Rubbing feet, massage of the head and neck to lower blood pressure
Hypertension is one of the most widespread diseases of the cardiovascular system. Its main manifestations can be called headache and dizziness.
Twenty five million six hundred thirty seven thousand one hundred seventy
According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, "if you have problems in the upper body, start the treatment from the bottom". Therefore, when self-massage to lower blood pressure pound and knead the point of Yun-Quan on the soles of the feet. This method lowers all. In traditional Chinese medicine massage points, Yun-Quan is called "get the firewood from under the cauldron", or "return fire to its source." Rubbing the feet helps to reduce the heat of the liver, directs the flow downward, eases the burden on the head, thus eliminating headaches and dizziness.
In addition, in traditional Chinese medicine it is believed that massages of the head and neck (especially the pushing and massaging the seizures, reducing pressure, and cervical arteries behind the ears) adjusts the outflow of blood from the head and weakens the force of the blood flow, promoting freshness of the brain and vision improvement.
Of course, there are many factors that lead to high blood pressure, and treatment should be versatile. In addition to drug therapy, acupuncture and diet techniques of self-massage treatment efficiency significantly increased.
Techniques of self-massage to reduce the pressure is very simple and easy to learn. People suffering from hypertension, should be given some time to try them out for yourself.
1. Rubbing stop. In the morning, after waking up and evening before going to bed, throw some clothes on his shoulder, sit on the bed and RUB the point of Yun-Chuan thumbs (Fig. 9-1), 100 times each (it takes about couple of minutes). Or RUB or knead the sole of the right heel of the left leg and the left sole of the heel of the right foot, for 100 times each. Don't forget that you need to RUB in the direction of the toes, not back and forth.
Thirteen million six hundred fourteen thousand two hundred seventy nine
2. Massage of the head and neck. Start with pushing and massaging the head with both hands from the forehead back to the occipital bone. Then, turning the palm upwards, the outer side of the little fingers push and massage from region above ears down through the notches, lowering the pressure (Fig. 9-3) on the back surface of the ears to the points of Feng-Chi behind the ears (Fig. 9-2). In conclusion, push and massage the outside of the back of the hand cervical artery down to the front of the chest. The whole exercise usually takes about half a minute.
Ninety four million three hundred ninety three thousand nine hundred forty five
Twenty eight million seven hundred thirty one thousand five hundred forty nine
Two of the above exercises can be performed sequentially. You can RUB and massage the head and neck after rubbing stop, either foot can be rubbed after massaging the head and neck. Usually after that the pain goes away, and the pressure is reduced by 10-20 mm. the Effect lasts for 4-5 hours. To consolidate the therapeutic effect do massage of the head and neck whenever you have the desire.
Energy gymnastics hand from Yoshiro Tsutsumi
Fast and live longer!
This method is simple and effective, but it requires perseverance, and at the beginning should take the assigned drugs. Over time, as pressure decreases, start to gradually reduce the dose of medication (in consultation with the treating doctor).published
"Therapeutic exercise Chinese medicine", sung Zindani, Liu Dozen
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_6401
Twenty five million six hundred thirty seven thousand one hundred seventy
According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, "if you have problems in the upper body, start the treatment from the bottom". Therefore, when self-massage to lower blood pressure pound and knead the point of Yun-Quan on the soles of the feet. This method lowers all. In traditional Chinese medicine massage points, Yun-Quan is called "get the firewood from under the cauldron", or "return fire to its source." Rubbing the feet helps to reduce the heat of the liver, directs the flow downward, eases the burden on the head, thus eliminating headaches and dizziness.
In addition, in traditional Chinese medicine it is believed that massages of the head and neck (especially the pushing and massaging the seizures, reducing pressure, and cervical arteries behind the ears) adjusts the outflow of blood from the head and weakens the force of the blood flow, promoting freshness of the brain and vision improvement.
Of course, there are many factors that lead to high blood pressure, and treatment should be versatile. In addition to drug therapy, acupuncture and diet techniques of self-massage treatment efficiency significantly increased.
Techniques of self-massage to reduce the pressure is very simple and easy to learn. People suffering from hypertension, should be given some time to try them out for yourself.
1. Rubbing stop. In the morning, after waking up and evening before going to bed, throw some clothes on his shoulder, sit on the bed and RUB the point of Yun-Chuan thumbs (Fig. 9-1), 100 times each (it takes about couple of minutes). Or RUB or knead the sole of the right heel of the left leg and the left sole of the heel of the right foot, for 100 times each. Don't forget that you need to RUB in the direction of the toes, not back and forth.
Thirteen million six hundred fourteen thousand two hundred seventy nine
2. Massage of the head and neck. Start with pushing and massaging the head with both hands from the forehead back to the occipital bone. Then, turning the palm upwards, the outer side of the little fingers push and massage from region above ears down through the notches, lowering the pressure (Fig. 9-3) on the back surface of the ears to the points of Feng-Chi behind the ears (Fig. 9-2). In conclusion, push and massage the outside of the back of the hand cervical artery down to the front of the chest. The whole exercise usually takes about half a minute.
Ninety four million three hundred ninety three thousand nine hundred forty five
Twenty eight million seven hundred thirty one thousand five hundred forty nine
Two of the above exercises can be performed sequentially. You can RUB and massage the head and neck after rubbing stop, either foot can be rubbed after massaging the head and neck. Usually after that the pain goes away, and the pressure is reduced by 10-20 mm. the Effect lasts for 4-5 hours. To consolidate the therapeutic effect do massage of the head and neck whenever you have the desire.
Energy gymnastics hand from Yoshiro Tsutsumi
Fast and live longer!
This method is simple and effective, but it requires perseverance, and at the beginning should take the assigned drugs. Over time, as pressure decreases, start to gradually reduce the dose of medication (in consultation with the treating doctor).published
"Therapeutic exercise Chinese medicine", sung Zindani, Liu Dozen
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_6401
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