Severe weight loss for a long time slows down metabolism

Researchers from the Research Institute of Diabetes and kidney diseases and digestive system (USA) published in the journal Obesity operation, which share the results of observation of the former members of the reality show «The Biggest Loser». According to information received, a lot of weight to lose fat men remain abnormally slow metabolism even a few years after a dramatic weight loss.
Scientists tracked the history of the 14th and the TV show participants, and found that sudden weight loss led to a significant reduction in the rate at which the body spends calories while resting. This condition persisted for six years after the weight loss. This leads to the fact that people are becoming more difficult to keep a normal weight - almost all of the back or close to their former weight
. In describing the work of scholars have expressed the hypothesis that the body slows the metabolism specifically to return the weight to a certain constant value, which it seeks to maintain. If the work will be recognized, this hypothesis can explain why it is so difficult to maintain weight after getting rid of the extra kilos.
metabolic indicators were taken from the participants directly before participating in the shooting, immediately after the shooting, and six years after the show. Within 30 weeks, for which filmed the show, his party lost an average of 64 kg. At the beginning of filming, participants spent by 2607 ± 649 kcal per day. By the end of this process, the speed dropped to 1996 ± 358 kcal per day. The more participants lose weight, the more slowed his metabolism.
Six years after the show only one participant weight was less than at the end of the competition. The remaining 13 kilos gained back - five of them are very close to their original characteristics. And anyway, the metabolic rate have remained low - an average of 1903 ± 466 kcal per day, or about 500 calories a day less than it should be the average person their volumes
. The researchers noted that while gastric bypass surgery, in which the working volume of the body to speed up the saturation significantly decreases the metabolic rate does not change. This operation really helps to lose weight is particularly problematic for patients, and in this case there is no special meaning weight, which would tend to the body.
Research Institute of Diabetes and kidney diseases and digestive system is part of the organization "US National Institutes of Health." This agency of the Department of Health of the United States of America. It is a major center of the US government responsible for the study of health problems and biomedicine. Composed of 27 institutes and research centers.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/275284/
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