I'm not enough of me ...
< Felix Komarov
I have enough me, and I'm looking around myself, I hope that I would see a miracle, I will rise from the fire bird. I am myself in love, work, spiritual practices, verse, and I find myself in the care and diseases, fears and dreams. And what is found, I lose, because the main sense, look for yourself, and plunge back into Maya as a paralytic on a bed. Himself raspnuv posing torment, then remove yourself from the cross, as the Procurator I wash my hands with leaf letters. Myself, I will build a new house and hide it from myself and I become like an outcast, I will not go loving way. Where am I going? to himself forward, hoping again to save himself, and gather word of eternity, of all the exercises in the way.
I was not enough for me, I doubted surely no longer escape from the snow does not have fire. I have not enough to breathe, inhaling the pungent air of life ... not enough for me to fly in dreams not knowing the wounds. I'm not enough of love that shakes me from birth in itself ... not noticing that I doubted himself. I is not sufficient space, like the sky, without edge, lulls me, is crowned king countless heavens. Oh, you devil failure, brought me with him in strife, tossed an empty talk, at night ... and painful debate rivers - rivers, mountains - mountains ... Star fly without support, people are flying in the clouds ... Oh, you fear failure. Do you fear that all will leave, will disappear, leaving only the bare scream and be useless circling spirit I forever or a moment ... Nothingness you darkness outside the door, you're cold for bare feet ... Nothingness does not believe in you and on gryzesh patients. Gnaw the soul longing and evil persecuting whip in a sad way to scare a black river, and a rusty knife driven into his chest ... Nothingness - my friend, my faithful companion, my shadow ... and we're wandered in a circle, and the circle is only a point Ya just point, with no beginning and that means without end ... forever droplet fell, the Lord sent me a messenger, he sent a messenger with a word that everything passes and pass ... and everything will be born again ... see the people, the rain is coming!
I have enough me, and I'm looking around myself, I hope that I would see a miracle, I will rise from the fire bird. I am myself in love, work, spiritual practices, verse, and I find myself in the care and diseases, fears and dreams. And what is found, I lose, because the main sense, look for yourself, and plunge back into Maya as a paralytic on a bed. Himself raspnuv posing torment, then remove yourself from the cross, as the Procurator I wash my hands with leaf letters. Myself, I will build a new house and hide it from myself and I become like an outcast, I will not go loving way. Where am I going? to himself forward, hoping again to save himself, and gather word of eternity, of all the exercises in the way.
I was not enough for me, I doubted surely no longer escape from the snow does not have fire. I have not enough to breathe, inhaling the pungent air of life ... not enough for me to fly in dreams not knowing the wounds. I'm not enough of love that shakes me from birth in itself ... not noticing that I doubted himself. I is not sufficient space, like the sky, without edge, lulls me, is crowned king countless heavens. Oh, you devil failure, brought me with him in strife, tossed an empty talk, at night ... and painful debate rivers - rivers, mountains - mountains ... Star fly without support, people are flying in the clouds ... Oh, you fear failure. Do you fear that all will leave, will disappear, leaving only the bare scream and be useless circling spirit I forever or a moment ... Nothingness you darkness outside the door, you're cold for bare feet ... Nothingness does not believe in you and on gryzesh patients. Gnaw the soul longing and evil persecuting whip in a sad way to scare a black river, and a rusty knife driven into his chest ... Nothingness - my friend, my faithful companion, my shadow ... and we're wandered in a circle, and the circle is only a point Ya just point, with no beginning and that means without end ... forever droplet fell, the Lord sent me a messenger, he sent a messenger with a word that everything passes and pass ... and everything will be born again ... see the people, the rain is coming!
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