9 cool hairstyles for long hair for 10 minutes

Long hair - is one of the finest female virtues. How easy it is to change the image, simply by changing the hairstyle! But often this is not enough time, and we restrict ourselves to a simple ponytail or plait her hair.
< Website took 9 variants coolest hairstyles that can be done in minutes. < br>
Romantic node

Separate the strands side and connect at the back using the gum. End pryadok cranking through the top. Then plait the thin plait to receive under the tail. Spit twists around and connected pryadok anchoring invisible. Step by step guide here.
Elegantly brushed the hair

Gather the top strands of hair into a low ponytail. Divide strands of gum with your fingers and skip through the top of the tip of the tail. Assemble the side strands and connect the rubber band, and then turn the tip of the tail at the top. How do you see here.

Assemble the upper part of the hair in a small tail and make a bundle. Gather strands below and remove in a bun. Step by step guide here.
Elegant beam

Divide the hair into two equal parts and make two tails. Divide each tail into two strands and twist the them together. Twist twisted tails together. Step by step guide here.
Beam with braids

Braid on the right and left thin braids. Gather hair into a ponytail and twist the ends of the hair in a bun. Fix invisible. How do you see here.
With a bandage for hair

We put a bandage on his head and hair under her folded the hair. The side strands twist and laid on top of the resulting beam. Step by step guide here.
Beautiful tail

Gather hair into a low ponytail. Side strand plait in thin braids, which are stacked crosswise on the back of her head and secured by stealth. Tail intercept transparent rubber bands. How do you see here.
Cute bow
We put a bandage on his head and folded the hair at her side strands. Then take a strand of hair on the back of the head just below the bandage and remove to the tail, but do not pull out your hair completely, the last time I cheat gum. Divide the resulting beam into two sections. Then fasten the resulting bow invisible. Gently pushim each section of a bow. Separate the bottom strand of the ponytail and wrap up, in the middle of a bow. Fix the invisible and varnish. How this is done is shown here.
Elegant beam

Putting the top part of the hair in a ponytail. We put on a bagel tail hair and remove hair in a bun, which fix the rubber band. The free ends of a thin plait braid. We wrapped bundle of pigtail and fasten the hair invisible.
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