I have a 10 days delay, but I'm not pregnant! What is it and what to do ?!
If a woman is trying to conceive a child, regular offensive month and becomes a trouble for her, and happiness at the same time. On the one hand, it's cramping, pain, mood swings and generally continuous discomfort, but on the other - a lightweight breath: "Well, I'm not pregnant!»
But it can happen and such that do not occur monthly, and you know exactly what pregnancy is excluded. Do not panic: «Website» find 7 reasons for a possible delay
menstruation delay Stress
Gone through a lot of stress - the cause of many diseases. Changing jobs or moving, traveling to another country, the loss of a loved one can lead to serious disruptions in the body, and in the failure cycle including. Especially since the onset of critical days is regulated not only the sexual organs, but also the nervous system. Because of the strong turbulence menstruation may disappear altogether for a few years, there have been cases!
Intense physical activity
Intense exercise can lead not only to a significant reduction in the duration of menstruation, and even to a complete stop them. The common cold or flu
Any change in the condition of the body leads to disruption in many of its systems. Your body spends a lot of energy to fight the infection and could delay "minor" problems. Diet
Do you want to lose weight fast to an important event and found this super-fast diet? Prepare for violation of hormonal background. Fast weight loss to no good cause can not be! Eat a balanced and engage in moderate exercise, so as not to create stress for the body. Birth control pills and other medicines
Oral contraceptives substantially correct release of sex hormones level , and even doctors sometimes prescribe them for the normalization cycle. If, however, when taking contraceptive menses do not occur, it is possible that these pills do not fit. With regard to other drugs, even in herbs have different side properties, which can also affect the menstrual cycle
The imbalance of sex hormones
When the body produces male hormones in large numbers, there may be a cyst on the ovaries, lack of ovulation and menstruation occurs delay ... Thyroid problems
The thyroid gland regulates metabolism and the level of certain hormones. Hyperactivity of thyroid, or hypothyroidism, can cause delayed menstruation. Typically, after a treatment cycle returns to normal.
Do not delay a hike to the doctor, if long periods occur without apparent reason or the unnatural flow: too accompanied by heavy bleeding, fever, nausea or vomiting ... Take care of your health
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But it can happen and such that do not occur monthly, and you know exactly what pregnancy is excluded. Do not panic: «Website» find 7 reasons for a possible delay
menstruation delay Stress
Gone through a lot of stress - the cause of many diseases. Changing jobs or moving, traveling to another country, the loss of a loved one can lead to serious disruptions in the body, and in the failure cycle including. Especially since the onset of critical days is regulated not only the sexual organs, but also the nervous system. Because of the strong turbulence menstruation may disappear altogether for a few years, there have been cases!
Intense physical activity
Intense exercise can lead not only to a significant reduction in the duration of menstruation, and even to a complete stop them. The common cold or flu
Any change in the condition of the body leads to disruption in many of its systems. Your body spends a lot of energy to fight the infection and could delay "minor" problems. Diet
Do you want to lose weight fast to an important event and found this super-fast diet? Prepare for violation of hormonal background. Fast weight loss to no good cause can not be! Eat a balanced and engage in moderate exercise, so as not to create stress for the body. Birth control pills and other medicines
Oral contraceptives substantially correct release of sex hormones level , and even doctors sometimes prescribe them for the normalization cycle. If, however, when taking contraceptive menses do not occur, it is possible that these pills do not fit. With regard to other drugs, even in herbs have different side properties, which can also affect the menstrual cycle
The imbalance of sex hormones
When the body produces male hormones in large numbers, there may be a cyst on the ovaries, lack of ovulation and menstruation occurs delay ... Thyroid problems
The thyroid gland regulates metabolism and the level of certain hormones. Hyperactivity of thyroid, or hypothyroidism, can cause delayed menstruation. Typically, after a treatment cycle returns to normal.
Do not delay a hike to the doctor, if long periods occur without apparent reason or the unnatural flow: too accompanied by heavy bleeding, fever, nausea or vomiting ... Take care of your health
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