About melon for the curious.

Melon - unusual and useful product. Oddly enough, in the dictionaries of many countries until recently, it was not even a single word for the name of this product. And melon, watermelon and designated the common word "harbuz". But in countries where the melon is known for a very long time, it is called "the fruit of paradise", who secretly brought into the world one of the angels. For which he was expelled from Paradise by Allah ...
The fruits of a melon is very varied in shape - round, elongated like a cucumber, oblong or even lozenges. Many people wonder, "melon vegetable or fruit?". In fact, neither one nor the other. Melon - a pseudo-berry of the gourd family and kind of cucumber. fruit can be up to 2 m, and the mass of sometimes up to 20 kg. Melon is usually eaten fresh because it is well preserved until the next harvest.

How useful melon?
Previously melon used as a means for malnourished patients, since this berry contains many carbohydrate, sugars and vitamins. Use it also as a diuretic or unloading the product for specific melon diets. Previously, a decoction of melon seeds were treated with gonorrhea, although there is no scientific evidence of their effectiveness against this unpleasant disease. In addition, there is a theory according to which the melon seeds contribute to the increase of male power. Is this true or not - is not known. But it is known that the use of seeds in large quantities have a negative effect on the spleen.
Melon, watermelon and the like, is very good for kidney diseases, particularly in urolithiasis. The dried cakes of seeds and pulp are used to treat problem skin.
The flesh melon seeds and approximately 30% of the fatty oil which can be used in food. The melon is also a lot of carotene, folic and ascorbic acid. It is rich in fiber, which improves digestion. The high iron content makes it an indispensable tool in the melon of anemia and atherosclerosis.
There are contraindications melon consumption. Those who suffer from diabetes, stomach ulcers, intestinal disorders, dysentery, should not eat watermelon. It is also contraindicated for lactating mothers.

How to determine the ripeness of a melon?
There are some simple methods to determine the ripeness of a melon. First, we should pay attention to the stem. If the melon is ripe, it should be thick in diameter. Another way - press the melon rind on the opposite side of the stem. If the melon is ripe - the crust a little give in to pressure. In immature melon rind is hard and does not give in to pressure. The third method to distinguish ripe melon from immature - smell. Ripe melon has a strong pleasant smell. Also ripe melon when tapped tubby.
Flesh color is usually little to do with the maturity of melon, but it can tell about the presence of nutrients in it. If the color is bright yellow flesh and rich, so it has a lot of vitamin A. The taste of quality melons usually also vary according to the flesh color.
Interesting facts about the melon
French King Henry VI was sentenced melon on trial for an attack of indigestion, caused by excessive use of it during one of the meals. Melon has been recognized publicly ... guilty of insulting the king and loyal official damnation. True story then forgotten again and began to eat melon in the food.
But the Roman Emperor Claudius Albinus simply ate a dozen melons for breakfast and did not complain of the stomach. "You do not like melon? You just do not know how to cook them. »
Sorcerers and healers from different countries and peoples prepared from melon seeds love potion. Its history is silent efficiency.