How to eat - and cheer
Without a doubt, the food plays a very important role in our lives. The way we eat is directly related to our health, because through the food we provide your body with specific nutrients that are necessary for it to work correctly.
Improper nutrition gives the completely opposite effect, it can be the worst enemy of our health as harmful products do not have sufficient amounts of nutrients, but much overload our body with toxins.
And the figures associated with human diseases due to poor nutrition, with each year becoming more and more alarming. The modern pace of life, combined with the economic interest of the food industry have done their job: a huge number of people around the world are choosing fast food as the main type of food consumed
Pizza, grilled steaks, pancakes, burgers, fries, hot dogs, meat products, sweets and fizzy drinks turn our taste preferences in real time bomb for our own health.
Food: myths and reality
Of course, the food topic is too broad and need to analyze each particular diet to identify potential health problems associated with it.
However, if to summarize, there are several ways of analyzing how we eat, and they already allow to understand how we get sick (or have suddenly ill).
It is important to learn to distinguish the type of protein, which is needed by the body, and one that can cause him harm. vegetable proteins, and proteins contained in lean meat, have a positive effect on the body, they help to build and strengthen muscles.
In the red meat contains toxic fat, other toxins, all kinds of additives and hormones, drugs and other compounds that can damage the gastrointestinal tract and cause the development of diseases.
Past research has shown that eating red meat 5 times a week 4 times increased risk of colon cancer compared with those who allow it to itself only once a month.
Despite the fact that in recent decades we have constantly urged the need to ensure that the consumption of milk calcium the body, today, this view is not so supported. It turns out, do not necessarily.
The fact that the consumption of milk have been linked to the emergence of various health problems, eg circulatory, respiratory diseases, diabetes and allergies, etc.
. Furthermore, it is known that milk contains casein protein, which can cause the development of cancer.
This product is one of the most used worldwide and simultaneously one of the most harmful to the organism. The fact that sugar is addictive and is a major cause of diabetes, which affects about 300 million people (annually diabetes causes 5% of all deaths).
Sugar lowers the protective functions of the body, nourish cancer cells, releases adrenaline, promotes the accumulation of fat and causes nervousness and depression.
The food pyramid has changed
Until recently, the food pyramid as follows: at the top were placed sweets, then walked dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and finally, at the bottom - carbohydrates
. Today, this food pyramid has changed completely: carbohydrates are moved to the top, followed by dairy products and red wine .... Then go nuts, poultry, fish and seafood, and then whole grains. Finally, at the base of the pyramid are located fruits, vegetables and olive oil (cold pressed), or healthy fats (omega-3).
In addition, each of us must be attentive to their type of food and try to eat foods so as to provide your body with essential nutrients to it. The only way he will be able to correctly perform all of its functions.
The lack or deficiency of nutrients in the body can lead to short-term or long-term health problems, to solve which will not be so easy to earn.
In addition, we should not forget that poor diet is a major cause of obesity, cardiovascular disease, depression, disorders of the liver and kidneys, etc.
In the process of preparing and cooking most foods lose their useful properties (not all, but most of them). Another recommended to consume organic products, as they contain less of various additives, and in their cultivation does not use fertilizers and pesticides that can harm our health.
And finally: your diet must be strictly controlled, if there is any indigestion. Lack of nutrients, it is desirable to make up, you can do it through supplements, but it is better to give preference to natural foods.
Improper nutrition gives the completely opposite effect, it can be the worst enemy of our health as harmful products do not have sufficient amounts of nutrients, but much overload our body with toxins.
And the figures associated with human diseases due to poor nutrition, with each year becoming more and more alarming. The modern pace of life, combined with the economic interest of the food industry have done their job: a huge number of people around the world are choosing fast food as the main type of food consumed

Pizza, grilled steaks, pancakes, burgers, fries, hot dogs, meat products, sweets and fizzy drinks turn our taste preferences in real time bomb for our own health.
Food: myths and reality
Of course, the food topic is too broad and need to analyze each particular diet to identify potential health problems associated with it.
However, if to summarize, there are several ways of analyzing how we eat, and they already allow to understand how we get sick (or have suddenly ill).
It is important to learn to distinguish the type of protein, which is needed by the body, and one that can cause him harm. vegetable proteins, and proteins contained in lean meat, have a positive effect on the body, they help to build and strengthen muscles.
In the red meat contains toxic fat, other toxins, all kinds of additives and hormones, drugs and other compounds that can damage the gastrointestinal tract and cause the development of diseases.
Past research has shown that eating red meat 5 times a week 4 times increased risk of colon cancer compared with those who allow it to itself only once a month.
Despite the fact that in recent decades we have constantly urged the need to ensure that the consumption of milk calcium the body, today, this view is not so supported. It turns out, do not necessarily.
The fact that the consumption of milk have been linked to the emergence of various health problems, eg circulatory, respiratory diseases, diabetes and allergies, etc.
. Furthermore, it is known that milk contains casein protein, which can cause the development of cancer.

This product is one of the most used worldwide and simultaneously one of the most harmful to the organism. The fact that sugar is addictive and is a major cause of diabetes, which affects about 300 million people (annually diabetes causes 5% of all deaths).
Sugar lowers the protective functions of the body, nourish cancer cells, releases adrenaline, promotes the accumulation of fat and causes nervousness and depression.
The food pyramid has changed
Until recently, the food pyramid as follows: at the top were placed sweets, then walked dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and finally, at the bottom - carbohydrates
. Today, this food pyramid has changed completely: carbohydrates are moved to the top, followed by dairy products and red wine .... Then go nuts, poultry, fish and seafood, and then whole grains. Finally, at the base of the pyramid are located fruits, vegetables and olive oil (cold pressed), or healthy fats (omega-3).
In addition, each of us must be attentive to their type of food and try to eat foods so as to provide your body with essential nutrients to it. The only way he will be able to correctly perform all of its functions.

The lack or deficiency of nutrients in the body can lead to short-term or long-term health problems, to solve which will not be so easy to earn.
In addition, we should not forget that poor diet is a major cause of obesity, cardiovascular disease, depression, disorders of the liver and kidneys, etc.
In the process of preparing and cooking most foods lose their useful properties (not all, but most of them). Another recommended to consume organic products, as they contain less of various additives, and in their cultivation does not use fertilizers and pesticides that can harm our health.
And finally: your diet must be strictly controlled, if there is any indigestion. Lack of nutrients, it is desirable to make up, you can do it through supplements, but it is better to give preference to natural foods.