Our organs of assimilation and elimination are somewhat reversible. For example, vomiting is a way of "abnormal" cleanse the digestive system. On the other hand, it is often used in healing power through an enema, and the apotheosis of this method - the famous gersonovskie caffeine (coffee) enema. We also know that the unqualified use of enemas minerals literally "pulled" out of the body through the intestinal mucosa.
In fact, what is surprising? And in the digestive organs, and elimination organs are the mucous membranes, saturated blood and lymphatic vessels, through which there is a metabolism. And the colon is also not only breeding body, but also the power - through the body picks up everything that is produced by intestinal bacteria, soprofity. The only condition - the nutrients must be submitted in the form of water-soluble and must be present sufficient moisture. Then even vitamin B12 is absorbed efficiently.
Human skin is known to perform the excretory functions, often even greater extent than do the kidneys. The only difference between them - the skin does not put a barrier to salt removal, through it all thrown out, what failed kidneys. And the skin, as well as other launch system, can be translated into "inverted" mode - through it you can eat
. We are, in fact, often do it unconsciously - standing in the wind, swimming in the pond, soaking up the sun, spreading creams. Solar energy, oxygen and other atmospheric gases, water, organic acids and fatty acids, vitamins and enzymes can easily penetrate through the skin and immediately appear in the blood and lymph. Fact enzymes penetration through the skin and mucous proved completely reliable - as well as amino acids. Through the skin can also break and bacteria, fungi and viruses.
You can easily see that this kind of power (through the skin) is also available for you. Squeeze the juice of about 30 grams of green wheat or oats, stand in a warm place, where there are no drafts, undress and, using a syringe without a needle as a doser, start slowly, but methodically herbal rub the juice into the skin.
This process will go much better if you take a hot shower beforehand and wash away all the toxins previously selected skin and accumulated on its surface. After this good rub on the wet skin a few drops of any citrus essential oils, such as Petit Grain. This will expand the capillaries and increase blood flow to the surface - and thus open wide the gates of your body to the outside world
. And you can do so. In a bowl with hot water, dip a small towel or birch broom, and then spank the body surface so that the skin turned pink.
Now it is time for herbal juice! It will very quickly be absorbed through the skin heated, and can be rubbed more and more of its portions.
After completing the process, do not wash the remains of juice. Diarrhea them myself a few more hours. And in order to cover up the pores, you can now rub the skin a couple of tablespoons of sesame (sunflower, pumpkin, flax), cold pressed oils, it is best if you are able to emulsions with whey (you can just whip them in a blender).
That's why these raw foodists buy underwear dark green!
Engorged grass juice, you will very soon - in a few minutes - will feel this euphoria. Your vitality will increase significantly, the body sparkle, sparkle emotions and thoughts will slip delicious shoals effective creative solutions. Strictly speaking, only in such moments and realize what actually can and should be a person's life.
This kind of food suitable for all, but it is particularly useful to sick people who have gastrointestinal incapacitated, and so people die of starvation. They this method will enable the continuation of life and the prospect of recovery.
For normal healthy people, this method opens up new horizons of life conditions, showing the way to the physiological evolution and bright creativity. And of course, this method is also suitable for the heroes who have retired with the idea to achieve the main goal of their lives and transform their essence to perfection - because food grass juice through the skin and allows you to save a vital resource, and time
. From the book: Sergey Gladkov "Smart raw food diet"