Bride to the altar held a man who transplanted the heart of her father

For American Janie STEP (Jeni Stepien) wedding ceremony with her beloved has become a truly special as marriage gave her quite a stranger. With the only exception that the heart of Janey's father is beating in his chest.

In 2006, his father Janie STEP on the way home from work was shot a teenager who tried to rob him. Save Michael STEP failed and all its organs, including the heart, were given to critically ill patients for transplantation. The patient ventricular tachycardia Arthur Thomas was waiting for a donor heart 16 years, and the decision STEP family saved his life.
«I am happy to share their story with the world at least for other people to see and know that organ donation is
value. " Janie STEP

«embraced him as if to embrace her father and feel him here with me at this point. It is amazing! »
Janie STEP
Family Thomas and STEP maintained a warm correspondence, sent each other gifts and flowers on holidays, but an invitation to the wedding was the first opportunity to meet after Michael STEP heart pounding again. Arthur fulfilled the desire of a young bride, with the support of his wife and an unmarried daughter, and gave Janey married the closest relatives, family and friends.
abc7ny Source, cbsnews
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Photos on the preview Lauren Renee
See also:
The couple had a terrific gift for the 63rd anniversary of the wedding
Father and daughter recreated the wedding photos after the death of my mother
This father publishes photos with her daughter at a very touching because
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