Just one secret that will help to negotiate with the petulant child

Surely every mother know the situation, when the desire to change her baby literally one second: now he asked for toast and after a few moments he turned away and frowned, said: "I do not want!". And my mother's questions, "Why?", "What happened?" And "What's the matter?" Remain unanswered.
Lauren Tamm, many years to care for seriously ill and is now a happy wife and mother, admits that sometimes is extremely difficult to negotiate with a child. But it is possible.
What is the cause of bad behavior is actually

The first thing Lauren wants to draw the attention of every parent: from the date of birth to three years old toddler behavior is governed only by the part of the brain is responsible for emotions , every second 700 new neurons formed in the child's brain! That's why a child does not listen - not because he is a monster, but because in this period of development is most active formation of the brain and are responsible for the behavior of baby emotions
. That is why the child is not able to answer the logical questions of parents, "Why?", "What happened?", "Why did you do that?" Or "Why are you crying?". Children do not understand why they want or do not want to do something at this very moment. < They just feel it, and they should get it, come what may. under the influence of emotional impulses children can answer only cry, cry, random phrases that have nothing to do with the connected speech. Or did, scowling, and they sit silent.
And here is the secret

Having learned about it, Lauren has decided to apply a new way of communicating with her 2-year old son.
"The next time, when my son first wanted to eat for breakfast toast, and then, when I cooked, he frowned and dropped it on the floor, saying," All I do not want this toast! ", I thought ... I do not argue, to admit that he was right and not "torturing" him with questions. He really does not know why he did not want this tasty, freshly cooked toast. Like what's wrong with him. In his brain there is only insurmountable emotional impulse that says, "All I do not want!"
< I've decided his son and by answering:. "Well, do you want toast now, you can eat it later "I paused.
My son took a few minutes to decide that he still wants to. I stepped aside and make coffee.
3, 2, 1 ...
After 7 minutes after the categorical refusal my baby back and decided that all the same ready to eat toast
Note:. Do not need to argue with the child, take his emotions, embrace it and let it decide with their wishes Because all he wants to show you -. that he currently wants or does not want
Translation Website
Photos on the preview Columbia Pictures
Based on materials themilitarywifeandmom.com
See also:
45 sentences, after which your child feels happier
10 useful tips to parents how to protect the child from danger
6 simple tips to help you negotiate with your child
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