Why are the letters in the alphabet are arranged in that order?
Frequent answers to this question in the Internet in this way: "This is an inexplicable fact." But I still found some explanations and I want you to hear. And you already tell me if you've heard another version.
With the Russian alphabet simple. Slavic writing only a little more than a thousand years, and its history is known. In the second half of the IX century, the brothers Cyril and Methodius decided to bring in the Slavic world of Christianity, as well as Christianity - the religion of the book, Cyril invented the alphabet for the Slavs, Glagolitic
. Faces Cyril came up with the original (although based on the prevalence in those days the Greek minuscule), and the order in general retained. Maybe, then, that the letters were still convenient to denote numbers. Maybe because I do not know of another order. Maybe because the alphabetical order of the language of the Bible - is sacred - it is said in the Bible: "I am the Alpha and the Omega", it has a beginning and an end
The only thing I had to give some place letters that represent sounds that were not present in the Greek: B, F, C, B, W, etc. They were either placed next to a letter designating the most similar to the sound (B - close to B, M - Z close to) or at the end of the alphabet. When instead of the Glagolitic began to use more similar to the Greek letter Cyrillic alphabetical order as a whole is preserved, although some rare letters in different lists occupy different places, and some are available only in the part lists.
Greek alphabet took my order of the letters of the Semitic letters. There is a legend about the Phoenician Cadmus, who taught Greek Literature. Like the Slavs, the Greeks needed additional letters, so in the end we see the Greek alphabet from the Phoenicians absent phi (Φ), chi (Χ), psi (Ψ) and omega (Ω). Incidentally, in the early lists of these letters is not, alphabet ends either ipslone (Y), or in general in the tau (T).
The same source goes back, ultimately, and the Latin alphabet, which is why the order of letters in it so little different from the familiar to us Russian. Perhaps the most significant - is that in place before the letter D D (D), we see C (pronounced "k"). But if we look at the G Latin letter, it is clear that it is derived from the C (and was made quite late - which is why the name of Guy for a long time decreased with the letter C - never heard of "Kaya" Julius Caesar?)
But where did the order of the letters in the Semitic letter, exactly unknown. Sami signs are likely to have arisen without the influence of Egyptian writing, but the order of the Semites come up with yourself. And even before the actual Semitic letter: it was first mentioned in Ugaritic letter, and it is - cuneiform
. If the Europeans simply copied the order of letters (perhaps in order to preserve, at least in general, the letters their numerical values), the ancient Indians have good linguistic tradition, having at its disposal Semitic letter, have placed the letter in accordance with the pronunciation: first the vowels, then consonants, and within these groups, too, is not casual order. A separate numbers Indians came up with themselves. Then, through the Arabs, these figures came to Europe, and we know them under the name "Arab" - but that's another story
. That is still looking for a view: The fact is that the current system of the alphabet comes from the old Russian alphabet. And it was used to store the way to mental images. It is easier to remember a meaningful text than cram a set of characters. Here and there was just such a procedure, and no other. Of course it has changed over time, some letters were leaving, some added, but the skeleton, so to speak, remained.
"Az Buki Veda. The verb good Este. Live exceedingly, land, and others like kako people, think nash on quarters. Rtsy word firmly - uk frt her. Tzu, worm, shta ra yus Yati. »
One of the translations of the text is as follows:
"I know the letters: the letter is a treasure. Work hard, humans, as befits intelligent people -
comprehend the universe! Carry the word with conviction: knowledge - the gift of God! Dare to delve, to grasp things light! »
Or here's another interesting:
In the square 7 7
The first line:
- I know God, I say good, therefore I am
. In the second line:
- Life is abundant in the world, when the truth of the universal community of God
. In the third line:
- For all the thinking people only He (God) speaks the rest
. The fourth line:
- Word approved over calls confidently stand the foundations of good wisdom to complete the path to joining the harmony for a new beginning
. In the fifth line:
- Protecting our land borders and ensure the growth of God's favor, and our unity
. In the sixth line:
- The harmonious development and growth potential of my family and me as part of it depends on the power of the Most High, and family history
. In the seventh line:
- The meaning of life - in an effort to improve the spirit and soul to full maturation in the perfect personality for eternity
. The vertical column of 1:
- My life as a thought, clothed in sound, striving for harmony, the smallest particle in the universe of reason
. Column 2:
- God creates a solid border around people and directs them to excel
. Column 3:
- Knowledge of the Earth and thinking about calling it rest on the spirit of our race (people)
. Column 4:
- To speak the truth - our tradition, our defense, part of our soul. (What is the force brother - in truth!)
5 column:
- The blessing of the universe that God the Creator creates confident and firm growth in all, for the full maturation of the seed
. 6 bar:
- The essence of the human being in the world community, peace, balance, harmony, unity of the Supreme Source to perfect the soul
. Column 7:
- Existing heavenly Source brings to our world and the beginning of everything and all the growth and experience of people in time
. Diagonal from top to bottom and left to right:
- I think a lot of my work and the foundation is always the supreme source
. Author: masterok
With the Russian alphabet simple. Slavic writing only a little more than a thousand years, and its history is known. In the second half of the IX century, the brothers Cyril and Methodius decided to bring in the Slavic world of Christianity, as well as Christianity - the religion of the book, Cyril invented the alphabet for the Slavs, Glagolitic
. Faces Cyril came up with the original (although based on the prevalence in those days the Greek minuscule), and the order in general retained. Maybe, then, that the letters were still convenient to denote numbers. Maybe because I do not know of another order. Maybe because the alphabetical order of the language of the Bible - is sacred - it is said in the Bible: "I am the Alpha and the Omega", it has a beginning and an end

The only thing I had to give some place letters that represent sounds that were not present in the Greek: B, F, C, B, W, etc. They were either placed next to a letter designating the most similar to the sound (B - close to B, M - Z close to) or at the end of the alphabet. When instead of the Glagolitic began to use more similar to the Greek letter Cyrillic alphabetical order as a whole is preserved, although some rare letters in different lists occupy different places, and some are available only in the part lists.
Greek alphabet took my order of the letters of the Semitic letters. There is a legend about the Phoenician Cadmus, who taught Greek Literature. Like the Slavs, the Greeks needed additional letters, so in the end we see the Greek alphabet from the Phoenicians absent phi (Φ), chi (Χ), psi (Ψ) and omega (Ω). Incidentally, in the early lists of these letters is not, alphabet ends either ipslone (Y), or in general in the tau (T).
The same source goes back, ultimately, and the Latin alphabet, which is why the order of letters in it so little different from the familiar to us Russian. Perhaps the most significant - is that in place before the letter D D (D), we see C (pronounced "k"). But if we look at the G Latin letter, it is clear that it is derived from the C (and was made quite late - which is why the name of Guy for a long time decreased with the letter C - never heard of "Kaya" Julius Caesar?)
But where did the order of the letters in the Semitic letter, exactly unknown. Sami signs are likely to have arisen without the influence of Egyptian writing, but the order of the Semites come up with yourself. And even before the actual Semitic letter: it was first mentioned in Ugaritic letter, and it is - cuneiform
. If the Europeans simply copied the order of letters (perhaps in order to preserve, at least in general, the letters their numerical values), the ancient Indians have good linguistic tradition, having at its disposal Semitic letter, have placed the letter in accordance with the pronunciation: first the vowels, then consonants, and within these groups, too, is not casual order. A separate numbers Indians came up with themselves. Then, through the Arabs, these figures came to Europe, and we know them under the name "Arab" - but that's another story
. That is still looking for a view: The fact is that the current system of the alphabet comes from the old Russian alphabet. And it was used to store the way to mental images. It is easier to remember a meaningful text than cram a set of characters. Here and there was just such a procedure, and no other. Of course it has changed over time, some letters were leaving, some added, but the skeleton, so to speak, remained.
"Az Buki Veda. The verb good Este. Live exceedingly, land, and others like kako people, think nash on quarters. Rtsy word firmly - uk frt her. Tzu, worm, shta ra yus Yati. »
One of the translations of the text is as follows:
"I know the letters: the letter is a treasure. Work hard, humans, as befits intelligent people -
comprehend the universe! Carry the word with conviction: knowledge - the gift of God! Dare to delve, to grasp things light! »
Or here's another interesting:
In the square 7 7
The first line:
- I know God, I say good, therefore I am
. In the second line:
- Life is abundant in the world, when the truth of the universal community of God
. In the third line:
- For all the thinking people only He (God) speaks the rest
. The fourth line:
- Word approved over calls confidently stand the foundations of good wisdom to complete the path to joining the harmony for a new beginning
. In the fifth line:
- Protecting our land borders and ensure the growth of God's favor, and our unity
. In the sixth line:
- The harmonious development and growth potential of my family and me as part of it depends on the power of the Most High, and family history
. In the seventh line:
- The meaning of life - in an effort to improve the spirit and soul to full maturation in the perfect personality for eternity
. The vertical column of 1:
- My life as a thought, clothed in sound, striving for harmony, the smallest particle in the universe of reason
. Column 2:
- God creates a solid border around people and directs them to excel
. Column 3:
- Knowledge of the Earth and thinking about calling it rest on the spirit of our race (people)
. Column 4:
- To speak the truth - our tradition, our defense, part of our soul. (What is the force brother - in truth!)
5 column:
- The blessing of the universe that God the Creator creates confident and firm growth in all, for the full maturation of the seed
. 6 bar:
- The essence of the human being in the world community, peace, balance, harmony, unity of the Supreme Source to perfect the soul
. Column 7:
- Existing heavenly Source brings to our world and the beginning of everything and all the growth and experience of people in time
. Diagonal from top to bottom and left to right:
- I think a lot of my work and the foundation is always the supreme source
. Author: masterok
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