It struck the feet a little mouthwash. Half an hour later a miracle happened!

Perhaps the most famous mouthwash is "Listerine". This tool was invented century before last and has since enjoyed continued popularity around the world.

Interestingly, it was originally conceived as an ordinary antiseptic , and only then was the mouthwash. As such, it can be safely used for other purposes!

< «It's easy!» will tell you as much as eight unusual ways to use

«Listerine." Universal cleanser
To decontaminate wounds
Accidentally cut, and the house did not have hydrogen peroxide? No problem! The wound can cauterize "Listerine».

Instead of aftershave
When her husband unexpectedly ended lotion or cream after shaving, mouthwash with success can replace them!

To disinfect the home
Add one capful of this tool in a bucket of water during cleaning, and can be assured - your home will be protected from bacteria.

To clean the bathroom
In the bathroom from dampness there was mold ? Then, during the harvest a little spray on walls and rinse after a few minutes and wash everything thoroughly.

How to remedy fungus
"Listerine" perfectly eliminates fungus on the nails. Just perch your feet in an antiseptic liquid for 30 minutes, or it abundantly smazh problem areas. Several sessions - and unpleasant disease will be defeated! Truly Universal disinfectant ...

To care for heels
Also this liquid is perfectly softens and exfoliates rough skin of the feet. After rinsing the legs to "Listerine" wipe their hard towel. You will be surprised what will become soft your heels ...

As a remedy for acne
People with oily skin problem should be 1-2 times a day, wipe the face with a cotton swab dipped in "Listerine". Now you can forget about acne!

cold remedies
When you feel that you start tickle the throat, rinse it "Listerine", and the disease has receded.

That's how many useful properties have the usual rinse for mouth! Universal disinfecting ... Share with your friends these tips, because they can be useful to everyone.