Breast afraid of Valerian and St. John's wort: the treatment to be even running form!
Fibrocystic disease of the breast is a common name of a group of breast diseases with changes in their functioning. These diseases can be caused by a hormonal imbalance and various diseases of the reproductive system.
Patients go to the doctor with complaints of chest discomfort, swelling, feeling of heaviness and pain in the mammary glands. In the premenstrual period from the nipple may be released viscous liquid from transparent to yellowish-green. When examined in the breast palpable small or larger nodules (sometimes painful), the size of which can vary depending on the days of the cycle.
For the treatment of mastitis , the doctor may advise to drink vitamins, especially the B6, A and E), and drugs directed on correction of hormonal background. Don't be surprised if you hear that a certain cure mastitis does not exist, it is rather the condition of the body, not the disease.
Folk treatment of mastitisfolk medicine also offers an effective means to restore women's health. Well established tea on the basis of Valerian and St. John's wort.
Preparation and application
It is worth noting that treatment of mastitis traditional methods requires more time, so the minimum rate of admission of the means of 3 months.
Take care of yourself and don't forget to regularly conduct breast self-exams (do it better immediately after the end of menstruation), and visit mammologist at least once a year.
Maybe someone of your friends needs to be prescription remedies from mastitis, share with them the article!
The author
Marina Artemova Loves to photograph the beauty of nature, enjoys handmade. Son Vanya had taught the mother to cope with any household tasks effortlessly: Marina knows how to get the most stubborn stains and to clean the house in minutes. Interested in the most acute, various life issues, never remain aloof from what actually matters! Favorite book Marina — "gone with the wind" by M. Mitchell.
Patients go to the doctor with complaints of chest discomfort, swelling, feeling of heaviness and pain in the mammary glands. In the premenstrual period from the nipple may be released viscous liquid from transparent to yellowish-green. When examined in the breast palpable small or larger nodules (sometimes painful), the size of which can vary depending on the days of the cycle.
For the treatment of mastitis , the doctor may advise to drink vitamins, especially the B6, A and E), and drugs directed on correction of hormonal background. Don't be surprised if you hear that a certain cure mastitis does not exist, it is rather the condition of the body, not the disease.
Folk treatment of mastitisfolk medicine also offers an effective means to restore women's health. Well established tea on the basis of Valerian and St. John's wort.

- 1 teaspoon chopped Valerian root
- 2 tsp St. John's wort
- 1 tsp mint leaves
- 0.5 tsp. chamomile flowers
- 1 tsp fennel seeds
- 1 tsp cumin seeds
Preparation and application
- Mix all ingredients and dry pour in a hermetically sealable container.
- Tea 1 tbsp. l. mixture pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and insist 30 minutes.
- Means take 1/3 Cup 3 times a day before meals.
It is worth noting that treatment of mastitis traditional methods requires more time, so the minimum rate of admission of the means of 3 months.
Take care of yourself and don't forget to regularly conduct breast self-exams (do it better immediately after the end of menstruation), and visit mammologist at least once a year.
Maybe someone of your friends needs to be prescription remedies from mastitis, share with them the article!
The author

Marina Artemova Loves to photograph the beauty of nature, enjoys handmade. Son Vanya had taught the mother to cope with any household tasks effortlessly: Marina knows how to get the most stubborn stains and to clean the house in minutes. Interested in the most acute, various life issues, never remain aloof from what actually matters! Favorite book Marina — "gone with the wind" by M. Mitchell.
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