10 of the hottest films at the Cannes Film Festival 2016

prestigious film festivals in Cannes attracts the attention of the world media grandiose displays of paintings by beginners and famous directors. So, Website brings ten new brilliant movies, which pleased us Film Festival this year.
Smile / Smile / Bonne Figure A great short film Sandrine Kiberlen shown at the International Critics Week. The starring Chiara Mastroianni, who played an actress who goes to the ceremony in a slinky dress haute couture. It plays perfectly, balancing way stellar person and a real person. Stylish, but suffocating dress is a metaphor indicating the price of fame.
Personal shopper / Personal Shopper Kristen Stewart has become one of the most brilliant actresses of her generation. This time she performed the role of a young girl, Maureen, who works in Paris celebrity assistant, picking outfits for them. In addition, it communicates with ghosts. Paranormal, sometimes terrible story about the world of tangible and intangible by director Olivier Assayas.
Dancer / La danseuse debut film Stephanie Di Gusto on the dancer Loie Fuller, the founder of modern dance, to move from the American prairie in the bright lights of Paris. Miss Fuller (played by Stephanie Sokolinskii) crosses the ocean to realize their ambitions. She is suffering physically and mentally, trying to put into their stage choreography.
Tony Erdmann / Toni Erdmann Epic comedy drama Maren Ade delighted critics at the festival, although it has not received a single prize. The film lasts almost three hours and tells the story of how my father seeks to reunite with his unfortunate but financially successful daughter.
Maid / Ah-ga-ssi Park Chan-wook shot his new film on the novel by Sarah Waters "Fine work." The plot takes place in the 1930s in colonial Korea. The thief, who presented the maid, with the swindler, who pretends to be an art teacher, plan to rob trusting heiress. But things do not go according to plan. The story takes sharp turns, and is accompanied by a hot sex scenes. "Servant" - a real jewel in its genre
She / Elle Isabelle Huppert looks unbeatable in crazy mystical thriller by Paul Verhoeven.. The main character, a woman with a terrible past (her father was a serial killer), becomes a victim of rape in their own home. Now it comes to the game of cat and mouse with the attackers. The film was made with mesmerizing skill and scale.
Love / Loving / Richard Loving and Mildred Loving was arrested for what they were married. Against the backdrop of racial intolerance in America their union recognized immoral and illegal. Jeff Nichols took heartfelt drama about two lovers people and their unwillingness to submit to social prejudices. Joel Edgerton and Ruth Negga awesome starring
Paterson / Paterson Tragicomedy Jim Jarmusch about Paterson -. Bus driver and secret poet, who lives in the city of Paterson, New Jersey. This movie film is not a high-profile applications, it is rather a story of quiet triumphs and defeats of everyday life. In the main role, you will see Adam Driver, who played in the film Kailo Rena.:
«Star Wars: The Awakening forces»
Neon Demon / The Neon Demon Nicolas Winding Refn has already established himself as a director who knows how to catch horror his films, so the intrigue provided. The cast of "Neon Demon" Keanu Reeves, Elle Fanning and Christina Hendricks. We add that the plot of the film is partly inspired by the sinister exploits of the legendary Elizabeth Bathory (aka Blood Countess or Countess Dracula).
American honey / American Honey Jury Prize this year went to Andrea Arnold, has submitted masterpiece, according to critics, the comedy drama "American honey". Rising star Sasha Lane appeared in the image of a provincial girl, who had joined the group of young people who romp through American expanses, indulging in fun and entertainment, and promote the magazine. Absolute freedom, the vortex of parties and unimaginable adventures beyond the rule of law.
via cameralabs.org/10319-desyat-luchshikh-filmov-kannskogo-kinofestivalya-2016
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