Everything about yapovskih SUVah
That's decided to create a theme more cars. Who yapovtsev rides on large SUV`ah? Share photos of and views!
My own Ford Expedition. I did not think I'd be fond of this class of machines. But the third child in the family ... In short, does not put me in the back row fit three child seats in a row. And away we go: what to buy. I looked at Mikrikov, but apart from the Merina Viana did not like it (even in it, I had a kind of feeling that I have been working as a postman). But the price tag! Unnecessarily, I wanted a big four-wheel drive that began to think further. Then it dawned on me that there are large benefits - not to pay taxes in one of the cars in the family.
After much deliberation, Japan / USA stopped at omerikantsah. GM, FORD, DODGE. Remy neither suited as there is not enough space behind the cab. On Taha made uncomfortable third row. Suitcases lost smooth floor. Because Ford had to choose Ford / Linkoln. Lincoln all good, damn, yapalakal exit.
So I became the proud owner of Dishina.
Travel on it a pleasure. And a lot of space and comfortable ride. From the remarks just uncomfortable chair and eats a lot :)
Source: http: //

My own Ford Expedition. I did not think I'd be fond of this class of machines. But the third child in the family ... In short, does not put me in the back row fit three child seats in a row. And away we go: what to buy. I looked at Mikrikov, but apart from the Merina Viana did not like it (even in it, I had a kind of feeling that I have been working as a postman). But the price tag! Unnecessarily, I wanted a big four-wheel drive that began to think further. Then it dawned on me that there are large benefits - not to pay taxes in one of the cars in the family.
After much deliberation, Japan / USA stopped at omerikantsah. GM, FORD, DODGE. Remy neither suited as there is not enough space behind the cab. On Taha made uncomfortable third row. Suitcases lost smooth floor. Because Ford had to choose Ford / Linkoln. Lincoln all good, damn, yapalakal exit.
So I became the proud owner of Dishina.

Travel on it a pleasure. And a lot of space and comfortable ride. From the remarks just uncomfortable chair and eats a lot :)

Source: http: //