5 types of pain that need to be very careful !


Our body warns us about the potential dangers of using various types of pain. How not to miss the danger signals in time to time to see the doctor?

1. Pain in the jaw

Pain in the jaw region may be associated with disease of the tooth, at least – with inflammation of the lymph nodes. Sometimes the cause of such feelings can be a disease of the middle ear. However, one almost does not associate the onset of pain in the jaw region with heart disease. Although pain in the left lower jaw maybe just to indicate predinfarktnom state.

In case of occurrence of jaw pain in the morning should pay attention to it and be sure to tell the doctor because this pain can indicate a bad functioning of the heart. If the pain in the left jaw is accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness, pain in the left chest area, under the shoulder blade, this pain can be a signal of incipient myocardial infarction.

2. Pain in the leg

Leg pain usually associated with muscle fatigue, heavy lifting, or hard work. If a person has varicose veins, then the pain often associated with this disease.

However, leg pain can also be a symptom of the most serious disease – deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities. A blood clot at anytime can break away and clog the space of an artery in the lungs or heart and then it can be fatal.

3. Pain in the right upper quadrant

Special attention should be paid to pain in the right hypochondrium, as such pain may indicate inflammation of the gallbladder, obstruction of the biliary tract. This can lead to serious complications – rupture of the gallbladder or pancreatitis. This pain is usually strong enough and durable. Sometimes it gives back. If the pain comes after some time after a fatty meal, this may be a symptom of cholecystitis.

4. Lower back pain

If you are injured his back during heavy physical exertion, lower back pain can be caused by a bacterial infection which led to inflammation of the kidneys – pyelonephritis.

5. Abdominal pain during menstruation

Abdominal pain during menstruation can be caused by such illnesses as endometriosis. At this illness for unknown reasons pieces of the inner lining of the uterus can spread throughout the body. The danger of this process is that the formation of adhesions which can make the fallopian tubes are impassable, leading to female infertility.

Any pain, even minor, should alert you. So our body gives us to understand some failures in the functioning of body systems. If the pain becomes constant — this is a clear reason not to delay treatment to the doctor. published


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