The interiors of pre-revolutionary apartments Petersburg
Ninety five million seven hundred eighty three thousand nine hundred thirty nine
Apartment of Prince M. M. Andronikov (Fontanka river embankment, 54)
Apartments popular actors, barons and Ministerial advisers, later turned into a communal apartment. These pictures give an idea of how it looked to the Russian revolution of 1917.
However, they became communal later... nee it was someone's apartment. Knowing the sad fate of these apartments, with a special feeling looking at the interior details...
Flat of actress Maria Alexandrovna Mikhailova (Lamppost lane 1 )
The office actress M. A. Mikhailova
Living room
Children's the apartment of the actress M. A. Mikhailova
The boudoir of the actress M. A. Mikhailova
Dressing room of the actress M. A. Mikhailova
The dining room in the apartment of the actress M. A. Mikhailova.
Hill with the silver in the apartment of the actress M. A. Mikhailova
The daughter of actress M. A. Mikhailova in children's toys include
Apartment Ikskul Baron von Hildebrandt Alexander (Bolshaya Monetnaya str., 15)
Stairs leading to the apartment of Baron Ikskul
The hallway in the apartment of Baron Ikskul
Living room
View of the area of the library
Bedroom in the apartment of the Baron Ikskul.
Flat major-General, Deputy Minister of internal Affairs, member of the Council of Ministers V. F. Dzhunkovsky (Furshtadtskoy St., 40)
Reception of Deputy Minister of General V. F. Dzhunkovsky.
Area of bedrooms in the apartment of General V. F. Dzhunkovsky.
The dining room in the home of General V. F. Dzhunkovsky.
Flat of engineer DeLaval
The dining room in the flat of engineer DeLaval.
Part of the living room in the flat of engineer DeLaval.
Apartment of Prince M. M. Andronikov (Fontanka river embankment, 54)
The Cabinet in the apartment of Prince M. M. Andronikov
The apartment of the writer, the editor of the newspaper stock Exchange news, V. A. Bondi (Military St., 54)
The apartment of the Minister of public education L. A. kasso (Fontanka river embankment 38)
The library in the apartment of L. A. kasso
Cupboards with books in the dining room of the Minister of public education L. A. kasso.
Flat of Professor P. S. Kossovich in the Forest Institute (Novosiltsevskaya St.)
Apartment Solovieva (Nevsky prospect, D. 51 )
The lobby of the apartment Solovieva
Part of living in the apartment Solovieva
The Cabinet in the apartment Solovieva
The dining room in the apartment Solovieva
The bedroom in the apartment Solovieva
Bathroom in the apartment Solovieva
Source: www.livejournal.com/magazine/160943.html
Apartment of Prince M. M. Andronikov (Fontanka river embankment, 54)
Apartments popular actors, barons and Ministerial advisers, later turned into a communal apartment. These pictures give an idea of how it looked to the Russian revolution of 1917.
However, they became communal later... nee it was someone's apartment. Knowing the sad fate of these apartments, with a special feeling looking at the interior details...
Flat of actress Maria Alexandrovna Mikhailova (Lamppost lane 1 )
The office actress M. A. Mikhailova
Living room
Children's the apartment of the actress M. A. Mikhailova
The boudoir of the actress M. A. Mikhailova
Dressing room of the actress M. A. Mikhailova
The dining room in the apartment of the actress M. A. Mikhailova.
Hill with the silver in the apartment of the actress M. A. Mikhailova
The daughter of actress M. A. Mikhailova in children's toys include
Apartment Ikskul Baron von Hildebrandt Alexander (Bolshaya Monetnaya str., 15)
Stairs leading to the apartment of Baron Ikskul
The hallway in the apartment of Baron Ikskul
Living room
View of the area of the library
Bedroom in the apartment of the Baron Ikskul.
Flat major-General, Deputy Minister of internal Affairs, member of the Council of Ministers V. F. Dzhunkovsky (Furshtadtskoy St., 40)
Reception of Deputy Minister of General V. F. Dzhunkovsky.
Area of bedrooms in the apartment of General V. F. Dzhunkovsky.
The dining room in the home of General V. F. Dzhunkovsky.
Flat of engineer DeLaval
The dining room in the flat of engineer DeLaval.
Part of the living room in the flat of engineer DeLaval.
Apartment of Prince M. M. Andronikov (Fontanka river embankment, 54)
The Cabinet in the apartment of Prince M. M. Andronikov
The apartment of the writer, the editor of the newspaper stock Exchange news, V. A. Bondi (Military St., 54)
The apartment of the Minister of public education L. A. kasso (Fontanka river embankment 38)
The library in the apartment of L. A. kasso
Cupboards with books in the dining room of the Minister of public education L. A. kasso.
Flat of Professor P. S. Kossovich in the Forest Institute (Novosiltsevskaya St.)
Apartment Solovieva (Nevsky prospect, D. 51 )
The lobby of the apartment Solovieva
Part of living in the apartment Solovieva
The Cabinet in the apartment Solovieva
The dining room in the apartment Solovieva
The bedroom in the apartment Solovieva
Bathroom in the apartment Solovieva
Source: www.livejournal.com/magazine/160943.html
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