Saint Petersburg from height
Photographer and traveler Amos Chapple, spent some time in the second largest city in Russia - St. Petersburg. He used a small "drone" (or "drone") to withdraw the amazing views of St. Petersburg from height.
The statue of an angel on top of the Alexander Column, which adorns the Palace Square in St. Petersburg. This is one of the first in Russia monument to commemorate the victory over the French.
Park pavilion Hermitage in the fog. The Hermitage is a two-story stone building, which is placed in the center of a large room with four galleries at the corners, ends with a small study.
Peter and Paul Cathedral. Construction of the temple began June 29, 1703 the day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in the newly planted fortress. Until 2012, the cathedral was the height of 123 meters the highest building of St. Petersburg.
View of the Church of the Savior on Blood. Erected in memory of the fact that in this place March 1, 1881 as a result of the attempt was mortally wounded Tsar Alexander II (the expression in the blood indicates the blood of the king). The height of nine-temple 81 meters to a capacity of 1,600 people. A museum and a monument of Russian architecture.
Summer Garden of Saint Petersburg - is the oldest park of the city. Summer Garden in St. Petersburg, founded in 1704 by decree of Peter I, personally draw its plan.
Mikhailovsky Castle or the Engineers. This building - the largest architectural monument, the final story himself Petersburg architecture of the XVIII century. His name Mikhailovsky Castle are therein shall temple of Archangel Michael, the patron saint of the House of Romanov.
Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul - the Orthodox church in Peterhof. In the background is seen the Gulf of Finland in the fog. The cathedral was built in the forms of Russian architecture of the XVI-XVII centuries. Designed for 800 people. Externally, the temple has a pyramidal shape and crowned with five tented heads. Its height is about 70 meters.
Palace - the main building of the palace and park ensemble "Peterhof".
The largest Orthodox church in St. Petersburg - St. Isaac's Cathedral. Height - 101.5 m, inner area - more than 4000 square meters
Smolny Cathedral at sunset. In the 1740s the heiress of the throne of Elizabeth decided to spend the last years of his life in peace and quiet of the monastery is surrounded by one hundred and twenty noble maidens. Already being empress, she pointed to build a monastery on the site of "Smolny home" - the palace where she lived his adolescence.
Fog. Peter and Paul in Peterhof.
Church of the Savior on Blood. The architecture of the temple is an example of the late stages of evolution of the "Russian style". The building is a collective image of the Russian Orthodox church, based on samples of Moscow and Yaroslavl XVI-XVII centuries. A great influence on the appearance of the temple architecture had St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow.

The statue of an angel on top of the Alexander Column, which adorns the Palace Square in St. Petersburg. This is one of the first in Russia monument to commemorate the victory over the French.

Park pavilion Hermitage in the fog. The Hermitage is a two-story stone building, which is placed in the center of a large room with four galleries at the corners, ends with a small study.

Peter and Paul Cathedral. Construction of the temple began June 29, 1703 the day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in the newly planted fortress. Until 2012, the cathedral was the height of 123 meters the highest building of St. Petersburg.

View of the Church of the Savior on Blood. Erected in memory of the fact that in this place March 1, 1881 as a result of the attempt was mortally wounded Tsar Alexander II (the expression in the blood indicates the blood of the king). The height of nine-temple 81 meters to a capacity of 1,600 people. A museum and a monument of Russian architecture.

Summer Garden of Saint Petersburg - is the oldest park of the city. Summer Garden in St. Petersburg, founded in 1704 by decree of Peter I, personally draw its plan.

Mikhailovsky Castle or the Engineers. This building - the largest architectural monument, the final story himself Petersburg architecture of the XVIII century. His name Mikhailovsky Castle are therein shall temple of Archangel Michael, the patron saint of the House of Romanov.

Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul - the Orthodox church in Peterhof. In the background is seen the Gulf of Finland in the fog. The cathedral was built in the forms of Russian architecture of the XVI-XVII centuries. Designed for 800 people. Externally, the temple has a pyramidal shape and crowned with five tented heads. Its height is about 70 meters.

Palace - the main building of the palace and park ensemble "Peterhof".

The largest Orthodox church in St. Petersburg - St. Isaac's Cathedral. Height - 101.5 m, inner area - more than 4000 square meters

Smolny Cathedral at sunset. In the 1740s the heiress of the throne of Elizabeth decided to spend the last years of his life in peace and quiet of the monastery is surrounded by one hundred and twenty noble maidens. Already being empress, she pointed to build a monastery on the site of "Smolny home" - the palace where she lived his adolescence.

Fog. Peter and Paul in Peterhof.

Church of the Savior on Blood. The architecture of the temple is an example of the late stages of evolution of the "Russian style". The building is a collective image of the Russian Orthodox church, based on samples of Moscow and Yaroslavl XVI-XVII centuries. A great influence on the appearance of the temple architecture had St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow.
