Abandoned Soviet Attractions
Everyone knows the legendary object Exclusion Zone - an amusement park in Pripyat: overgrown "Speedway" rusty "Ferris wheel". Many, including myself, want to see them live. It turns out that it does not have to go this far, exactly the same attractions in St. Petersburg have Ekateringof park, but in a much better condition, and without any radiation. For me, it was a date with my childhood, on the same rides I once rode in Brest city park, but there they still operate properly.
Will 59 photo source.
1. In the park I came in the evening, when just beginning to "thicken" white night.
2. From the first leaf peeping "pepelats" - familiar to many "Daisy".
3. It is surprising, but the factory that produced rides in the USSR, is still alive and feeling good!
4. "Daisy" worked on it in 1968, and in 1974 - upgraded.
5. Technically speaking, there "during the rotation of the total umbrella occurred change the angle of the carrier boom."
6. When the drum is raised substantially into vertical position (as opposed to "Orbit").
7. Push Along standing were secured on the rim of the drum.
8. During the rotation of the spin clung to the special plates. As I recall, this attraction stood age limit to 16.
9. Drive drum rotation.
10. The electric motor.
11. Nearby is a classic carousel "Carnival".
12. Around the axis of the umbrella ran around the circle toy animals.
13. Elephants, giraffes, deer, horses, camels ...
14. All cartage presented here is not enough donkeys, but they are fully in the district.
15. This carousel could be restored, preserved it well.
16. "Young" is found in many parks all over the USSR.
17. Multisectional "steamer" traveled around the lighthouse. In Brest, unfortunately, "Jung" survived.
18. Detailed striking: there smokestack, steering wheel and even a small screw!
19. The analogue of "cabin boy" is still produced by the Yeisk "Attraction", but is called "Le Corsaire" and looks horrible.
20. "Sun" on the prevalence did not depart from the "cabin boy".
21. This "micro-Ferris wheel" for the little ones. The modern analogue of attraction - "Treasures of the Sea". But I just sort of fascinating old version.
22. In the burned warehouse can still see a lot of parts to the attractions.
23. The "Fungus" not even save ischerkannaya vandals plate.
24. This is another classic carousel.
25. Instead, animals are vehicles.
26. touching "spacecraft".
27 jet fighter.
28. The control panel is not only the steering wheel, but even a dial device.
29. Next roundabout - "Bell»
30. The attraction really looks like a flower with ten buds.
31. When planting need to be fastened to the chain seats, and when the engine starts seats deviated slightly back and then gently swaying.
32. The core of the flower.
33. The enlarged version of "Bells", but with a change in the plane of rotation is called the "Orbit".
34. This is the only attraction that is still fenced and closed on the lock.
35. To take a picture of the remote, the camera had to thrust through the bars, with after removing the lens, because the whole unit does not pass between the bars.
36. Swing in Ekateringof preserved much better in the same Pripyat.
37. Although they often swing park visitors.
38. Sophisticated Swing are not completely set: there are no lockers for skiers.
39. Next to the "racetrack" - the forgotten tracks markup.
40. And here is the "Circuit", just like in Pripyat.
41. And cars are the same, just scattered on the ground.
42. Thin rubber.
44. When the last color on the car caused the symbolism of various brands, such as "Audi".
45. Or, "Buick."
46. Now the children are not here, directly on site grows nettles ...
48. The last attraction - "Funny roller coaster" rastirazhirovanny in parks across the country.
49. A monorail system.
50. The control booth in mechanics.
51. peeling paint, moss on metal parts - the picture is not inferior to Pripyat.
52. The interior of one of the cars, which was the engine and was driving wheel.
Will 59 photo source.

1. In the park I came in the evening, when just beginning to "thicken" white night.

2. From the first leaf peeping "pepelats" - familiar to many "Daisy".

3. It is surprising, but the factory that produced rides in the USSR, is still alive and feeling good!

4. "Daisy" worked on it in 1968, and in 1974 - upgraded.

5. Technically speaking, there "during the rotation of the total umbrella occurred change the angle of the carrier boom."

6. When the drum is raised substantially into vertical position (as opposed to "Orbit").

7. Push Along standing were secured on the rim of the drum.

8. During the rotation of the spin clung to the special plates. As I recall, this attraction stood age limit to 16.

9. Drive drum rotation.

10. The electric motor.

11. Nearby is a classic carousel "Carnival".

12. Around the axis of the umbrella ran around the circle toy animals.

13. Elephants, giraffes, deer, horses, camels ...

14. All cartage presented here is not enough donkeys, but they are fully in the district.

15. This carousel could be restored, preserved it well.

16. "Young" is found in many parks all over the USSR.

17. Multisectional "steamer" traveled around the lighthouse. In Brest, unfortunately, "Jung" survived.

18. Detailed striking: there smokestack, steering wheel and even a small screw!

19. The analogue of "cabin boy" is still produced by the Yeisk "Attraction", but is called "Le Corsaire" and looks horrible.

20. "Sun" on the prevalence did not depart from the "cabin boy".

21. This "micro-Ferris wheel" for the little ones. The modern analogue of attraction - "Treasures of the Sea". But I just sort of fascinating old version.

22. In the burned warehouse can still see a lot of parts to the attractions.

23. The "Fungus" not even save ischerkannaya vandals plate.

24. This is another classic carousel.

25. Instead, animals are vehicles.

26. touching "spacecraft".

27 jet fighter.

28. The control panel is not only the steering wheel, but even a dial device.

29. Next roundabout - "Bell»

30. The attraction really looks like a flower with ten buds.

31. When planting need to be fastened to the chain seats, and when the engine starts seats deviated slightly back and then gently swaying.

32. The core of the flower.

33. The enlarged version of "Bells", but with a change in the plane of rotation is called the "Orbit".

34. This is the only attraction that is still fenced and closed on the lock.

35. To take a picture of the remote, the camera had to thrust through the bars, with after removing the lens, because the whole unit does not pass between the bars.

36. Swing in Ekateringof preserved much better in the same Pripyat.

37. Although they often swing park visitors.

38. Sophisticated Swing are not completely set: there are no lockers for skiers.

39. Next to the "racetrack" - the forgotten tracks markup.

40. And here is the "Circuit", just like in Pripyat.

41. And cars are the same, just scattered on the ground.

42. Thin rubber.


44. When the last color on the car caused the symbolism of various brands, such as "Audi".

45. Or, "Buick."

46. Now the children are not here, directly on site grows nettles ...


48. The last attraction - "Funny roller coaster" rastirazhirovanny in parks across the country.

49. A monorail system.

50. The control booth in mechanics.

51. peeling paint, moss on metal parts - the picture is not inferior to Pripyat.

52. The interior of one of the cars, which was the engine and was driving wheel.
