The little boy cried when his dog died ... He was able to find the words
Site publishes the heart wrenching story of a boy who had to say goodbye forever to your favorite.
Storyfox.ruYa working vet, and recently brought to me 10-year-old Irish wolfhound named Belker on. dog owners - Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane - were very attached to a pet and hoped for a miracle. But after examination, I told them that Belker dying of cancer.
For nothing could be done, so I invited them to euthanasia procedure. Ron and Lisa doubted whether their son is to see it, but the boy insisted. Shane seemed so calm when stroked his friend one last time. I was very surprised when, as a young child may be all that an adult to take.
After a few minutes Belker made his last breath ...
We have sat for some time together, wondering aloud about why animals live much less than men.
Shane, quietly listening to our conversation, he suddenly said:
- I know why
. Startled, we all turned to him. That boy said next stunned me. I've never heard anything like it.
He said:
- People are born to learn how to live well, is not it? They learn to love, always and all and behave correctly in all situations.
A six year old boy thought for a moment and continued:
- A dog, coming into the world already able to do this, so they do not need so much time
. via storyfox.ru/post/ih-syn-ne-proyavlyal-nikakih-emotsij-kogda-umerla-sobaka-uznav-prichinu-ya-ne-smogla-sderzhat-slez/
Storyfox.ruYa working vet, and recently brought to me 10-year-old Irish wolfhound named Belker on. dog owners - Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane - were very attached to a pet and hoped for a miracle. But after examination, I told them that Belker dying of cancer.
For nothing could be done, so I invited them to euthanasia procedure. Ron and Lisa doubted whether their son is to see it, but the boy insisted. Shane seemed so calm when stroked his friend one last time. I was very surprised when, as a young child may be all that an adult to take.
After a few minutes Belker made his last breath ...
We have sat for some time together, wondering aloud about why animals live much less than men.
Shane, quietly listening to our conversation, he suddenly said:
- I know why
. Startled, we all turned to him. That boy said next stunned me. I've never heard anything like it.
He said:
- People are born to learn how to live well, is not it? They learn to love, always and all and behave correctly in all situations.
A six year old boy thought for a moment and continued:
- A dog, coming into the world already able to do this, so they do not need so much time
. via storyfox.ru/post/ih-syn-ne-proyavlyal-nikakih-emotsij-kogda-umerla-sobaka-uznav-prichinu-ya-ne-smogla-sderzhat-slez/
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