About the support
At the heart of many anxieties, panic disorder, self-doubt is a simple mechanism for the lack of support on his body. We just do not feel the body. Exerted in the fantasies and body as if there is. Or is it only carries frightening horrible feeling.
Normally, we can always feel, if we pay attention to the physical sensations. I am sitting on a chair and very easy for me to feel oppressive to the buttocks and back of the thigh seat. I notice that the feet cool and uncomfortable they hang from the cross chair, stretched his shoulders because of the high positions of the keypad.
As soon as I pay attention to it, I immediately moved the legs, lifted the chair to change the distance to the keyboard and immediately feeling changed. And with this feeling and mood.
We absolutely need to be able to rely on their inner feelings, otherwise the brain begins to believe that there is no body, he is dead. But it is often true, the frozen, frozen.
In this situation, breathing heavily restrained, as if we were hiding to survive something terrible or very sick and remained in that state.
We are still able to in a frozen state a lot of running around and just do it. And this activity often creates the illusion that we are alive. That is not positive body sensations give us a basic sense of vitality and the fact that everything is in order. A dose of adrenaline stress, we often organize themselves, if we live under anesthesia.
In any stressful situation it is important that there is, roughly speaking, for that stay. Calm and confident people, often unknowingly, automatically very well rely on their feelings. And if we do not have such skill and such a habit, in order to be healthy we must train her.
You are sure to find some of the most easily obraruzhivaemyh places in the body that you can feel and that is felt most pleasant at any time. And training in difficult situations to go back to feeling your body and resource sites in the body.
For me the resource and support the foot. And if I even feel them in some point as cold and unpleasant, and now, after training, they can easily return to the state of the resource, it is necessary only to me to pay attention to them.
Resources are any body a pleasant feeling in the body. And they are often activated enjoyable actions with external objects: hugs, stroking the cat, beauty contemplation, etc.
. It is important to learn, not just get pleasure from these processes, but also to form a positive image of the connection with bodily sensations. That is to restore a healthy relationship between the cortex and subcortex.
I recommend to create a resource base. It is in this way. Includes, for example, your favorite music, and notice how it speaks to us in the body. Then paint on the body contour of a different color sensations.
As a result, we have both the melody and the picture, and a real physical feeling. Well, when it's all connected to a single process. Then lay the foundation of a healthy functioning and support themselves.
This restored the work of all three levels of brain regulation: higher nervous activity of the limbic part responsible for emotions and feelings, and the hypothalamic-pituitary system, providing autonomic and humoral regulation of organs and tissues.
Normally, we can always feel, if we pay attention to the physical sensations. I am sitting on a chair and very easy for me to feel oppressive to the buttocks and back of the thigh seat. I notice that the feet cool and uncomfortable they hang from the cross chair, stretched his shoulders because of the high positions of the keypad.
As soon as I pay attention to it, I immediately moved the legs, lifted the chair to change the distance to the keyboard and immediately feeling changed. And with this feeling and mood.
We absolutely need to be able to rely on their inner feelings, otherwise the brain begins to believe that there is no body, he is dead. But it is often true, the frozen, frozen.
In this situation, breathing heavily restrained, as if we were hiding to survive something terrible or very sick and remained in that state.
We are still able to in a frozen state a lot of running around and just do it. And this activity often creates the illusion that we are alive. That is not positive body sensations give us a basic sense of vitality and the fact that everything is in order. A dose of adrenaline stress, we often organize themselves, if we live under anesthesia.
In any stressful situation it is important that there is, roughly speaking, for that stay. Calm and confident people, often unknowingly, automatically very well rely on their feelings. And if we do not have such skill and such a habit, in order to be healthy we must train her.
You are sure to find some of the most easily obraruzhivaemyh places in the body that you can feel and that is felt most pleasant at any time. And training in difficult situations to go back to feeling your body and resource sites in the body.
For me the resource and support the foot. And if I even feel them in some point as cold and unpleasant, and now, after training, they can easily return to the state of the resource, it is necessary only to me to pay attention to them.
Resources are any body a pleasant feeling in the body. And they are often activated enjoyable actions with external objects: hugs, stroking the cat, beauty contemplation, etc.
. It is important to learn, not just get pleasure from these processes, but also to form a positive image of the connection with bodily sensations. That is to restore a healthy relationship between the cortex and subcortex.
I recommend to create a resource base. It is in this way. Includes, for example, your favorite music, and notice how it speaks to us in the body. Then paint on the body contour of a different color sensations.
As a result, we have both the melody and the picture, and a real physical feeling. Well, when it's all connected to a single process. Then lay the foundation of a healthy functioning and support themselves.
This restored the work of all three levels of brain regulation: higher nervous activity of the limbic part responsible for emotions and feelings, and the hypothalamic-pituitary system, providing autonomic and humoral regulation of organs and tissues.
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