Beet kvass - a medicinal balm number 1! Even cope with hypertension.
Beetroot drink capable of defeating hypertension, improve metabolism in the body and even to cope with kidney stones and liver! Kvass from beet from an ancient recipe - replacing medicinal balm of superior quality.
Useful properties of beets is not in doubt. This vegetable purifies the blood, facilitating the work of the liver, normalizes the work of intestines and even increases hemoglobin!
We offer you to cook beetroot kvass without yeast. In using it often enough, you cleanse the body of all unnecessary and help the internal organs to operate without disruption. Astringent, fresh taste of beet kvass is unique ...
Beet kvass without drozhzhey
Ingredients 1 beet 2 liters of water 4 tbsp. l. sugar 1 crust of stale rye bread
Preparation Cleanse and we will cut the beets into small pieces. Place the sliced beets in a glass jar, zaley water, add sugar and a crust of bread. Cover the jar with cheesecloth and leave the drink for 3-4 days. Fermented brew filter, pour into a bottle with a tight-fitting cap and store in refrigerator.
Beet kvass contains valuable minerals: rubidium and cesium help the body fight hypertension. As part of the drink contains vitamins C, PP and Group B. We recommend to use the brew 2-3 times daily after meals.
No wonder this miracle balm always appreciated by the people - you instantly feel better, start drinking brew each day. The incredible rise of the forces and the improvement of all systems of the body is guaranteed!
Beetroot drink will help prevent many serious health problems. Recommend to friends is a useful means of ancient!
via takprosto.cc
Useful properties of beets is not in doubt. This vegetable purifies the blood, facilitating the work of the liver, normalizes the work of intestines and even increases hemoglobin!
We offer you to cook beetroot kvass without yeast. In using it often enough, you cleanse the body of all unnecessary and help the internal organs to operate without disruption. Astringent, fresh taste of beet kvass is unique ...
Beet kvass without drozhzhey

Ingredients 1 beet 2 liters of water 4 tbsp. l. sugar 1 crust of stale rye bread
Preparation Cleanse and we will cut the beets into small pieces. Place the sliced beets in a glass jar, zaley water, add sugar and a crust of bread. Cover the jar with cheesecloth and leave the drink for 3-4 days. Fermented brew filter, pour into a bottle with a tight-fitting cap and store in refrigerator.
Beet kvass contains valuable minerals: rubidium and cesium help the body fight hypertension. As part of the drink contains vitamins C, PP and Group B. We recommend to use the brew 2-3 times daily after meals.
No wonder this miracle balm always appreciated by the people - you instantly feel better, start drinking brew each day. The incredible rise of the forces and the improvement of all systems of the body is guaranteed!
Beetroot drink will help prevent many serious health problems. Recommend to friends is a useful means of ancient!
via takprosto.cc
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