An easy way to relieve the pain in the knee
There is one exercise, which for some reason, few people know. It helps to gently stretch the muscles and tendons, resulting in reduced friction and joint pain in the knee passes quickly.
And this exercise is useful for athletes and all whose knees are experiencing higher load. Simply, do it before and after physical activity.
< Website recalls that knee pain can have many causes, so before you do this exercise, you should consult with your doctor.
Take a small towel and make it roll. Sit on a chair. Place a cushion under the knee, make sure it is tightly adjacent to the area behind the knee. Put your foot on the edge of a chair.
5. Now take hold of the lower leg and pull the leg gently but firmly.
6. Do the same exercise with the other leg.
Source huffingtonpost
Photographer Roman Zakharchenko ,
Model Olga Zakharchenko The site specifically for
See also:
8 simple exercises against back pain
6 effective exercises from the pain in the neck and shoulders
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