Surface drainage: a step by step guide
To prevent the damage caused by melt water and heavy rainfall, through the arrangement of surface drainage. This system serves to collect and drain excess precipitation, which often otaplivaya the adjacent land, and with it fruit trees (and other planting), foundations and basements. In the article we will focus on the system of surface drainage.
The advantages of surface water drainagesystem does not require serious financial investments, due to the reduction of earthworks. Resulting in reduced probability of violation of the structural strength of soil, i.e. drawdowns.
The types of drainage systemsDrainage systems — part of storm drains, which are used in the landscaping of both public and private areas. There are 2 types of systems: linear and point.
Each system offers a very efficient job, but their combination is the best option in the organization of the drainage.
The drainage device for the drainage systemFor the organization of drainage line or point are various elements and devices, where each component is serving its purpose. Competent their Union leads to productive work.
Drainage trays is an integral part of the linear system are used to collect rain and melt water. Then send excess moisture to drain or at least divert away from the plot. The channels are made of concrete, polymer concrete and plastic.
Storm-water inlets
Drainage grates
Design drainageCalculation system for large areas is made according to the Hydroproject, which takes into account all the nuances: the intensity of rainfall, landscaping, and more. It determines the length and number of elements of the drainage system.
The rapid outflow of water through the channel will provide a surface with a slope. To organize orientation, in the following ways:
The stages of the device's linear drainage
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The development point drainage
Shallow-draught channels, andRocky soil make it difficult the installation of gutters in standard sizes. In this regard, some manufacturers offer products with a small depth, where the channel height is 95 mm.
Source: strport.ru/uchastok/poverkhnostnyi-vodootvod-poshagovaya-instruktsiya
The advantages of surface water drainagesystem does not require serious financial investments, due to the reduction of earthworks. Resulting in reduced probability of violation of the structural strength of soil, i.e. drawdowns.
- Due to the external drainage line type significantly expanded the coverage area for the catchment, while this value is reduced as the length of the trunk sewer.

- Carrying system can be done without breaking the entire integrity of the existing pavement. Here is a frame according to the width of the gutters.
- The system is suitable for mounting on a rocky or unstable soils. And in those places where there is no possibility to produce in-depth work (architectural monuments, underground utilities).
The types of drainage systemsDrainage systems — part of storm drains, which are used in the landscaping of both public and private areas. There are 2 types of systems: linear and point.
- The linear system consists of gutters, sand, and sometimes storm water. This design copes with its task over large areas. In its organization earthworks is minimised. Its installation is necessary in areas with clay soil, or slope of more than 3º.

- Point system is a locally placed inlets, United underground pipelines. The optimum system to collect the water coming from roof gutters. Its installation is advisable in areas with a modest space or when there are any restrictions for the arrangement of linear drainage.
Each system offers a very efficient job, but their combination is the best option in the organization of the drainage.
The drainage device for the drainage systemFor the organization of drainage line or point are various elements and devices, where each component is serving its purpose. Competent their Union leads to productive work.
Drainage trays is an integral part of the linear system are used to collect rain and melt water. Then send excess moisture to drain or at least divert away from the plot. The channels are made of concrete, polymer concrete and plastic.
- Plastic products are light weight and easy installation. Specially developed plugs, adapters, fasteners, and other items that facilitate the process of Assembly and installation of the system. Despite the high technical characteristics (strength and frost resistance) of the material used, they are limited load to 25 tons. These gutters are installed in the suburban areas, pedestrian zones, Bicycle lanes, which do not have high mechanical impact.

- The trays of concrete is undoubtedly a durable, long-lasting and affordable. They are able to withstand quite a substantial load. Their installation in appropriate areas of transport, for example, on driveways, or near garages. Installed on top of steel or cast iron grates. Reliable mounting system allows you to change the position during operation.
- Polymer concrete channels combine the best performance plastic and concrete. With a small weight taking a substantial load and are more physical and technical properties. Accordingly, we have and a decent price. Thanks to the smooth surface of the gutters sand, sparse foliage, branches and other outdoor debris to pass without difficulty. Competent installation and periodic cleaning guarantee long-term service drainage.
- This element of the system is responsible for filtering water from the earth, sand and other suspended particles. Sand and fitted with a basket, which gathers foreign debris. The equipment installed in the vicinity of the drain into the sewer, will provide the most effective work.
- The sand trap, as the trays must match the type of load. As this item is in a bundle with other components of the drainage system, it must be of the same material as the other links in the chain.

- Its upper part has the same shape as that of the gutter. It also closes the drainage grate, so apparently iskopaemykh invisible. To reduce the level of the location (below the freezing depth of soil) by setting these elements to each other.
- Design of sand and involves the presence of side branches for connection to the pipes of an underground storm sewer. Lead bends are available in diameters located substantially above the bottom, so small particles, settling, staying there.
- Iskopaemykh can also be made of concrete, polymer concrete and synthetic polymers. The package includes steel, cast iron, plastic grille. His choice is dependent on the estimated volume of water discharged and the load level in the area of its installation.
Storm-water inlets
- Melt and rain water is collected by drainpipes from the roof falls on the pavement. In these zones, and installed a storm-water inlets, which is a container of square shape. Their installation is appropriate and in those places where it is not possible to arrange surface drainage is of linear type.

- So as the outlets perform the function of the sand, they are complemented by the waste bin, which is regularly cleaned and the water trap that protects from odorous substances coming from the sewers. They also are equipped with nozzles to connect pipes of underground drainage.
- Most often they are made of cast iron or durable plastic. The upper part has a grid, the load, preventing the ingress of large debris and performs a decorative function. The grille may be of plastic, steel or cast iron.
Drainage grates
- The grille is part of the surface drainage. She undertakes the mechanical load. It is a visible item, so the product is given a decorative appearance.
- The drainage grille is classified in accordance with the operating loads. So for plots, a suburban area suitable articles of class A or C. For these purposes, plastic, copper or steel grating.

- Cast iron products are famous for its durability. Such lattices are used in the regeneration areas with high traffic load (90 tons). Although cast iron is subject to corrosion and requires regular staining, an alternative to it for strength just yet.
- As for the lifetime of the drainage gratings, cast iron products will last for at least a quarter of a century, steel is about 10 years, plastic lattice will have to change after 5 seasons.
Design drainageCalculation system for large areas is made according to the Hydroproject, which takes into account all the nuances: the intensity of rainfall, landscaping, and more. It determines the length and number of elements of the drainage system.
- For country or suburban areas, it is sufficient to draw a site plan on which is marked the location of the outfall. Here is calculated the number of gutters, connecting elements and other components.

- The width of the channels is chosen depending on the bandwidth. The optimum width of the trays for a private construction is considered to be 100 mm. In areas with high drainage can be used gutters and widths up to 300 mm.
- Attention should be paid and the diameter of the taps. Standard cross section of the sewer pipe is 110 mm. Therefore, if the outlet has a different diameter – it is necessary to use an adapter.
The rapid outflow of water through the channel will provide a surface with a slope. To organize orientation, in the following ways:
- the use of natural slope;
- by excavation to create the slope surface (with minimal changes);
- to pick up trays of various heights, apply only in small areas;
- to acquire channels, whose inner surface is under a bias. Typically, these products are made from concrete.
The stages of the device's linear drainage
- By stretched cords are laid out the boundaries of the drainage. If the system passes through concrete pad marking is carried out with sand or chalk.
- Next is the excavation. On paved land use jackhammer.
- The trench width should be more of a tray about 20 cm (10 cm on each side). The depth under the trough of lightweight materials is calculated based on sand (10-15 cm). Under concrete trays laying a first layer of gravel and then sand at 10-15 cm each. It should be noted that the drainage grille after installation should be placed 3-4 mm below surface level. The bottom of the trench can be filled with concrete and lean, but these actions are performed, if not provided transportation vehicles.

- Going drainage system. In the trench are placed in the trays and through the mounting tongue-and-groove fixed between them. Often products are labeled with an arrow indicating the direction of water movement. If necessary, the joints are filled with polymeric components.
- Further mounted sand. The highway drainage system by means of fittings connected with iskopaemykh and sewer pipes.
- The empty space between the gutters and the walls of the trench is filled with gravel or soil previously excavated and thoroughly compacted. It is also possible to fill sand and gravel solution.
- The established channels are closed protective and decorative grilles. It should be noted that if the arrangement of the drainage used the plastic trays, then the lattice is set to Yes, fill space with concrete.
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The development point drainage
- In the areas with the greatest moisture accumulation escapes the pit. Pit width should be equal to the size of the container of storm water. It is necessary to consider that the lattice should also be just below the surface of the earth.

- Also is the excavation and laying of lines for linear drainage, or pipes. It is important to follow a slope of about 1 cm for every linear meter of surface.
- The bottom of excavation compacted and settling sand cushion, with a layer of 10-15 cm on Top of it is poured concrete with a thickness of about 20 cm.
- Next, set the storm water inlet to which is connected drain pans or Sewerage pipes.
- At the end is mounted a siphon, insert the trash-bin and set the bars.
- Design of storm water allows to set several containers on each other. This gives you the opportunity to carve bury the pipe below frost penetration.
Shallow-draught channels, andRocky soil make it difficult the installation of gutters in standard sizes. In this regard, some manufacturers offer products with a small depth, where the channel height is 95 mm.
- Usually the trays are made of plastic with high physical and technical indicators. The package includes drain grate galvanized steel abrasion resistant polymeric coating.
- These channels are widely used in areas with a small amount of wastewater. With their help manage to organize an effective surface drainage with minimal excavation.
Source: strport.ru/uchastok/poverkhnostnyi-vodootvod-poshagovaya-instruktsiya
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