That is why the soul can and should write! I do not suspect ...

According to recent estimates, each of us by clicking on the button toilet tank, uses approximately 15 liters of water per day. Unfortunately, this is not a positive impact on the environment.

Environmentalists urge us to save water resources, they argue that if you're losing in the shower is small, the water will go in times less! In addition, this process will positively affect your health ...

Treatment urine
  1. If there was fungus on your feet
    With a small lesion of foot fungus can use the compress of urine

    <. If the hand was no first aid kit
    On a walk or during a spontaneous holiday often is not at hand disinfectants. Small lesions may be treated with urine, it is a perfect replacement of iodine or hydrogen peroxide.

    No one is saying that we should treat severe burns by this method, of course, you need to contact the experts as soon as possible. But for small burns urinary compresses will be the best first aid. Just McNee sterile bandage in fresh urine, and apply it to the sore spot, as dry bandage will need to moisturize.

    Do not forget to share with your friends this useful information, they will be grateful!


See also

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