13 shocking stories of feral children who grew up among the animals
"Feral Children" is a photo project in London photographer of German origin named Julia Fullerton-Batten (Julia Fullerton-Batten). Although these mystical pictures and fictional, stories of these children are real. Each of these children had the plight grow in incredible wild. Some of them were brought up in the wild animals, for others the wild conditions ensured their parents crazy with obvious mental problems.
Lobo Wolf Girl, Mexico, 1845-1852
In 1845, the girl was seen in a pack of wolves attack the flock of sheep. A year later she was spotted with the same pack of wolves eating the goat. She was caught, but soon escaped. In 1852, she was spotted with two cubs, whom she breastfed. She ran into the woods, and since then it has not been seen.
Oxana Malaya, Ukraine, 1991
In 1991, Oksana was found in a dog kennel, where eight years of his six years she has lived with dogs. Her parents were alcoholics, and one night they just kicked her out of the house. In order to keep warm, three year old girl made her way to the kennel where snuggled among mongrel mongrels. Perhaps this saved her life. She behaved more like a dog, rather than a human child. It ran on all fours, panting with tongue out showing his teeth and bark. Due to the lack of contact with people she knew only the words "yes" and "no".
Intensive therapy helped Oksana, learn basic social and verbal skills, but her mind remained at the level of five children. Today, her 30 years, she lives in Odessa clinic and works with farm animals hospital under observation.
Shamdeo, India 1972
Shamdeo boy about five years old, he was discovered in India in 1972, playing with cubs. His skin was very dark, he had sharpened teeth, long nails hooks, matted hair and calluses on the palms, elbows and knees. He hunts for chickens and blood thirsty. He was taken from the wild. He could not speak, but scientists have been able to teach him sign language, eventually wean him from eating raw meat and they failed. In 1978 he was admitted to the house of Mother Teresa for the poor and dying in Lucknow, where he was nicknamed Pascal. He died in February 1985.
Rights boy bird, Russia, 2008
Seven year old boy by the name of rights was found in a tiny two-room apartment where he lived with his 31-year-old mother. His mother kept him in the room, zapolonёnnoy birdcage with dozens of ornamental birds and bird feed and droppings. She treated her son as well as with their winged pets. The boy did not suffer physically and mother never left him without food, but she never spoke with him, so the boy spoke only with birds. He could not speak, only Twitter. He also waved his arms like a bird wings, not realizing at the same time, he does. As a result of Rights has been selected and the mother was placed in a mental health care center, where doctors are trying to rehabilitate.
Marina Chapman, Colombia 1959
Marina had been kidnapped in 1954 from a remote village in South Africa and left her captors in the jungle. She lived with a family of small monkeys, capuchins for five years before it was discovered by hunters. She ate berries, roots and fallen bananas with monkeys, Marina slept in the hollows of trees and walked on all fours. One day, she got a severe food poisoning. Mature monkey took her to a puddle of water, and forced her to drink, and she threw the girl went to the amendment. Marina became friends with the young monkeys learned and they climb trees and learned that it is safe to eat. She sat on the trees and played with them
By the time she was rescued by hunters Marina completely forgotten the language of the people. It was sold to a brothel by hunters, from which escaped and lived on the street. Then she was seized by a mafia family, but luckily saved her neighbor, who sent her to live in Bogota, together with his own son and daughter. They took Marina, along with their five children. When Marina had reached adolescence, she was offered a job as a housekeeper and nanny for the youngest family members. Family with Marina moved to Bradford, Yorkshire, United Kingdom, in 1977, where she still lives. She got married and had children. Marina and her younger daughter, Vanessa James co-wrote a book about her experience in the wild, which they called "The Girl With No Name" (The girl with no name).
Madina, Russia 2013
Madina lived with dogs from birth until she was 3 years old, she shared with them food, play, and sleep with them on cold winter nights. In 2013, social workers found her naked on all fours and growling like a dog.
Madina's father abandoned her shortly after her birth. Her 23-year-old mother was an alcoholic. Often she was so drunk she could not care for the child, for the same reason, it is a long time away from home. She often invites friends of alcoholics, to her house. Her alcoholic mother sat down at the table to eat, while her daughter gnawed bones on the floor with the dogs. Once Madina ran to the playground, when her mother became very angry at her, but the other children did not play with her because she could hardly speak, and fought with everyone. So dogs became her best and only friends.
The doctors said that Madina mental and physical health, despite the trials through which she had to pass. There is a strong possibility that she could have a normal life as soon as learned to speak in accordance with its age.
Boy leopard, India 1912
This boy was only two years old when he took care of a female leopard in 1912. Three years later, a hunter killed a female leopard and found the three cubs, among which was a 5-year-old boy. He was returned to his family in a small village in India. When he returned home, he could only squat and run on all fours, with the speed with which an adult can not run in a vertical position. His knees were covered with hard calluses, his fingers were bent upright almost at right angles to the palm, thumb and phalanx fingertips were covered with hard, horny skin. He bit and attacked anyone who approached him, once he even caught and ate raw chicken. He could not speak, only groaning and growling. Later, he learned to speak and walk upright. Unfortunately, he gradually lost his sight due to cataracts. However, it was not related to his experience in the jungle, it was a family disease.
Sujit Kumar boy chicken, Fiji, 1978
Sujit was born with mental disabilities, so parents locked him in the chicken coop. His mother committed suicide and his father was killed. His grandfather took responsibility for the care of him, and continued to hold him in the chicken coop. He was eight years old when he was found in the middle of the road, Sujit cackled and clapped his hands. He pecked the food sitting on a chair like a bird on a perch, and published the rapid clicking sounds language. His fingers were bent inward. He was taken to a nursing home by its employees, but because of aggressive behavior, was tied to the bed sheets for over 20 years. He is now more than 30, and it takes care of Elizabeth Clayton, who had saved him from his home.
Kamala and Amala, India 1920
Kamala, 8 years old, and Amal, 12, were found in 1920 in a den of wolves. This is one of the most famous cases of wild children. They were found Reverend Joseph Singh, who hid in a tree above the cave where he saw them. When the wolves left the cave, he saw two human figures emerging from the cave. The girls looked very bad, moving on all fours and does not like people. Soon he caught them. When they were caught, the girl was asleep, curled up together, tore off his clothes, ate nothing but raw meat, growled and howled. Their tendons and joints in the hands and feet are physically deformed, becoming shorter. They had no interest in dealing with people. But their hearing, sight and smell were exceptional. Amala died the following year after the rescue. Kamala eventually learned to walk upright and to say a few words, but she died in 1929 of kidney failure when she was 17 years old.
Ivan Mishukov, Russia, 1998
Ivan was exposed to violence in the family and ran away from home when he was only 4 years. He lived on the streets, begging for alms. Over time he developed a strong bond with a pack of wild dogs, with whom he shared a meal. Dogs began to trust him and, in the end, he became something of a pack leader. So he lived for about two years until he was finally caught and placed in an orphanage. Thanks begging Ivan has not forgotten the human language. It is also a fact that played a huge role in his recovery after a wild life. He now lives a normal life.
Marie Angelique Memmi Le Blanc (wild girl of Champagne), France, in 1731
For 18th-century history Memmi was surprisingly well documented. For ten years, she walked thousands of miles alone through the forests of France. She ate the birds, frogs, fish, leaves, branches and roots. Armed with a stick she fought with wild animals, often with the wolves. It was captured at age 19, her skin was black with dirt, she had long, dirty hair and long fingernails. When Memmi fell on his knees to drink water, it is the habit to look around in a state of constant alert. She could not speak and communicate only by squealing and squeaking. She skinned with rabbits and birds and ate them raw. For many years, she did not eat food cooked by people. Her fingers were twisted like a monkey because she dug up the roots of his hands and swung in the trees like a monkey. In 1737 the Queen of Poland, the mother of the French queen was in France and Memmi took with him on the hunt, as she ran so fast that it was able to catch and kill rabbits. Despite all this, the recovery Memmi took place quite well. She had a number of wealthy patrons, she learned to read, write and speak fluently in French (which in itself is not easy). In 1747, she was for a while became a nun, but one fell out of the window, and its patron died shortly after this incident. She was sick and destitute, but soon found himself again a wealthy patron. In 1755, Ms. Memmi published his biography. She died in great financial prosperity in Paris in 1775, aged 63 years.
John Ssebunya, boy monkey, Uganda 1991
John ran away from home in 1988, when he was three years old when he saw his father killed his mother. He fled into the jungle, where he was to live with the monkeys. He was caught in 1991 at the age of 6 years and placed in an orphanage. After being washed, the shelter workers saw that his entire body was covered with hair. His diet consisted mainly of roots, nuts, sweet potato and cassava. He suffered from a bad case of intestinal worms, it was found that the length of some income to half a meter. He had calluses on his knees because he was moved by a monkey. John learned to speak the human language, and as it turned out, he had a beautiful singing voice. He became famous for his singing and even went on tour around the UK with a children's choir Pearl of Africa
Victor, the wild boy of Aveyron, France, 1797
Victor was spotted in the late 18th century in the forests of St. Sernin-sur-Rance, in the south of France, and also caught, but somehow he managed to escape. January 8, 1800, he was caught again. He was about 12 years old, his body was covered with scars, and he was unable to utter a word. After the news of his capture spread, many people have the desire to explore it. It is believed that he spent about seven years in the wild. Professor of Biology Victor studied the stability to low temperatures, which sent him naked out into the snow. Victor showed excellent resistance to cold and low temperature had no effect on his body. Others tried to teach him how to talk and behave "normally", but did not succeed in this. Perhaps before he could speak and understand speech, but he had been unable to do so after his return from the wild. Eventually, he was taken to the Institute in Paris, and died at the age of 40 years.
: Lifter.com.ua
Lobo Wolf Girl, Mexico, 1845-1852

In 1845, the girl was seen in a pack of wolves attack the flock of sheep. A year later she was spotted with the same pack of wolves eating the goat. She was caught, but soon escaped. In 1852, she was spotted with two cubs, whom she breastfed. She ran into the woods, and since then it has not been seen.
Oxana Malaya, Ukraine, 1991

In 1991, Oksana was found in a dog kennel, where eight years of his six years she has lived with dogs. Her parents were alcoholics, and one night they just kicked her out of the house. In order to keep warm, three year old girl made her way to the kennel where snuggled among mongrel mongrels. Perhaps this saved her life. She behaved more like a dog, rather than a human child. It ran on all fours, panting with tongue out showing his teeth and bark. Due to the lack of contact with people she knew only the words "yes" and "no".
Intensive therapy helped Oksana, learn basic social and verbal skills, but her mind remained at the level of five children. Today, her 30 years, she lives in Odessa clinic and works with farm animals hospital under observation.
Shamdeo, India 1972

Shamdeo boy about five years old, he was discovered in India in 1972, playing with cubs. His skin was very dark, he had sharpened teeth, long nails hooks, matted hair and calluses on the palms, elbows and knees. He hunts for chickens and blood thirsty. He was taken from the wild. He could not speak, but scientists have been able to teach him sign language, eventually wean him from eating raw meat and they failed. In 1978 he was admitted to the house of Mother Teresa for the poor and dying in Lucknow, where he was nicknamed Pascal. He died in February 1985.
Rights boy bird, Russia, 2008

Seven year old boy by the name of rights was found in a tiny two-room apartment where he lived with his 31-year-old mother. His mother kept him in the room, zapolonёnnoy birdcage with dozens of ornamental birds and bird feed and droppings. She treated her son as well as with their winged pets. The boy did not suffer physically and mother never left him without food, but she never spoke with him, so the boy spoke only with birds. He could not speak, only Twitter. He also waved his arms like a bird wings, not realizing at the same time, he does. As a result of Rights has been selected and the mother was placed in a mental health care center, where doctors are trying to rehabilitate.
Marina Chapman, Colombia 1959

Marina had been kidnapped in 1954 from a remote village in South Africa and left her captors in the jungle. She lived with a family of small monkeys, capuchins for five years before it was discovered by hunters. She ate berries, roots and fallen bananas with monkeys, Marina slept in the hollows of trees and walked on all fours. One day, she got a severe food poisoning. Mature monkey took her to a puddle of water, and forced her to drink, and she threw the girl went to the amendment. Marina became friends with the young monkeys learned and they climb trees and learned that it is safe to eat. She sat on the trees and played with them
By the time she was rescued by hunters Marina completely forgotten the language of the people. It was sold to a brothel by hunters, from which escaped and lived on the street. Then she was seized by a mafia family, but luckily saved her neighbor, who sent her to live in Bogota, together with his own son and daughter. They took Marina, along with their five children. When Marina had reached adolescence, she was offered a job as a housekeeper and nanny for the youngest family members. Family with Marina moved to Bradford, Yorkshire, United Kingdom, in 1977, where she still lives. She got married and had children. Marina and her younger daughter, Vanessa James co-wrote a book about her experience in the wild, which they called "The Girl With No Name" (The girl with no name).
Madina, Russia 2013

Madina lived with dogs from birth until she was 3 years old, she shared with them food, play, and sleep with them on cold winter nights. In 2013, social workers found her naked on all fours and growling like a dog.
Madina's father abandoned her shortly after her birth. Her 23-year-old mother was an alcoholic. Often she was so drunk she could not care for the child, for the same reason, it is a long time away from home. She often invites friends of alcoholics, to her house. Her alcoholic mother sat down at the table to eat, while her daughter gnawed bones on the floor with the dogs. Once Madina ran to the playground, when her mother became very angry at her, but the other children did not play with her because she could hardly speak, and fought with everyone. So dogs became her best and only friends.
The doctors said that Madina mental and physical health, despite the trials through which she had to pass. There is a strong possibility that she could have a normal life as soon as learned to speak in accordance with its age.
Boy leopard, India 1912
This boy was only two years old when he took care of a female leopard in 1912. Three years later, a hunter killed a female leopard and found the three cubs, among which was a 5-year-old boy. He was returned to his family in a small village in India. When he returned home, he could only squat and run on all fours, with the speed with which an adult can not run in a vertical position. His knees were covered with hard calluses, his fingers were bent upright almost at right angles to the palm, thumb and phalanx fingertips were covered with hard, horny skin. He bit and attacked anyone who approached him, once he even caught and ate raw chicken. He could not speak, only groaning and growling. Later, he learned to speak and walk upright. Unfortunately, he gradually lost his sight due to cataracts. However, it was not related to his experience in the jungle, it was a family disease.
Sujit Kumar boy chicken, Fiji, 1978

Sujit was born with mental disabilities, so parents locked him in the chicken coop. His mother committed suicide and his father was killed. His grandfather took responsibility for the care of him, and continued to hold him in the chicken coop. He was eight years old when he was found in the middle of the road, Sujit cackled and clapped his hands. He pecked the food sitting on a chair like a bird on a perch, and published the rapid clicking sounds language. His fingers were bent inward. He was taken to a nursing home by its employees, but because of aggressive behavior, was tied to the bed sheets for over 20 years. He is now more than 30, and it takes care of Elizabeth Clayton, who had saved him from his home.
Kamala and Amala, India 1920
Kamala, 8 years old, and Amal, 12, were found in 1920 in a den of wolves. This is one of the most famous cases of wild children. They were found Reverend Joseph Singh, who hid in a tree above the cave where he saw them. When the wolves left the cave, he saw two human figures emerging from the cave. The girls looked very bad, moving on all fours and does not like people. Soon he caught them. When they were caught, the girl was asleep, curled up together, tore off his clothes, ate nothing but raw meat, growled and howled. Their tendons and joints in the hands and feet are physically deformed, becoming shorter. They had no interest in dealing with people. But their hearing, sight and smell were exceptional. Amala died the following year after the rescue. Kamala eventually learned to walk upright and to say a few words, but she died in 1929 of kidney failure when she was 17 years old.
Ivan Mishukov, Russia, 1998

Ivan was exposed to violence in the family and ran away from home when he was only 4 years. He lived on the streets, begging for alms. Over time he developed a strong bond with a pack of wild dogs, with whom he shared a meal. Dogs began to trust him and, in the end, he became something of a pack leader. So he lived for about two years until he was finally caught and placed in an orphanage. Thanks begging Ivan has not forgotten the human language. It is also a fact that played a huge role in his recovery after a wild life. He now lives a normal life.
Marie Angelique Memmi Le Blanc (wild girl of Champagne), France, in 1731
For 18th-century history Memmi was surprisingly well documented. For ten years, she walked thousands of miles alone through the forests of France. She ate the birds, frogs, fish, leaves, branches and roots. Armed with a stick she fought with wild animals, often with the wolves. It was captured at age 19, her skin was black with dirt, she had long, dirty hair and long fingernails. When Memmi fell on his knees to drink water, it is the habit to look around in a state of constant alert. She could not speak and communicate only by squealing and squeaking. She skinned with rabbits and birds and ate them raw. For many years, she did not eat food cooked by people. Her fingers were twisted like a monkey because she dug up the roots of his hands and swung in the trees like a monkey. In 1737 the Queen of Poland, the mother of the French queen was in France and Memmi took with him on the hunt, as she ran so fast that it was able to catch and kill rabbits. Despite all this, the recovery Memmi took place quite well. She had a number of wealthy patrons, she learned to read, write and speak fluently in French (which in itself is not easy). In 1747, she was for a while became a nun, but one fell out of the window, and its patron died shortly after this incident. She was sick and destitute, but soon found himself again a wealthy patron. In 1755, Ms. Memmi published his biography. She died in great financial prosperity in Paris in 1775, aged 63 years.
John Ssebunya, boy monkey, Uganda 1991
John ran away from home in 1988, when he was three years old when he saw his father killed his mother. He fled into the jungle, where he was to live with the monkeys. He was caught in 1991 at the age of 6 years and placed in an orphanage. After being washed, the shelter workers saw that his entire body was covered with hair. His diet consisted mainly of roots, nuts, sweet potato and cassava. He suffered from a bad case of intestinal worms, it was found that the length of some income to half a meter. He had calluses on his knees because he was moved by a monkey. John learned to speak the human language, and as it turned out, he had a beautiful singing voice. He became famous for his singing and even went on tour around the UK with a children's choir Pearl of Africa
Victor, the wild boy of Aveyron, France, 1797
Victor was spotted in the late 18th century in the forests of St. Sernin-sur-Rance, in the south of France, and also caught, but somehow he managed to escape. January 8, 1800, he was caught again. He was about 12 years old, his body was covered with scars, and he was unable to utter a word. After the news of his capture spread, many people have the desire to explore it. It is believed that he spent about seven years in the wild. Professor of Biology Victor studied the stability to low temperatures, which sent him naked out into the snow. Victor showed excellent resistance to cold and low temperature had no effect on his body. Others tried to teach him how to talk and behave "normally", but did not succeed in this. Perhaps before he could speak and understand speech, but he had been unable to do so after his return from the wild. Eventually, he was taken to the Institute in Paris, and died at the age of 40 years.
: Lifter.com.ua
33 Proof that raise children - it's great fun!
This photo spread around the world in a few days and collect Bol 4 million Laikov