Why Soviet education genius is so popular in the world and is not relevant in Russia
"Forty sorokarublёvyh teachers can lead to complete decomposition of not only homeless team, but whatever team»
This quote is one of the most memorable in my humble opinion, included in the book - a collection of works of 7 volumes. The author of this book is - one of the most prominent Soviet teachers of the XX century. This is now his system is so popular in Europe, Asian countries, but is not relevant in Russia. It is now and today we can all - consciously forget, to erase, do not take ...
Think back to when you last heard mention of Makarenko? Due to some serious article on the subject of the education of the younger generation? In a public debate on the issues of education? I doubt it. Most likely in a normal conversation in an ironic context, saying that I, too, found a Makarenko ...
1988 was a special decision of the UNESCO declared the Year of Makarenko in connection with its 100-year anniversary. Then were the names of the four great teachers, determine the method of pedagogical thinking of the XX century - AS Makarenko, Dewey, Montessori and Mr. Georg Kerschensteiner.
Makarenko's works have been translated into almost all languages of the world, and his major work - "Pedagogical Poem" (1935) - compared with the best novels of education JJ Rousseau, J. Goethe, LN Tolstoy. She also named one of the ten most significant books on the upbringing of the XX century. Is this not evidence of international respect and recognition?
And 10,000 copies of the first complete edition of "Pedagogical Poem" was published in Russia ten years ago to the 115 th anniversary Makarenko. You may say that a strange circulation for multimillion reading country? However, publishers are still scratching their heads, how to implement the "unsaleable" book.
Outdated? Not relevant? Probably not left in the pedagogy of unsolved problems, well-bred girls and boys obediently go to school and juvenile delinquency at zero?
Almost a hundred years ago, ending the Poltava Pedagogical Institute, Makarenko wrote a diploma on the theme "The crisis of modern pedagogy." Who will take the liberty to say that the situation has changed radically?
He was a strange man, that Makarenko. After working for two years in a normal school, quiet, modest history teacher throws everything and goes to work for the director of the colony of juvenile offenders near Poltava. He directed it from 1920 until 1928 and re-learned pedagogy in combat as a soldier on the battlefield.
What motivated this man? After all, it was obvious that his act decisively, he puts an end to a quiet measured life. Maybe the very active attitude to life, which has become fashionable to speak recently?
In the early 20's in Russia, survived the revolution and civil war, there were more than 7 million homeless children.
They were a huge social disaster and danger. In the fight against juvenile delinquency and homelessness enormous theoretical and practical contribution made an AS Makarenko.
He invented a system of re-useful productive work in a team transformed a bunch of juvenile delinquents in a friendly cohesive team. The colonies had no protection, fences, cooler. The most severe punishment was a boycott, to which recourse is extremely rare. When under escort brought another waif, he took the child, and flatly refused to take his own business. It is a known makarenkovsky principle of advancing the good in man! "We do not want to know about you bad. Starting a new life! »
These numbers are hard to believe, but the fact is - a stubborn thing. Through hands Makarenko has been more than 3,000 homeless, and neither returned to crime, all found their way in life, become men.
These results could not achieve any correctional institution in the world. No wonder it is called not only a theorist but a practitioner of mass and rapid re-education.
Makarenko was sure that only work on the soul, rather than sewing mittens and gluing boxes contributes to successful rehabilitation.
From 1928 to 1936 he headed the labor commune them. Dzerzhinsky and scratch building two plants for the production of electromechanical and FED cameras, ie high-tech of its time. Children were able to learn complex technology, successfully worked and given the products are in great demand. Do not hesitate, do not you? Try to imagine a colony for juvenile offenders, which makes anti-virus software or computer consoles!
He was an amazing man, this Makarenko. Outright freed from military service because of poor health - congenital heart disease, a terrible myopia and more a "bouquet" of diseases - loved uniforms, discipline, an army order
. With a completely unpresentable appearance - round glasses with thick glasses, a big nose, a quiet hoarse voice - enjoyed success with beautiful women. His, laconic and slow, pupils adored and so jealous of him that he had decided not to marry so that they do not hurt. By the way, did so, leaving only the pedagogical work, he signed with his common-law wife
. He loved children, but unfortunately did not have their own, but raised two foster. The girl, the daughter of his brother, the White Guard, who managed to emigrate to France, later became the mother of the famous actress Ekaterina Vasilieva. A favorite with his brother, he maintained a relationship until 1937, while his wife, exhausted by the constant fear of arrest, is not required to stop the conversation.
He died of a heart attack at the age of 51, and it was a heavy blow to the world of pedagogy. Makarenko system studied and appreciated throughout the world.
For example, in Japan, his work reprinted in mass editions and is considered required reading for managers. Almost all firms are based on the patterns of labor colonies Makarenko.
But in Russia, the homeland of his system returns in the form of foreign methods "brainstorming", "teamwork", "team building", "improve employee motivation." Everything is assiduously studied at various trainings and seminars, besides a lot of money. Or, simply go back to the original sources?
"Teach a man to be happy - it is impossible, but to educate him so that he was happy, you can»
. "If a few abilities that require excellent study is not only useless, but also criminal. It is impossible to force a good student. This can lead to
tragic consequences. " "Education always takes place, even when you are not at home».
"Our pedagogical production never built on the logic of the process, but always according to the logic of moral preaching. This is particularly noticeable in the field of self-education ... Why in technical colleges, we study the resistance of materials and teaching do not study the resistance of the individual when it begin to bring? »
"Withdraw from the risk - means renouncing creativity»
. "My work with the homeless was by no means a special work with street children. Firstly, as a working hypothesis I have from the first days of its work with homeless found that no special techniques in relation to the street to use it is not necessary. »
"Verbal gymnastics training without accompanying behavior is the most criminal sabotage»
. "You can have them dry to the last degree, demanding to fault-finding, you can not ignore them ... but if you shine the work, knowledge, luck, then quietly do not look they are on your side ... On the other hand, no matter how you were affectionate , entertaining conversation, kind and friendly ... if your work is accompanied by setbacks and failures, if it is clear that you do not know your business at every turn ... never you deserve nothing but contempt ... »
"From the top" Olympic "offices do not distinguish any details and pieces of work. From there one can see only the boundless sea of faceless childhood, and in the study is an abstract model of a child made of the lightest materials: ideas, printing paper, a pie ... "Olympians" despise technique. Thanks to their dominion long ago withered in our pedagogical institutes pedagogically technical thought, especially in their own education. In all our Soviet life is no more miserable technical condition than in the field of education. And so educators, business is business handicraft and cottage industry of -.
Most backward " "Books - is entwined people»
. "Culture can not experience love without brakes, organized as a child."
Author: Igor Ciesielski
This quote is one of the most memorable in my humble opinion, included in the book - a collection of works of 7 volumes. The author of this book is - one of the most prominent Soviet teachers of the XX century. This is now his system is so popular in Europe, Asian countries, but is not relevant in Russia. It is now and today we can all - consciously forget, to erase, do not take ...
Think back to when you last heard mention of Makarenko? Due to some serious article on the subject of the education of the younger generation? In a public debate on the issues of education? I doubt it. Most likely in a normal conversation in an ironic context, saying that I, too, found a Makarenko ...

1988 was a special decision of the UNESCO declared the Year of Makarenko in connection with its 100-year anniversary. Then were the names of the four great teachers, determine the method of pedagogical thinking of the XX century - AS Makarenko, Dewey, Montessori and Mr. Georg Kerschensteiner.
Makarenko's works have been translated into almost all languages of the world, and his major work - "Pedagogical Poem" (1935) - compared with the best novels of education JJ Rousseau, J. Goethe, LN Tolstoy. She also named one of the ten most significant books on the upbringing of the XX century. Is this not evidence of international respect and recognition?
And 10,000 copies of the first complete edition of "Pedagogical Poem" was published in Russia ten years ago to the 115 th anniversary Makarenko. You may say that a strange circulation for multimillion reading country? However, publishers are still scratching their heads, how to implement the "unsaleable" book.
Outdated? Not relevant? Probably not left in the pedagogy of unsolved problems, well-bred girls and boys obediently go to school and juvenile delinquency at zero?
Almost a hundred years ago, ending the Poltava Pedagogical Institute, Makarenko wrote a diploma on the theme "The crisis of modern pedagogy." Who will take the liberty to say that the situation has changed radically?
He was a strange man, that Makarenko. After working for two years in a normal school, quiet, modest history teacher throws everything and goes to work for the director of the colony of juvenile offenders near Poltava. He directed it from 1920 until 1928 and re-learned pedagogy in combat as a soldier on the battlefield.
What motivated this man? After all, it was obvious that his act decisively, he puts an end to a quiet measured life. Maybe the very active attitude to life, which has become fashionable to speak recently?
In the early 20's in Russia, survived the revolution and civil war, there were more than 7 million homeless children.
They were a huge social disaster and danger. In the fight against juvenile delinquency and homelessness enormous theoretical and practical contribution made an AS Makarenko.

He invented a system of re-useful productive work in a team transformed a bunch of juvenile delinquents in a friendly cohesive team. The colonies had no protection, fences, cooler. The most severe punishment was a boycott, to which recourse is extremely rare. When under escort brought another waif, he took the child, and flatly refused to take his own business. It is a known makarenkovsky principle of advancing the good in man! "We do not want to know about you bad. Starting a new life! »
These numbers are hard to believe, but the fact is - a stubborn thing. Through hands Makarenko has been more than 3,000 homeless, and neither returned to crime, all found their way in life, become men.
These results could not achieve any correctional institution in the world. No wonder it is called not only a theorist but a practitioner of mass and rapid re-education.
Makarenko was sure that only work on the soul, rather than sewing mittens and gluing boxes contributes to successful rehabilitation.
From 1928 to 1936 he headed the labor commune them. Dzerzhinsky and scratch building two plants for the production of electromechanical and FED cameras, ie high-tech of its time. Children were able to learn complex technology, successfully worked and given the products are in great demand. Do not hesitate, do not you? Try to imagine a colony for juvenile offenders, which makes anti-virus software or computer consoles!
He was an amazing man, this Makarenko. Outright freed from military service because of poor health - congenital heart disease, a terrible myopia and more a "bouquet" of diseases - loved uniforms, discipline, an army order
. With a completely unpresentable appearance - round glasses with thick glasses, a big nose, a quiet hoarse voice - enjoyed success with beautiful women. His, laconic and slow, pupils adored and so jealous of him that he had decided not to marry so that they do not hurt. By the way, did so, leaving only the pedagogical work, he signed with his common-law wife
. He loved children, but unfortunately did not have their own, but raised two foster. The girl, the daughter of his brother, the White Guard, who managed to emigrate to France, later became the mother of the famous actress Ekaterina Vasilieva. A favorite with his brother, he maintained a relationship until 1937, while his wife, exhausted by the constant fear of arrest, is not required to stop the conversation.
He died of a heart attack at the age of 51, and it was a heavy blow to the world of pedagogy. Makarenko system studied and appreciated throughout the world.
For example, in Japan, his work reprinted in mass editions and is considered required reading for managers. Almost all firms are based on the patterns of labor colonies Makarenko.
But in Russia, the homeland of his system returns in the form of foreign methods "brainstorming", "teamwork", "team building", "improve employee motivation." Everything is assiduously studied at various trainings and seminars, besides a lot of money. Or, simply go back to the original sources?

"Teach a man to be happy - it is impossible, but to educate him so that he was happy, you can»
. "If a few abilities that require excellent study is not only useless, but also criminal. It is impossible to force a good student. This can lead to
tragic consequences. " "Education always takes place, even when you are not at home».
"Our pedagogical production never built on the logic of the process, but always according to the logic of moral preaching. This is particularly noticeable in the field of self-education ... Why in technical colleges, we study the resistance of materials and teaching do not study the resistance of the individual when it begin to bring? »
"Withdraw from the risk - means renouncing creativity»
. "My work with the homeless was by no means a special work with street children. Firstly, as a working hypothesis I have from the first days of its work with homeless found that no special techniques in relation to the street to use it is not necessary. »
"Verbal gymnastics training without accompanying behavior is the most criminal sabotage»
. "You can have them dry to the last degree, demanding to fault-finding, you can not ignore them ... but if you shine the work, knowledge, luck, then quietly do not look they are on your side ... On the other hand, no matter how you were affectionate , entertaining conversation, kind and friendly ... if your work is accompanied by setbacks and failures, if it is clear that you do not know your business at every turn ... never you deserve nothing but contempt ... »
"From the top" Olympic "offices do not distinguish any details and pieces of work. From there one can see only the boundless sea of faceless childhood, and in the study is an abstract model of a child made of the lightest materials: ideas, printing paper, a pie ... "Olympians" despise technique. Thanks to their dominion long ago withered in our pedagogical institutes pedagogically technical thought, especially in their own education. In all our Soviet life is no more miserable technical condition than in the field of education. And so educators, business is business handicraft and cottage industry of -.
Most backward " "Books - is entwined people»
. "Culture can not experience love without brakes, organized as a child."
Author: Igor Ciesielski
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