Racing circuit for everyone
In St. Petersburg, has opened its first in the city circuit for racing. Over 100 million rubles in Shushary highway built a world-class, which is designed for ordinary motorists.
6 ph via dp.ru
The plot of 26 hectares in Shushary is privately owned by the investor, whose name was not disclosed. LLC "Circuit of St. Petersburg", according to the register, 100% owned by Nadezhda Kuzmina. She also belongs to the business center "Integral" to Livonia Street. According to unofficial data, the real investors have become well-known businessman, motorsport enthusiast.
Track length Circuit - 3, 1 km away. Width - 12-16 m (as in the CR). The total volume of planned investments - 500 million rubles. This price includes the land, 8 km from the Ring Road. Experts estimate a portion of $ 8-15 million.
Mikhail Gorbachev, the architect of the Circuit, said that the payback period - 3-4 years. Make it planned at the expense of the official competitions and collecting fees from private motorists for races. Now the circuit is ready to run, the cost of which - 100 million rubles. The main costs fell to 6 hectares of fill slopes expensive brand of asphalt. He prepared a special formula at the "Highway" and placed for 29 hours in a continuous manner. For the transportation of asphalt was used 370 asfaltovozov.
As the project manager of "Circuit of St. Petersburg" Alexander Ortino, the end of 2011 at the circuit will be completed security zone, repair and maintenance facilities and tribunes for 10 thousand. Viewers.
Course record set by the organizers of the supercar Dodge Viper - 285 km / h, and 90-degree rotation, they drove at a speed of 110 km / h. As long as the circuit runs in a restricted mode. It is now available to everyone, but the maximum speed permitted for the visitors on it - 120 km / h.
During the three days of the race track on it has passed the 300 customer cars. Alexander Ortino emphasizes that 60% of them were not special sports car, and the most common serial cars. According to estimates of the organizers, in St. Petersburg there are about 30 thousand people interested in motor racing.
Car Petersburg - about 1, 7 million vehicles. Every year, according to the police department in Petersburg and Leningrad region, he updated 80-100 thousand. New cars. Many buyers are powerful and fast cars is yigde can not experience their maximum potential. This led to the emergence of dozens of semi-legal clubs that organize races not only abandoned the outskirts of the city, but also on the Ring Road.
The city authorities have repeatedly tried to stop such "pokatushki." The appearance of an airport, where they can be carried out, will be more than an argument to a total ban on race in the city. Representatives of racing clubs believe that a new race track will mainly come in no way associated with motor racing drivers. And most of the clubs, as before will spend fees on abandoned city outskirts.
Although the fee for check-in at autodrome (1 ths. Rubles for 3 laps) does not seem excessive even for regular training and competition, the essence of the idea of street racing - racing through the streets of cities - denies race organized on a closed landfill
Inter Mikhail Gorbachev, the architect of the project of an airport "St. Petersburg»
When the open circuit?
Presentation of the race track is scheduled for November 2010. Inauguration - for spring 2011.
For some races it is intended, as the audience it may be present?
The route of our idea is to have the fastest high-speed line in Russia, so will the most interesting and spectacular in terms of the passage of high-speed turns! Circuit "St. Petersburg" - a highway-circular track with a high-tech asphalt, designed in accordance with the requirements of FIA (FIA) to the courses of category 2 and the requirements of the RAF to the highway-ring race tracks category 1. There may be any race racing cars except F1. Also built right for drag racing - "drag strip" and provided a platform for drifting. When will be ready bleachers and platforms for spectators, the circuit can take up to 10 000 people.
Who is the investor of the race track as the investments in the construction?
Investor of the project is a private business. Just a real motorsport enthusiasts tired of waiting for the sea weather. In such a big city like St. Petersburg should be Raceway. Reset, and constructed. How much they have invested, I can not say, not interested. Our business - is a sports master plan, that is the author's unique configuration of the race track, which makes it unique. Usually kilometer race track race track costs by 30 million rubles. At this cost, the circuit will be repaid fairly quickly, within 3-4 years.
Do you consider it a kind of substitute for "Neva ring"?
"Circuit of St. Petersburg" - a unique multi-purpose stationary training complex, corresponding international standards. There are plans to build, and the necessary infrastructure. So it turns out that the replacement of a very, very worthy. I am particularly pleased that it is entirely Russian design, as both designers and builders - the Russians. We have already proved that the second time you can successfully do without very expensive and ambitious Hermann Tilke.
How do you personally feel about the prospect of racing "Formula 1" in Russian?
I treat this venture with skepticism. In non-automotive country Russia should be developed car culture, motorsports, automotive, and only then think about Formula 1, and not vice versa. It requires just such complexes as "Circuit of St. Petersburg." Then, I wonder who is going to pay 40 million euros for the arrival of the Circus Maximus, and most importantly why? To recapture the money is unreal. To say that one week to solve the problem, the lack of demand for the entire Olympic infrastructure in Sochi - lightly. Furthermore, an example of the same non-automotive Turkey appreciated that occupancy of the stands will be very low.
6 ph via dp.ru

The plot of 26 hectares in Shushary is privately owned by the investor, whose name was not disclosed. LLC "Circuit of St. Petersburg", according to the register, 100% owned by Nadezhda Kuzmina. She also belongs to the business center "Integral" to Livonia Street. According to unofficial data, the real investors have become well-known businessman, motorsport enthusiast.
Track length Circuit - 3, 1 km away. Width - 12-16 m (as in the CR). The total volume of planned investments - 500 million rubles. This price includes the land, 8 km from the Ring Road. Experts estimate a portion of $ 8-15 million.

Mikhail Gorbachev, the architect of the Circuit, said that the payback period - 3-4 years. Make it planned at the expense of the official competitions and collecting fees from private motorists for races. Now the circuit is ready to run, the cost of which - 100 million rubles. The main costs fell to 6 hectares of fill slopes expensive brand of asphalt. He prepared a special formula at the "Highway" and placed for 29 hours in a continuous manner. For the transportation of asphalt was used 370 asfaltovozov.

As the project manager of "Circuit of St. Petersburg" Alexander Ortino, the end of 2011 at the circuit will be completed security zone, repair and maintenance facilities and tribunes for 10 thousand. Viewers.
Course record set by the organizers of the supercar Dodge Viper - 285 km / h, and 90-degree rotation, they drove at a speed of 110 km / h. As long as the circuit runs in a restricted mode. It is now available to everyone, but the maximum speed permitted for the visitors on it - 120 km / h.

During the three days of the race track on it has passed the 300 customer cars. Alexander Ortino emphasizes that 60% of them were not special sports car, and the most common serial cars. According to estimates of the organizers, in St. Petersburg there are about 30 thousand people interested in motor racing.
Car Petersburg - about 1, 7 million vehicles. Every year, according to the police department in Petersburg and Leningrad region, he updated 80-100 thousand. New cars. Many buyers are powerful and fast cars is yigde can not experience their maximum potential. This led to the emergence of dozens of semi-legal clubs that organize races not only abandoned the outskirts of the city, but also on the Ring Road.
The city authorities have repeatedly tried to stop such "pokatushki." The appearance of an airport, where they can be carried out, will be more than an argument to a total ban on race in the city. Representatives of racing clubs believe that a new race track will mainly come in no way associated with motor racing drivers. And most of the clubs, as before will spend fees on abandoned city outskirts.
Although the fee for check-in at autodrome (1 ths. Rubles for 3 laps) does not seem excessive even for regular training and competition, the essence of the idea of street racing - racing through the streets of cities - denies race organized on a closed landfill

Inter Mikhail Gorbachev, the architect of the project of an airport "St. Petersburg»
When the open circuit?
Presentation of the race track is scheduled for November 2010. Inauguration - for spring 2011.
For some races it is intended, as the audience it may be present?
The route of our idea is to have the fastest high-speed line in Russia, so will the most interesting and spectacular in terms of the passage of high-speed turns! Circuit "St. Petersburg" - a highway-circular track with a high-tech asphalt, designed in accordance with the requirements of FIA (FIA) to the courses of category 2 and the requirements of the RAF to the highway-ring race tracks category 1. There may be any race racing cars except F1. Also built right for drag racing - "drag strip" and provided a platform for drifting. When will be ready bleachers and platforms for spectators, the circuit can take up to 10 000 people.
Who is the investor of the race track as the investments in the construction?
Investor of the project is a private business. Just a real motorsport enthusiasts tired of waiting for the sea weather. In such a big city like St. Petersburg should be Raceway. Reset, and constructed. How much they have invested, I can not say, not interested. Our business - is a sports master plan, that is the author's unique configuration of the race track, which makes it unique. Usually kilometer race track race track costs by 30 million rubles. At this cost, the circuit will be repaid fairly quickly, within 3-4 years.
Do you consider it a kind of substitute for "Neva ring"?
"Circuit of St. Petersburg" - a unique multi-purpose stationary training complex, corresponding international standards. There are plans to build, and the necessary infrastructure. So it turns out that the replacement of a very, very worthy. I am particularly pleased that it is entirely Russian design, as both designers and builders - the Russians. We have already proved that the second time you can successfully do without very expensive and ambitious Hermann Tilke.
How do you personally feel about the prospect of racing "Formula 1" in Russian?
I treat this venture with skepticism. In non-automotive country Russia should be developed car culture, motorsports, automotive, and only then think about Formula 1, and not vice versa. It requires just such complexes as "Circuit of St. Petersburg." Then, I wonder who is going to pay 40 million euros for the arrival of the Circus Maximus, and most importantly why? To recapture the money is unreal. To say that one week to solve the problem, the lack of demand for the entire Olympic infrastructure in Sochi - lightly. Furthermore, an example of the same non-automotive Turkey appreciated that occupancy of the stands will be very low.
