In the life of man has no more touching moment! 30 pictures of freshly baked Papochek

As they say, when a man has a son, he becomes a father, but when he had a daughter, he becomes ... papules! Just peer into their eyes, facial expressions and emotions, which at this point are going wild. And when all external monumentality they slopped out and bottled warm immense power, capable to make freeze the planet. Look at how these relate to the Pope their newborn children, and you will feel the flow of the universal affection. Take a look at kids eye expression, that their fathers trusted infinitely and unconditionally ... and you will understand that each of them feels.
< Website publishes touching pictures of freshly baked daddies.

Photo source: You-journal.ru

via you-journal.ru/life/v-zhizni-muzhchiny-net-momenta-bolee-trogatelnogo-30-fotografij
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