Ayurvedic self-massage: a simple technique for your health
In Ayurvedic preventive self-massage, consistency plays a major role. The sequence adjusts the internal energy of the body, turns it on. If the sequence is correct, then it does not even matter how correctly the massage itself is carried out.
First of all:
It is necessary to massage all active points on the hands, there is a connection with all organs of the body. Hand massage should be done long enough. Therefore, if you massage your hands well, it is often enough to have good self-therapy.
First, the oil is applied to the navel.It is rubbed 21 times clockwise and 21 times counterclockwise. Through the navel we were connected to the mother, the navel is energetically connected to all internal organs, it is also associated with the fire of digestion.
Then the top of the head is massaged.This is the place that connects man with the Superconsciousness, it is called Brahma-Randaha. There's a small hole in this place that tightens with age, but still stays, and oil can penetrate through that hole, into the body, into the brain. Then the oil is rubbed all over the head. Rub it quickly and carefully, applying oil to the fingertips.
Then the nails on the hands and feet are massaged. This maintains calcium balance and prevents nail disease. Nails are associated with the energy of prosperity. From the quality of the nails of the wife is associated with the financial prosperity of the husband. When massage nails, it is important to rub the oil into the root and to the tips of the nail, then the nails will be very healthy.
Then the inside of the nostrils is lubricated.And the air is drawn in, which are the elements of pranayama. Taking care of the nostrils, we take care of our brain, since the nostrils are connected to the flows of prana in the body. also the ability to remember and feel emotions, think depends on the state of the nose. Everything in the body depends on breathing. It also helps with headaches.
The oil is then applied to the ears. It also relieves problems in old age, where the ability to hear can deteriorate. Regular self-massage of the ears with oil is a good prevention of hearing problems. If we don’t take care of our ears, it’s psychologically related to defiance.
Then the face is massaged - forehead, cheeks, nose. This is the prevention of colds. Usually a person gets sick with colds when he does not like to do something for a very long time - while his immunity falls and leads to colds. This can be restored by massaging the forehead, cheeks and nose.
Then the back is massaged.: starting with the neck, then the shoulders, armpits, back at the level of the armpits, then the kidneys - i.e. the back from top to bottom. The neck is massaged in a counter-tact – the hand in one direction, the head in the other. Back diseases indicate that a person does not want to give up his stupidity, since the back symbolizes what we turned away from.
Then the chest and stomach are massaged by the hour.
Hands and wrists.
Feet and foot.
After massage, it is better not to go anywhere for an hour, take ablution, i.e. wash off the unabsorbed part of the oil, but without detergents.
Contraindications to Ayurvedic self-massage:
Rubbing with salt is a simple and effective procedure for body health
Non-standard press training by Zuzka Light
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_5223
First of all:
It is necessary to massage all active points on the hands, there is a connection with all organs of the body. Hand massage should be done long enough. Therefore, if you massage your hands well, it is often enough to have good self-therapy.

First, the oil is applied to the navel.It is rubbed 21 times clockwise and 21 times counterclockwise. Through the navel we were connected to the mother, the navel is energetically connected to all internal organs, it is also associated with the fire of digestion.
Then the top of the head is massaged.This is the place that connects man with the Superconsciousness, it is called Brahma-Randaha. There's a small hole in this place that tightens with age, but still stays, and oil can penetrate through that hole, into the body, into the brain. Then the oil is rubbed all over the head. Rub it quickly and carefully, applying oil to the fingertips.
Then the nails on the hands and feet are massaged. This maintains calcium balance and prevents nail disease. Nails are associated with the energy of prosperity. From the quality of the nails of the wife is associated with the financial prosperity of the husband. When massage nails, it is important to rub the oil into the root and to the tips of the nail, then the nails will be very healthy.
Then the inside of the nostrils is lubricated.And the air is drawn in, which are the elements of pranayama. Taking care of the nostrils, we take care of our brain, since the nostrils are connected to the flows of prana in the body. also the ability to remember and feel emotions, think depends on the state of the nose. Everything in the body depends on breathing. It also helps with headaches.
The oil is then applied to the ears. It also relieves problems in old age, where the ability to hear can deteriorate. Regular self-massage of the ears with oil is a good prevention of hearing problems. If we don’t take care of our ears, it’s psychologically related to defiance.
Then the face is massaged - forehead, cheeks, nose. This is the prevention of colds. Usually a person gets sick with colds when he does not like to do something for a very long time - while his immunity falls and leads to colds. This can be restored by massaging the forehead, cheeks and nose.
Then the back is massaged.: starting with the neck, then the shoulders, armpits, back at the level of the armpits, then the kidneys - i.e. the back from top to bottom. The neck is massaged in a counter-tact – the hand in one direction, the head in the other. Back diseases indicate that a person does not want to give up his stupidity, since the back symbolizes what we turned away from.

Then the chest and stomach are massaged by the hour.
Hands and wrists.
Feet and foot.
After massage, it is better not to go anywhere for an hour, take ablution, i.e. wash off the unabsorbed part of the oil, but without detergents.
Contraindications to Ayurvedic self-massage:
- During menstruation. Ayurveda generally in this case does not recommend a pressurized massage, since such a massage can help remove toxins from the deep layers, and the body during menstruation already undergoes additional difficulties.
- During pregnancy. For the same reason, during this period the body is not recommended to undergo any detoxification.
- On swollen areas of the body, as well as the damaged skin surface, massage should not be carried out, you should consult a doctor.
- With an increased number of toxins in the body (a sign of this condition can be a white tongue).
- During the acute phase of any disease.
- Immediately after taking emetics or laxatives.
Rubbing with salt is a simple and effective procedure for body health
Non-standard press training by Zuzka Light
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_5223
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