How to make home brew: the coolest recipe!

Summer heat ... Why not make a brew? It's not as difficult as it seems! Site shares outstanding recipe on which to cook delicious home brew can even novice. The oven dried breadcrumbs - so that they are slightly scorched. Slightly more quarters of black bread (you can take and Borodino) 27,363,320
Pikabu.ruV 150-200 grams of warm water diluted with 0, 5 tablespoon of honey, stir and add 0, 5 teaspoons of dry yeast 63,348,006
The water should be just warm, boiling water cook the yeast. We are waiting for 5 minutes to completely dissolve the yeast.
Spread the crumbs at the bottom banks 71,134,491
and pour a mixture of water, yeast and honey

Adding 15 grams of raisins, half a tablespoon of 10,301,833
poured sugar, 130 grams of 41,646,014
Fill all warm (40-50 degrees ) water

tie with cheesecloth to keep flying midges and dust

Do not worry if the mixture will seem very sweet, after fermentation will take the sweetness and will sharpen the palate. Send the bank for 2-3 days on the balcony, or in some warm place. When the brew is ready, strain through cheesecloth, bottled (in which we throw on 3-4 raisins) and send in the refrigerator overnight. Voila!

Important! Crackers do not throw away, they will be useful as a leaven for the next portion of kvass. Making all similarly, but without the addition of yeast.
Bon appetit!
via pikabu.ru/story/delaem_kvas_doma_4297933
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