History About honest man who found a bag of money

Once I found an envelope in the parking lot with a large sum of money. I went to the police and told them about the situation. I did not tell them how much money is in the envelope. I just left my phone number and said that if someone calls them, let them come to me, and if he would call it the amount of money, I will give an envelope.
The police, of course, want to take away from me the envelope, but I did not give it categorically. After 3 weeks, I have not received a single call, so I decided to put an ad in the local newspaper. On the first day I got a call about 25-30 people. You even can not imagine how they were trying to defraud me of money and how to play to the audience.
The next day I was called by an old man. He named the exact sum of money - 14, 500. He also said that the money is in a large envelope, 13 thousand - $ 100, and the remaining amount - for $ 20. Man sold his car, with his buyer, he met it on the parking lot, where I found a package. He was going to give the money to her granddaughter to study in college. I'm so glad I did not give my money to the police, because the man would never let them get.
He offered me a reward, but I refused, because good deeds are invaluable.
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