How to scrape hardwood floors in the house
Minus the wooden floor, there is only one wood needs careful constant care, and also darkens over time and loses all its former beauty. It has to be the usual sanding – that is, removing the wooden cover of the upper layer of paint, protective layers of varnish and darkened layer of the tree. It is generally believed that the sanding process is long, dusty and extremely difficult. But today, I will show you how to upgrade the floor with sanding with your hands and without any extra costs.
Tools for the job
When it is impossible to sand the floor
Floors better (and in some cases cheaper) to replace than to scrape, in the following cases:
How to check the floors for all these troubles? If the first item or the presence of lesions of bugs can be easily determined by visual inspection of the floor (the borers leave holes with the piles of wood dust), but with the other points you will have to conduct a small test.
To identify the presence of moisture, floor area size in square meter dim plastic film, which must be tightly press down on the edges. If the film was condensation – sanding a floor makes no sense. You just need to remove the old floor, re-do the waterproofing and lay new turf.
Mechanical wear and coating thickness check the usual shoemaking awl. They prick at an angle of 45 degrees in each corner 2-3 floorboard. Oak flooring in the tip must be no more than 3-5 mm; parquet birch, walnut or ash, up to 7 mm. If there are deeper, then the Board probably moldy and also does not make sense to scrape. published
Source: estp-blog.ru/rubrics/rid-31219/
Tools for the job
- The most important tool — parketoshlifovalnye, or, as it is otherwise called, scraping machine.
- Angle grinder for the processing of the coating in corners and hard to reach places. You can also use manual Tsikel. Both of these machines – as angle grinder and scraping, can be rented for the required period, if you are on a budget.
- Sandpaper grit is needed – the larger will be the grain the stronger the engine will affect the coating. Generally suitable paper numbered No. 40-120.
- A pair of scissors.
- Putty for wood.
- A vacuum cleaner.
- Roller and brush.
- Protective varnish for the final coating.
When it is impossible to sand the floor
Floors better (and in some cases cheaper) to replace than to scrape, in the following cases:
- On the floor there are visible irregularities, chips or dings, the flooring is cracked or swollen from moisture.
- In most electable spot on the floor (often in front of the door) from the top of any of the boards until the pile is less than 5 mm.
- Floor rot-damaged, moisture, pests of the type Zhukov-drevotochtsev.
How to check the floors for all these troubles? If the first item or the presence of lesions of bugs can be easily determined by visual inspection of the floor (the borers leave holes with the piles of wood dust), but with the other points you will have to conduct a small test.
To identify the presence of moisture, floor area size in square meter dim plastic film, which must be tightly press down on the edges. If the film was condensation – sanding a floor makes no sense. You just need to remove the old floor, re-do the waterproofing and lay new turf.
Mechanical wear and coating thickness check the usual shoemaking awl. They prick at an angle of 45 degrees in each corner 2-3 floorboard. Oak flooring in the tip must be no more than 3-5 mm; parquet birch, walnut or ash, up to 7 mm. If there are deeper, then the Board probably moldy and also does not make sense to scrape. published
Source: estp-blog.ru/rubrics/rid-31219/
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