How to cook stuffed eggplant
1. Vegetables to wash. Parsley roots clean. With cabbage remove the upper leaves 10 and to wait. Cabbage cut into 4 parts. In a saucepan boil water, put eggplant, carrots, cabbage, peppers, parsley and celery. Cook on slow heat for 5 mins, drain the Water, vegetables to cool.
2. Carrots and garlic clean. The peppers remove the core. One stalk of celery to defer, the other with cabbage, carrots, pepper and parsley roots to chop thin straws. Chop the garlic and mix with vegetables. Salt.
3. Eggplant cut lengthwise, but not completely. Stuff the prepared vegetable mixture. Pending the stalk of celery cut into thin strips and tie them to the eggplant.
4. Deferred cabbage leaves rinse. Put half in a ceramic form or wooden barrel.
5. Spread them eggplants on top and cover with the remaining sheets.
Also delicious: Baldy Imam: eggplants stuffed with tomatoes Turkish
Eggplant with carrots: the most delicious salted!
6. Dissolve the salt in 5 l of water. Pour the brine the eggplant so that they were completely covered. Close the form or barrel with a lid. Through the night pour the remaining brine and leave in a cool place for a month.
Bon appetit! Cook with love!
Source: www.gastronom.ru/recipe/6390/farshirovannye-baklazhany
- petiolar celery – stalks 7
- dried parsley root – 5.
- eggplant – 5 kg
- cabbage – 1 head
- carrots – 3 PCs.
- green bell pepper – 4 PCs.
- garlic – 2 heads
- salt – 0.5 cups + 1.5 cups for the brine

1. Vegetables to wash. Parsley roots clean. With cabbage remove the upper leaves 10 and to wait. Cabbage cut into 4 parts. In a saucepan boil water, put eggplant, carrots, cabbage, peppers, parsley and celery. Cook on slow heat for 5 mins, drain the Water, vegetables to cool.
2. Carrots and garlic clean. The peppers remove the core. One stalk of celery to defer, the other with cabbage, carrots, pepper and parsley roots to chop thin straws. Chop the garlic and mix with vegetables. Salt.
3. Eggplant cut lengthwise, but not completely. Stuff the prepared vegetable mixture. Pending the stalk of celery cut into thin strips and tie them to the eggplant.
4. Deferred cabbage leaves rinse. Put half in a ceramic form or wooden barrel.
5. Spread them eggplants on top and cover with the remaining sheets.
Also delicious: Baldy Imam: eggplants stuffed with tomatoes Turkish
Eggplant with carrots: the most delicious salted!
6. Dissolve the salt in 5 l of water. Pour the brine the eggplant so that they were completely covered. Close the form or barrel with a lid. Through the night pour the remaining brine and leave in a cool place for a month.

Bon appetit! Cook with love!
Source: www.gastronom.ru/recipe/6390/farshirovannye-baklazhany
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