According to scientists, a strong relationship based on just two qualities

Strong relationship - it is a long and hard work, which requires a constant effort from each person. But in reality, things are not as scary as it may seem at first glance.
< Scientists have found that for a long and stable onosheniya needed only two qualities that should be inherent in each of us, - is the kindness and generosity of
. Psychologist John Gottman (John Gottman) and his wife Julia during many years of research and experiments have found that kindness "glues couples." In addition to the emotional steadiness that quality is the most important factor in a stable marriage .
The most difficult time for acts of kindness - a quarrel. But at this moment more than ever it is important to keep track of your emotions. If you let your aggression to get out of control, it can cause irreparable damage to the relationship.
"The manifestation of goodness is not only that you will not express your negative emotions, this quality allows you to choose how your anger expression. < So, you can just furious pounce on their partner or quietly explain to him that it hurt you and why you are angry. And this method is much better », - says Julie Gottman
. Source Business Insider
Photos on the preview Ivan Troyanovsky
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via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/pochemu-sovremennye-otnosheniya-takie-neprochnye-1240065/
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