, self-confidence and sincerity - these are the three qualities that we have people like in order to strengthen them and begin to attract into your life good people without donning masks flattering or flirtatious, you can take action.. About them I want to tell you in this article.
Decide who you are and what it represents. It is desirable, in writing, on paper, is usually thought more structured than in the head. In order to take concrete actions, you should clearly understand all its pros and cons. Describe your philosophy of life, their attitude to different things and spheres of life, such as family, friendship, politics, religion, health. Tell us about what value most in this life, what want and what is already achieved. You can write your manifesto, killing two birds with one stone - decide with them and tell us about yourself to others Do not change yourself for others, and do not try to specially stand out Do not forget.. we need sincerity and naturalness! Do as you see fit, not as like the other. Do not sacrifice what you really important. If you lose motivation and the joy of life, then all the work on a go down the drain. Trust your instincts and allow yourself to experiment. Empirically learn what things make you happy, and look for them, even if you have to make a few mistakes. Treat others the way they have. Stop judging and criticizing people. Pay attention to their positive aspects, rather than on failures. Learn to communicate with difficult people easily, not by force. Listen to people. Just listen and try to understand, not interrupting and not moving away from the topic. Make it clear that the source you really interesting Do not tighten with the decision problem If in your life there is something negative -.. Act quickly, decide one way or another and dispose of head. Nothing should take you from a state of inner peace and balance If you have taken to solve the problem -. Decide it to the end Even if you have to make sacrifices, do not delay your decision, be firm. and make sure all 100%. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. exercise, eat healthy food, which will be beneficial to your body. Do not be a slave to their eating habits, and you'll actually self-respect for that. Be active. Do not wait for "the sea weather", act, inspire others, invent, create, . help others Do not just listen to their problems and try anything to help -. advice or deed. Do not be selfish and do something for other people, even if it will require you to mental or physical effort. But it must not be contrary to paragraph 2 and 3! Appreciate and support the best qualities of people. Think of them not only for what they are, but as they could would be in a better situation. When a person sees that others (you, for example) value in it what he considers a trifle, he becomes happier. Speak positively and to the point. Encourage, motivate and inspire rather than criticize or "dig». Stop gossiping. Do not talk about others in a critical tone and do not tell a trusted your secrets. Smile and laugh Smile -. it is the key to the hearts of other people, so try to be less serious, often joking, grass anecdotes and stories, in general, fun surrounding Ask, but. do not complain. If you need something, just ask about it, but never try to put pressure on the pity. "Attractive" and "pathetic." - Words are antonyms Do not do this to your partner feel guilty Even if you know what he did is not the best choice, do not. try to convince him that now he will have problems, and it would be bad do not suffer if something causes a public outcry do not forget to claim 10 -... can not wait that all the senses, it is impossible to hide and try to keep silent when injustice happens before your eyes. Proceed. do not go to the person in the dialogue. If you run out of sensible arguments, it is better to smile and walk away, but do not engage in war of words. Perhaps the source deems you a coward, but, unlike him, in the eyes of those around you will look reasonable and calm person. offer their help only when you about it is asked. Strong > not impose or attempt to solve the problems of others because you consider yourself more spice in some areas than they are. Be adequate, otherwise damage can happen instead of aid. Do not judge by outward appearances men. Wealth, fame, appearance can mean nothing when it comes to serious life situations . The real value are those who in good heart and pure, sincere soul. Unfortunately, this appears not once, so learn to understand people. Do not say "yes" when you mean "no». It is better to refuse than to accept and then get out and look for excuses. Say "yes" only when really confident in his choice. If you promise something, do more than promise. Of course, overdo it too is not necessary, but try a little superior to its promises and people will appreciate you even more In a relationship, try to not be the main or affiliate to impose their views, try to control others -.. all this is just annoying. Relations with a loved one, family, friends, just acquaintances should give joy and cheer up. Be generous. Do not try to rise, belittling or ignoring the merits of others, reward word or deed the who deserve it. as a confident person, learn to laugh at themselves and recognize their mistakes and shortcomings. you know that people like you are not for it. always be open to new knowledge. Do not flaunt his intelligence and erudition, trying to attract attention. Recognize that you are not perfect, and any person can learn something. In conversation do not be selfish. Instead of talking about how cool you are, listen to others. Do not teach people to live according to their own way, your opinion - not the only correct one. Remember - less "I" often "you" ( "you») Give the desired gifts Try not to give people something that will be useful in your opinion, just ask.. , what he really needs. And, of course, do not give "dummy", which people take with a smile, and after your departure will throw on the mezzanine and forget. Live in motion and aim for the best. If you in something achieved the result, do not relax, and do not rest, and proceed further. The saying "Better a bird in hand is worth two in the bush" is wrong! Avoid the risk and stress. Exclude from your life everything you annoying and distracting. In order to be able to collect his thoughts, and tune in the desired fashion, find a place where no one will bother you. Live in the present. There's nothing in the world more precious than this moment. The past does not return, the future is uncertain, you only have what we have now. Do not try to deal with people or situations you can not control. It is better to make an effort to some other direction. Grow. Look for any opportunity for self-development. Read, talk, go on courses, learning from others. Take it for granted that you can not please everyone, without exception. The people are many and each has its own troubles, therefore, most of those who likes you, and others simply do not pay attention. first of all you have to love yourself
. via folkextreme.ru/2012/09/35-poleznyx-sovetov-kak-stat-obayatelnym-i-nravitsya-lyudyam/
When we please someone, then my heart immediately becomes easy, retreats shyness and complexes, and we just enjoy the joy of communication. Conversely, if we feel the negative, the strain and the stress test, and the mood drops to zero.
< Anyone can learn how to be charming and sociable. This is a lot of work on themselves, but in order worth. The most important thing - not to lose his own identity, trying to please others. People feel the falsity, and the yoke of the saint or easily turn into universal ridicule. Those who choose this one, seems to be the easy way, forgetting that the charm - it is love, and love for others must begin with small. With self-love.

Vybratpravilno.ru Website publish a compilation of useful psychological advice, written by Mikhail Solovyov, the author of a blog about the active lifestyle. Let's start with the main:
to please people, you have to love yourself! Only when we feel attractive and accept ourselves as we are, we respect our dreams, desires, ideas, character traits, we attract to themselves others. Ideal people do not have, and may not be all you like, but those who come under your personal charm, will treat you honestly and with respect.
< Self-love, self-confidence and sincerity - these are the three qualities that we have people like in order to strengthen them and begin to attract into your life good people without donning masks flattering or flirtatious, you can take action.. About them I want to tell you in this article.
Decide who you are and what it represents. It is desirable, in writing, on paper, is usually thought more structured than in the head. In order to take concrete actions, you should clearly understand all its pros and cons. Describe your philosophy of life, their attitude to different things and spheres of life, such as family, friendship, politics, religion, health. Tell us about what value most in this life, what want and what is already achieved. You can write your manifesto, killing two birds with one stone - decide with them and tell us about yourself to others Do not change yourself for others, and do not try to specially stand out Do not forget.. we need sincerity and naturalness! Do as you see fit, not as like the other. Do not sacrifice what you really important. If you lose motivation and the joy of life, then all the work on a go down the drain. Trust your instincts and allow yourself to experiment. Empirically learn what things make you happy, and look for them, even if you have to make a few mistakes. Treat others the way they have. Stop judging and criticizing people. Pay attention to their positive aspects, rather than on failures. Learn to communicate with difficult people easily, not by force. Listen to people. Just listen and try to understand, not interrupting and not moving away from the topic. Make it clear that the source you really interesting Do not tighten with the decision problem If in your life there is something negative -.. Act quickly, decide one way or another and dispose of head. Nothing should take you from a state of inner peace and balance If you have taken to solve the problem -. Decide it to the end Even if you have to make sacrifices, do not delay your decision, be firm. and make sure all 100%. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. exercise, eat healthy food, which will be beneficial to your body. Do not be a slave to their eating habits, and you'll actually self-respect for that. Be active. Do not wait for "the sea weather", act, inspire others, invent, create, . help others Do not just listen to their problems and try anything to help -. advice or deed. Do not be selfish and do something for other people, even if it will require you to mental or physical effort. But it must not be contrary to paragraph 2 and 3! Appreciate and support the best qualities of people. Think of them not only for what they are, but as they could would be in a better situation. When a person sees that others (you, for example) value in it what he considers a trifle, he becomes happier. Speak positively and to the point. Encourage, motivate and inspire rather than criticize or "dig». Stop gossiping. Do not talk about others in a critical tone and do not tell a trusted your secrets. Smile and laugh Smile -. it is the key to the hearts of other people, so try to be less serious, often joking, grass anecdotes and stories, in general, fun surrounding Ask, but. do not complain. If you need something, just ask about it, but never try to put pressure on the pity. "Attractive" and "pathetic." - Words are antonyms Do not do this to your partner feel guilty Even if you know what he did is not the best choice, do not. try to convince him that now he will have problems, and it would be bad do not suffer if something causes a public outcry do not forget to claim 10 -... can not wait that all the senses, it is impossible to hide and try to keep silent when injustice happens before your eyes. Proceed. do not go to the person in the dialogue. If you run out of sensible arguments, it is better to smile and walk away, but do not engage in war of words. Perhaps the source deems you a coward, but, unlike him, in the eyes of those around you will look reasonable and calm person. offer their help only when you about it is asked. Strong > not impose or attempt to solve the problems of others because you consider yourself more spice in some areas than they are. Be adequate, otherwise damage can happen instead of aid. Do not judge by outward appearances men. Wealth, fame, appearance can mean nothing when it comes to serious life situations . The real value are those who in good heart and pure, sincere soul. Unfortunately, this appears not once, so learn to understand people. Do not say "yes" when you mean "no». It is better to refuse than to accept and then get out and look for excuses. Say "yes" only when really confident in his choice. If you promise something, do more than promise. Of course, overdo it too is not necessary, but try a little superior to its promises and people will appreciate you even more In a relationship, try to not be the main or affiliate to impose their views, try to control others -.. all this is just annoying. Relations with a loved one, family, friends, just acquaintances should give joy and cheer up. Be generous. Do not try to rise, belittling or ignoring the merits of others, reward word or deed the who deserve it. as a confident person, learn to laugh at themselves and recognize their mistakes and shortcomings. you know that people like you are not for it. always be open to new knowledge. Do not flaunt his intelligence and erudition, trying to attract attention. Recognize that you are not perfect, and any person can learn something. In conversation do not be selfish. Instead of talking about how cool you are, listen to others. Do not teach people to live according to their own way, your opinion - not the only correct one. Remember - less "I" often "you" ( "you») Give the desired gifts Try not to give people something that will be useful in your opinion, just ask.. , what he really needs. And, of course, do not give "dummy", which people take with a smile, and after your departure will throw on the mezzanine and forget. Live in motion and aim for the best. If you in something achieved the result, do not relax, and do not rest, and proceed further. The saying "Better a bird in hand is worth two in the bush" is wrong! Avoid the risk and stress. Exclude from your life everything you annoying and distracting. In order to be able to collect his thoughts, and tune in the desired fashion, find a place where no one will bother you. Live in the present. There's nothing in the world more precious than this moment. The past does not return, the future is uncertain, you only have what we have now. Do not try to deal with people or situations you can not control. It is better to make an effort to some other direction. Grow. Look for any opportunity for self-development. Read, talk, go on courses, learning from others. Take it for granted that you can not please everyone, without exception. The people are many and each has its own troubles, therefore, most of those who likes you, and others simply do not pay attention. first of all you have to love yourself
. via folkextreme.ru/2012/09/35-poleznyx-sovetov-kak-stat-obayatelnym-i-nravitsya-lyudyam/
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