Look what he turned the old floor into in his apartment. When I found out how it was done, I gasped!
Many change the old floors for parquet, laminate, massive board and other modern coatings. But what I saw while visiting an old friend surprised and inspired me at the same time.
Natalia recently moved into an apartment that she inherited from her great-grandmother. The apartment is not new for a long time, and everything in it clearly asked for repairs, especially the floors.
The masters advised to remove these whiteboard, disfiguring the sex, but the husband of a friend decided differently. What he did as a result is admirable. Now there will be no sex like them anymore! In addition, this alteration cost them a mere penny.
While the floorboards are not rotten, you can choose a more economical solution than replacing the parquet with laminate. The cheapest way to upgrade old floors is to paint.
Of course, just paint the surface with one tone is much easier, but if you approach this process creatively, you can turn old boards into a spectacular floor by more complex painting techniques.
Editorial "Site" I have 27 creative ideas for you. budgeting. Incredible transformation!
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After original painting I highly recommend protecting the surface. You can choose a matte or glossy option. Among the glossy varnishes there are varieties from half-matted to super glossy. The latter are especially suitable for ornaments for ceramic tiles, as well as for giving a respectable look to the budget floor.
A minimum set of tools and skills, a little courage and imagination will help you create a beautiful wooden floor in the apartment or in the country with your own hands. And the first question you'll hear from your guests is, "Wow, how did you do that?"
I hope you, like me, are inspired by these ideas. Creative success, inspiration and beautiful changes for you! Don’t forget to share these interesting solutions with your family and friends.
Natalia recently moved into an apartment that she inherited from her great-grandmother. The apartment is not new for a long time, and everything in it clearly asked for repairs, especially the floors.
The masters advised to remove these whiteboard, disfiguring the sex, but the husband of a friend decided differently. What he did as a result is admirable. Now there will be no sex like them anymore! In addition, this alteration cost them a mere penny.
While the floorboards are not rotten, you can choose a more economical solution than replacing the parquet with laminate. The cheapest way to upgrade old floors is to paint.
Of course, just paint the surface with one tone is much easier, but if you approach this process creatively, you can turn old boards into a spectacular floor by more complex painting techniques.
Editorial "Site" I have 27 creative ideas for you. budgeting. Incredible transformation!
- Here is an example of the simplest way of reconstruction. The old parquet is repainted in a new, more fashionable and refreshing shade of mint color. A layer of lacquer was applied on top to protect the surface from mechanical damage.
- The idea of painted sexes It can be practical in a narrow corridor. Unlike the usual path, your picturesque “path” can be light enough – to “clean” it will need to simply wash the floors.
- The floor must be prepared before work. Clean, close the crevices and paint the main paint. Then, using a template made from a piece of linoleum or glue, simply apply an additional pattern with color paint. You can also walk over this pattern with a brush with a darker or lighter paint. So you can add an additional beautiful volume of your painting.
- And this is a great option. rearrangement using the decoupage technique. Showing imagination and ingenuity, you will be able to decorate any wood in the house, turning the “gray” ordinary interior into the apartments of the aristocrat of past centuries, a pirate lair or the habitat of fairy tale heroes.
- This option will certainly be the original decoration of not only a private apartment, but also an office or cafe.
- Especially appropriate look such wooden floors on the dacha veranda or terrace. Painting “mats” on the floor allow visually zoning the space. In addition, it can be an interesting highlight in the design of summer terraces of cafes and restaurants.
- The original colorful drawing on the floor, invented by you and made with your own hands, is the easiest way to transform a living space into a personal space.
- How about this vintage solution? I think there's something about it, don't you?
- Rhombic drawing is one of the most popular motifs in floor design. It can be contrasting or created by a combination of close shades, but it should always be well combined shades of the same color temperature: either warm or cold.
- With the help of painting or painting the floor, you can effectively and functionally zone the premises in the apartment.
- Such a floor will certainly give originality and style to any room, be it a kitchen or a living room.
- The use of templates will create a complex ornament by simple means. Primitive oversized templates can be made independently from a plastic file, folder or old linoleum. More complex – easier to buy in stores. Even a two-tone wooden floor with such ornament looks beautiful and unusual.
- What do you think of this rosy solution?
- This is the most complex and beautiful option, requiring certain artistic abilities. Painting on a pre-created background will make the floor exclusive. Focusing on the style of the room, you can create an abstract ornament, floral pattern, imitation of a carpet or a genre painting on the floor.
Editorial Board
After original painting I highly recommend protecting the surface. You can choose a matte or glossy option. Among the glossy varnishes there are varieties from half-matted to super glossy. The latter are especially suitable for ornaments for ceramic tiles, as well as for giving a respectable look to the budget floor.
A minimum set of tools and skills, a little courage and imagination will help you create a beautiful wooden floor in the apartment or in the country with your own hands. And the first question you'll hear from your guests is, "Wow, how did you do that?"
I hope you, like me, are inspired by these ideas. Creative success, inspiration and beautiful changes for you! Don’t forget to share these interesting solutions with your family and friends.
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